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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:unit 3 period 4

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、Unit 3 A healthy life Period 4 Using Language 要点讲解课,. 选词并用其适当形式填空 1. After their _, those _still remember the times when they tried hard to _. (survive/survival/survivor) 2. In your _ , in what way should we _ him? (judge/judgement),survival,survivors,survive,judgement,judge,3. To their _, the _ situation made him quite _. (embarrassment/embarrassing/embarrassed) 4. All the _ workers in this factory do as much work as their _ partners. (male/female),embarrassment,embarrassing,embarrassed,female,

      2、male,. 根据语境及汉语提示写单词 1. She is still _ (笨拙的)with chopsticks. 2. I want to make it clear that I have no _ (偏见)against you. 3. Its _ (违法的)to read peoples private letters without permission.,awkward,prejudice,illegal,4. He told a rather rude joke, and everyone looked _ (尴尬的). 5. All the _(女性的)workers in this factory got a present on March 8. 6. She passed a thread through the eye of her _ (针).,embarrassed,female,needle,. 翻译短语 1. _ 列举 2. _ 偶然碰到 3. _ 阻止某人做某事 4. _ 处境危险, 遭受危险 5. _ 有可能做某事 6. _ 确保,make a

      3、list of. . .,come across,prevent sb. (from)doing sth.,at risk,be likely to do sth.,make sure,7. _ 不管, 不顾 8. _ 陷入; 染上(坏习惯) 9. _ 冒险 10. _ 也就是说,in spite of,get into(a/the bad habit),take risks(a risk),that is,. 阅读文章, 回答下列问题 1. Whats the main idea of this poster? This poster mainly tells us what are _ and _; how _ is spread and some things you can do to _yourself.,HIV,AIDS,HIV,protect,2. Please match the main idea with proper part. Part 1 A. Some common false statements. Part 2 B. What is HIV and wh

      4、at is AIDS. Part 3 C. How is HIV spread and ways to protect yourself. 答案: Part 1-B; Part 2-C; Part 3-A,3. Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. (1)How does HIV spread? A. Through blood and other body fluid. B. Through hugging, touching or kissing. C. Through mosquitoes. D. Through visiting someone with AIDS.,(2)If we have meals with a person with HIV/AIDS, we will_. A. certainly get the virus B. lose our life soon C. not get the virus D. never be healthy,(3)How many suggestions did

      5、 the writer put forward to stay safe? A. Five. B. Six. C. Four. D. Three.,(4)According to the writer, how should we act towards people with AIDS? A. Treat patients with AIDS in a scientific way. B. Look down upon patients with AIDS. C. Stay away from patients with AIDS. D. Do our best to avoid AIDS.,(5)We can infer from the passage that_. A. HIV is equal to AIDS B. HIV is different from AIDS C. HIV cannot weaken a persons immune system D. people carrying HIV always look unhealthy,1 in spite of不顾

      6、; 不管; 尽管 翻译句子, 体会句中黑体部分的用法。 In spite of the bad storm John delivered his papers on time. _, 约翰仍按时投递报纸。,尽管天下暴雨,He always works hard in spite of the fact that he is not in good health. 他总是努力工作 _。,而不顾自己身体不好的事实,【易混辨析】,Though/Although its hard work, I enjoy it. 尽管这项工作艰难, 我却喜欢它。 He says what he thinks, regardless of other peoples feelings. 他怎么想就怎么说, 不考虑别人的感受。,【活学活用】 We arrived at the railway station on time _ _ _ _ _(虽然有暴风雨). In spite of my efforts to calm her down, my little sister continued crying.

      7、(句型转换) =_ _ _to calm her down, my little sister continued crying.,in,spite,of,the,storm,Despite,my,efforts,一句多译。 尽管他个子矮, 却是个出色的篮球运动员。 Though he is short, he is an excellent basketball player. _ _ _ _,Despite the fact that he is short, he is an excellent,basketball player.,In spite of the fact that he is short, he is an,excellent basketball player.,2 take risks(a risk)冒险 (2016北京高考)Your willingness to take risks increases during your teenage years. 在青少年时期, 你冒险的可能性会增加。,You will take the risk of cut

      8、ting your feet if you dont wear shoes. 如果你不穿鞋子, 就会有把脚划破的危险。 He saved my life at the risk of his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的命。 Dont risk going across the street at the red light. 不要在红灯亮时冒险过马路。,【自我归纳】 take risks=_ _ _ 冒险 _ the risk of. . . 冒的危险 at the risk of _ risk _ 冒险做某事,take,a,risk,take,冒着的危险,doing sth.,【活学活用】 He is not willing to _ _ _ _ (冒着的危 险)losing his money. They were determined to get there even _ _ _ _ (冒着的危险)their lives. They _ _ _ (冒着被困的危险)in a storm to make the villagers safe.,take,the,risk,of,at,the,risk,of,risked,getting,caught,I dont think they will risk _ (hold) an election.,holding,3 get into陷入; 染上(坏习惯) We should get into the habit of previewing and reviewing. 我们应该养成预习和复习的习惯。 If he hadnt taken your advice, he might have got into trouble. 要不是听了你的建议, 他可能早就遇到麻烦了。,【自我归纳】 get/fall into the habit of =form the habit of _ get into trouble _

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