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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:unit 3 period 2

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    • 1、Unit 3 A healthy life Period 2 Reading要点讲解课,. 选词填空 mental, effect, unfit, desperate, disappointed 1. We should pay more attention to our _ health. 2. The new system will soon be put into _. 3. Ill try to do better so that he wont be _ in me.,mental,effect,disappointed,4. He was _when he lost all his money. 5. Those who have a low voice are _ to teach large classes.,desperate,unfit,. 根据语境及首字母提示写出正确的单词 1. My parents dont approve of me smoking c_. 2. Henry was accused of a_ his stepdaughter. 3. He

      2、was b_ from driving for twelve months because of the accident. 4. She was a_ of her childrens bad behaviour.,igarettes,busing,anned,shamed,5. The engines shut off a_in an emergency. 6. We should s_ the management of the market. 7. I advised him to think twice before deciding to q_ school. 8. She has four children by her first husband and is p_ now.,utomatically,trengthen,uit,regnant,. 根据语境填入适当的介词或副词 1. What made you decide _ a career as a vet? 2. The teams success was largely due _ her efforts.

      3、3. He quickly became accustomed _ the local food. 4. Many children have become addicted _ television. 5. Do you feel _ going out for a walk in the park with me?,on,to,to,to,like,6. Every word from the parents will have an effect _ the children.,on,1 ban vt. 禁止; 取缔 n. 禁令; 谴责 There was no need to ban the import of milk powder. 没有必要禁止奶粉的进口。 We should ban students from carrying mobile phones during school hours. 我们应该禁止学生上学期间携带手机。,Many smokers also support the ban on smoking in public places. 许多吸烟者也支

      4、持关于在公共场所吸烟的禁令。 China has announced a ban on all ivory trade and processing activities by the end of 2017. 中国宣布到2017年底禁止所有象牙贸易和加工活动。,【自我归纳】 ban. . . from sth. /doing sth. _ a(the)ban on _ put/have a ban _. . . 设立的禁令; 下令禁止,禁止做某事,关于的禁令,on,【易混辨析】,【活学活用】 People _ _ _ _ in many public places in England. 在英国许多公共场所禁止吸烟。 The government _ _ _ _ eating wild animals. 政府下令禁止吃野生动物。,are,banned,from,smoking,put,a,ban,on,The city has _ _ _ _ cars in this busy street. 该城市禁止在这条繁华街道上停车。 The museum puts a ban _ taki

      5、ng photos of exhibitions. (单句语法填空) He was banned from driving for one year. 译: _,a,ban,on,parking,on,他被禁驾一年。,2 due adj. 欠款的; 预定的; 到期的 (2016北京高考)The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow. 由于大雪, 这个城镇与外界的联系被中断了。,Our happy childhood is due to our fathers hard work. 我们幸福的童年应归功于我们父亲的辛勤工作。,One of the oldest survivors of the Japanese attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor was due to return to Hawaii to mark the 75th anniversary of the attack. 在夏威夷举行的日军偷袭珍珠港事件75周年纪念日上, 幸存者中年纪

      6、最大的一位预计出席该活动。,Have they been paid the money that is due to them? 他们应得的钱付给他们了吗?,【自我归纳】 _sth. /sb. 由于; 归功于(通常不放在 句首) be due to do _ be due to sb. _,due to,预定/预计做,应支付给/给予某人,【易混辨析】,【活学活用】 _ _ _ _ _ _ one little mistake! 所有这些问题都是因为一个小差错! She _ _ _ _ her study and graduate late this year. 她预计今年下半年完成学业并毕业。,All,these,problems,are,due,to,is,due,to,complete/finish,用due to, owing to, because of, thanks to填空。 He arrived late _the storm. _the rain, the meeting has to be put off. _the teacher, I have made gre

      7、at progress in my physics. Its said that the movie is due _take place in London on Tuesday.,due to/because of/owing to,Owing to/Because of,Thanks to,to,3 addicted adj. 入了迷的; 上了瘾的 He was/became addicted to poetry and hoped one day to be a poet himself. 他痴迷于诗歌, 希望自己有一天能成为诗人。 I dont think your brother will be addicted to computer games any longer. 我认为你弟弟不会再沉溺于电脑游戏。,【自我归纳】 be/become addicted to sth. /doing sth. _ 【知识延伸】 addiction n. 沉溺; 瘾 addictive adj. 使人上瘾的; 痴迷的,对有瘾,【活学活用】 Why are there so many te

      8、enagers _ _ playing computer games? 为什么那么多青少年玩电脑游戏上瘾呢? Childrens _(addict) to the Internet gets their parents worried.,being addicted,to,being addicted,Using natural dyes is both exciting and _ (addict). (单句语法填空) _ _ _ _ troubles his family. 他的毒瘾给家人带来烦恼。,addictive,His,addiction,to,drugs,4 accustom vt. 使习惯于 She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early. 她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的习惯。 He took his accustomed seat by the fire. 他在炉火边经常坐的座位上坐了下来。,He had to accustom himself to the cold weather of his new country. 他必须适应新的国家的寒冷天气。 I am not accustomed to being told what to do. 我不习惯于听别人指挥。,【自我归纳】 accustom . . . to . . . (其中to为介词) _ _ adj. 惯常的; 习惯了的 be/become accustomed to(其中to为介词) _ _ 使某人习惯于,使习惯于,accustomed,习惯于,accustom oneself to,【联想拓展】带介词“to”的短语 stick to坚持 lead to通向; 导致 pay attention to注意 object to反对 belong to属于 prefer. . . to. . . 与相比更喜欢 come to涉及, 说到 see to处理; 负责; 确保 get down to开始/着手做 be used to习惯于 refer to涉及; 提到 look forward to期望; 盼望,【活学活用】 (单句语法填空)Since

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