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七年级英语下册 unit 7 the birthday topic 1 when is your birthday跟踪练习 (新版)仁爱版

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    • 1、Unit 7 Topic 1 词语跟踪练根据句意,选用适当的词语并用其适当形式填空。I. how long; how far 1. _ _ is your school from the shopping center?2. _ _ is the Changjiang River?3. _ _ is it from here?4. _ _ must I wait for?5. _ _ is it from here to the Central park?6. _ _ do you want to study?7. _ _ does it take your mother to walk to her office?8. _ _ can I keep this book?II. day; date1. _ the _ today? Its March 1st. 2. My brother works very hard. He studies 14 hours a _. 3. Do you know the _of the soccer game? 4. I dont know the

      2、_of sports meeting. Do you know? 5. What _is it today? 6. How many _ are there in a week? 7. Im not free. I have much work to do next_. 8. What was the_yesterday? It was February 18th. 9. Whats the_of your birthday? III. make; do 1. What are you _? I am playing soccer. 2. Can you_ a toy car?3. _ you know him?4. Lets_ a model plane. 5. He _ well in playing soccer. 6. My father wants to_ a kite for me. 7. What are you _? I am making cards. I. 1. How far 2. How long 3. How far 4. How long 5. How fa

      3、r 6. How long 7. How long 8. How long II. 1. Whats, date 2. day 3. date 4. date 5. day 6. days 7. day 8. date 9. dateIII. 1. doing 2. make 3. Do 4. make 5. does 6. make 7. making / doingUnit 7 Topic 1 重难点知识跟踪练I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My son _ (be) born in 1998.2. What day _ (be) it tomorrow?3. Miss Wang wants _ (go) shopping with us.II. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词)1. 你是什么时候出生的?_ _ you born?2. 今天是几号?_ the _ today?3. 她是10月1日出生的。She _ born _ October 1st.4. 你能给我买台计算机吗?Can you _ a computer _ me?III. 句型转换。(每空一词)1. He

      4、was born in June, 1988. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he born?2. Its March 8th today. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ today?3. Mary often buys some cakes for her mother. (改为同义句)Mary often buys .I. 1. was 2. is 3. to go II. 1. When were 2. Whats, date 3. was, on 4. buy, for III. 1. When was 2. Whats the date 3. her mother some cakesUnit 7 Topic 1口语训练根据情景及首字母提示补全对话。S: Can I help you?B: Yes, Im looking for a birthday p_1_ for my friend.S: W_2_ would you like?B: I dont know. Let me h_3_ a look first.G: How about that f_4_?B: I dont

      5、think Kangkang likes a soccer ball. He is good at playing basketball.S: What a_5_ this basketball?B: Its not very nice. I dont like i_6_. Can you g _7_ me that one?S: OK. H_8_ you are.B: Its nice. Ill t_9_ it. Whats your present for Kangkang, Jane? G: Ah, its a secret. Ill give him a s_10_.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _1. present 2. What 3. have 4. football5. about 6. it 7. give 8. Here 9. take 10. surpriseUnit 7易混知识点小练(一)I. 找出句中错误的选项填在题前括号内, 并在题后横线上改正。() 1. Are you at school

      6、yesterday afternoon, Jim? _ A B C D() 2. He came to see me in May 4th, 2008. _ A B C D() 3. Tom, can you to help me to carry this box? _ A B C D() 4. What does it like? _ A BIt is like an egg._ C D()5. Would you like going shopping with me this afternoon? _ A B C DII. 短文改错:下面的一段话中有五处错误,请你在错误处加下划线然后依次在题后横线上改正。Jim is an American boy. He is born in 1998. He came to China in 6th June, 2007. We are in the same school. He often helps me speak English and I can to help him speak Chinese. He likes going

      7、 shopping and he often asks me, “What does it like?” And I often cant answer it. So I often say to him, “Would you like telling me?” he laughs.A. _ B. _ C. _ D. _ E. _ I. 1. A。Are改为Were 2. C。in 改为on。3. B。to help 改为help。 4. A。does改为is。5. B。going改为to go。II. A. 第二个is改为was B. in 6th June改为on 6th June C. to help改为help D. does改为is E. telling改为to tell数词小练把下列基数词与序数词相互转换。1. two _ 2. eight _ 3. fortieth _ 4. ninth _ 5. eleven _ 6. twelfth _ 7. fifteen _ 8. ninety-first_9. one hundred_10. one hundred and three _ 1. second 2. eighth 3. forty 4. nine 5. eleventh 6. twelve 7. fifteenth 8. ninety-one 9. one hundredth 10. one hundred and third

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