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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:unit 2 period 2

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、Unit 2 Poems Period 2 Reading 要点讲解课,. 选词填空 rhyme, contradictory, cottage, endless, minimum 1. The last two lines of this poem dont _ properly. 2. There is the _ noise of the sea on the beach.,rhyme,endless,3. The prisoners statement was _ to the one hed made earlier. 4. You must practice each day for a _of 30 minutes. 5. He fixed up the _before they moved in.,contradictory,minimum,cottage,. 根据语境及首字母提示写出正确的单词 1. I find it hard to c_ my feelings in words. 2. A childs body is more f_ than an adult.

      2、 3. He tasted the soup to see if it was too s_. 4. You cant fully appreciate foreign literature in t_. 5. The b_ of the trees were swaying in the wind.,onvey,lexible,alty,ranslation,ranches,6. He bought his wife a valuable d_ ring as a birthday present. 7. The two buildings are modeled after the same p_. 8. She takes delight in t_ her younger sister.,iamond,attern,easing,. 翻译下列短语 1. _. . . 给列表 2. _ 有意义, 讲得通 3. _ 给某人留下深 刻的印象 4. _ 熬夜 5. _ 轻松, 不紧张, 从容,make a list of,make sense,give sb. a strong imp

      3、ression,stay up,take it easy,6. _ 用完, 耗尽 7. _ 由构成 8. _ 受欢迎 9. _ 尤其, 特别 10. _ 把转换成,run out of,be made up of,be popular with. . .,in particular,transform. . . into. . .,1 convey vt. 传达; 运送 I cant convey how angry I feel to you in words. 我无法用言语向你表达我有多愤怒。 This ship conveys oil from the Middle East to Europe. 这艘船从中东运输石油到欧洲。 The baby is now able to convey his meanings. 这个婴儿现在可以表达自己的意思了。,【自我归纳】 convey sth. (to sb. ) _ _ 把从运 送到 _ 表达/传达某人的 意思/情感,(向某人)传达/传递(思想情感等),convey sth. from. . . to. . .,convey ones

      4、 meanings/feelings,【活学活用】 I asked her to _ _ _ _ _ her mother. 我请她代我向她的母亲问好。 It is evident that she cant _ _ _ to me in words. 很明显, 她无法用语言向我表达她的感受。 Wires _ _ _ power station to the users. 电线把电从发电站输送到用户。,convey,my,best,wishes,to,convey,her,feelings,convey,electricity,from,2 take it easy轻松; 不紧张; 从容 Take it easy, what he said was no more than a joke. 别紧张, 他的话只不过是个笑话而已。 Take your time. If you take a taxi, you will have enough time to get there. 别急。如果乘出租车, 你将有足够的时间到达那里。,【易混辨析】,take it/things easy,tak

      5、e ones time,【知识延伸】 take . . . seriously 认真对待 take. . . for granted 认为是理所当然的 take. . . for example 以为例,【活学活用】 _ _ _ when you are on the stage. 在台上不要紧张。 There is no rush_ _ _ having meal. 别着急, 慢慢吃。,Take,it,easy,take,your,time,Im sorry I made a mistake! 对不起, 我搞错了。 _ _ _. Nobody is perfect. 没事, 人无完人。,Take,it,easy,We asked him to be in no hurry (=_) because we could take turns to help him. (同义替换),take it easy,3 run out of用完 We ran out of time and the puzzle remained unresolved. 我们的时间用完了, 谜语还没有解开。 Im

      6、running out of petrol. I must find a gas station before it runs out. 我的汽油_。我得趁它还没_, 赶快找到加 油站。,快用完了,用完,【易混辨析】,【活学活用】 单句语法填空。 Three days later, he ran out _ the food and had to come back. With all the money used _, the man had to make a living by begging. I like listening to the chimes given _ by the old church clock in our village.,of,up,out,一句多译 两周过去了, 他们的食物吃完了。 a. _. (run out of) b. _(run out) c. _(give out),Two weeks passed, and they ran out of the food,Two weeks passed, and the food ran out.,

      7、Two weeks passed, and the food gave out.,d. _ (use up),Two weeks passed, and the food had been used up.,4 be made up of由构成 As is known to all, the world is made up of small particles called atoms. 众所周知, 世界是由叫做原子 的小微粒组成的。 Five girl students and three boy students make up our group. 我们小组由5个女生和3个男生组成。(make up意为 _),组成,【名师指津】不同的“组成” be made up of=be composed of=consist of“由组成”, 其中consist of不能用于被动语态和进行时。,【活学活用】 The special class is made up of gifted children in art or in other fields. (同义句转换) =The spe

      8、cial class _ _gifted children in art or in other fields. =Gifted children in art or in other fields _ _the special class.,consists,of,make,up,5 in particular尤其, 特别 Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetryTang poems from China in particular? 你知道说英语的人也喜欢其他形式的亚洲诗, 尤其是中国的唐诗吗?,Tom likes many sports, basketball in particular/particularly basketball. 汤姆喜欢许多运动, 尤其是篮球。 She is particular about what she eats. 她对吃很讲究。,【自我归纳】 in particular=_ 特别, 尤其 _ 对讲究; 挑剔,particularly,be particular about,【活学活用】 单句语法填空。 Im interested in insects, and beetles _ particular. Im not very particular _ the design. But I want something of good quality.,in,about,(2016全国卷)Other cultures may use silence in other ways, _ (particular) when dealing conflicts among peo

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