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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课后阅读训练 三 unit 1 period 3 word版含答案

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  • 文档编号:87861946
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课后阅读训练 三Unit 1Period 3. 阅读理解AJack Ma, whose Chinese name is Ma Yun, became the richest man in China, when the company he founded floated on the stock market last year with a value of around140 billion. Here are some interesting stories about him. 1. “Beer”was the first word that Jack Ma searched for on the Internet. In 1995 Ma made his first trip to the US and used the Internet for the first time. After searching for “beer” and then “

      2、China”, he saw that no results came up relating to China. He decided to set up a Chinese websitethe seed for Alibaba had been sown. 2. Jack Ma applied to study at Harvard 10 times and was rejected each time. Ma failed the entry exams for colleges in China three times and was also rejected for many jobs in China, including one at KFC. He was turned down by Harvard 10 times after applying. 3. Jack Ma learnt English by giving tourists free guidesevery day for nine years. Limited resources meant it

      3、was difficult to learn English when Ma was young. However, he found that he could learn the language by giving tourists free tours around his hometown of Hangzhousomething that he did during his teenage years every morning for nine years. He found everything they said and did was so different from what he had been taught at school and by his parents, which opened his mind. 4. Jack Ma named his company Alibaba because its a globally known story. Ma simply wanted his company to have a global and i

      4、nteresting name, and realised that Alibaba is a story known across the world and it begins with A, appearing top of lists. The company was founded in 1999 and since then has grown from 15 employees to more than 30, 000. Ma hopes to keep expanding Alibaba outside of China. 【语篇概述】阿里巴巴公司上市以后, 马云成了中国最富有的人。本文讲述了马云的一些小故事。1. Ma Yun determined to set up a Chinese website when_. A. he applied to HarvardB. he visited America for the first timeC. he began to learn EnglishD. he wanted to make a fortune【解析】选

      5、B。细节理解题。根据1. “Beer”was the first word that Jack Ma searched for on the Internet. 中的内容可知, 是他在第一次访问美国期间发生的事情让他下决心要建立一个中文网站。2. Which of the following is not mentioned about Ma Yun in the passage? A. He took the entry exams for colleges three times. B. Some employers didnt offer him a job. C. Harvard turned down his application for his poor English. D. He once wanted to work at KFC. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据2. Jack Ma applied to study at Harvard 10 times and was rejected each time. 中的内容可知, 没有提到C项的内容。3. Ma Yun

      6、s experience of learning English tells us that_. A. he is a man with strong willB. he made a lot of money as a guideC. he accepted the value of foreignersD. what he had been taught at school was wrong【解析】选A。推理判断题。马云为学英语每天给外国游客做免费导游, 坚持九年。这说明他是一个意志坚强的人。4. From the passage we can conclude that Ma Yun will_. A. make more profit abroadB. settle in AmericaC. merge with other companiesD. expand his business in China【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的Ma hopes to keep expanding Alibaba outside of China. 可知, 马云希望阿里巴巴

      7、能继续开拓海外市场, 故选A。BDo you look like your name? Scientists say theres a good chance you do. This comes from a new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Researchers from Israel found that our given names may carry social stereotypes(成见), which can be seen in our facial appearance. Lead author Yonat Zwebner of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, along with her team, carried out eight separate studies involving hundreds of participants in Israel and France. The different

      8、experiments were set up to answer two main questions: whether people can accurately guess a persons name based only on a headshot and what is behind this matching effect. During the experiments, researchers asked students to look at photos of peoples faces and guess each persons name from a list of four choices. The participants correctly guessed the right name 38 percent of the time, which was better than the 25 percent rate of a random one-in-four guess. Whats more, the students were able to b

      9、est match the faces to the names when the faces they looked at came from within their own culture. French students were better at matching only French names and faces while Israeli students were better at matching only Hebrew names and Israeli faces. Researchers believe it is possible that people change their appearance without being aware of it, to match social norms(规范)carried by their names. One study in particular backed up this idea, showing that a hairstyle, something that can be changed by individuals easily, was enough to guide people in accurately guessing their names. The results of the experiments may even make parents think twice when choosing a name for their child. 【语篇概述】“人如其名”是中国的一句老话, 而近期科学家的一项研究表明,名字或许真的能改变人的容貌。5. Whats the main idea of the text? A. Our facial appearance can be changed quickly. B. We should chang

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