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七年级英语上:module 1 unit 2 seasonal changes教案沈阳牛津版

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、Module 1 ChangeUnit 2 Seasonal ChangesPeriod: First periodAims and Demands: Students are required to a. Complete a notice about winter uniformsb. Look at a chart and spot the differences between summer and winterc. Use some notes and write about the characters school life in winterd. Say and act out a poem about the four seasonsMain points:A. You must wear white shirts with short sleeves, grey shorts and short white socks.B. The days are longer (in summer).C. It will not be dark until half past

      2、seven. / The days start before six oclock.D. Not many students like playing football.E. In summer, more students like staying in the library because it is air-conditioned.Teaching strategy:a. Learn-in-situationb. Learner-basedc. Ask and answerd. Introduce Means of Teaching: Multimedia / discussion / role-playTeaching aids: Tape-recording / slide Teaching procedure:Step 1Pre-task preparation Warning up: What will you be like in 13 years time? What do you want to do? What will you possibly be? Do

      3、you like the school life? Why / Why not? Do you need to wear uniforms ? Do you like winter uniforms or summer uniforms? Learn the new words according to the slide( sleeves, a ribbon, a pair of trousers, a blazer)Step 2 While-task procedure Listen to the recording, then answer the questions When / In which months must the students wear summer uniforms? What must the boys wear? What must the girls wear? Talk about when the students must wear winter uniforms and what they must wear according to the

      4、 slide Finish the noticeStep 3Post-task procedure Discuss “ Must the students wear uniforms?” in groups of 4Sentence patterns: I think Yes, I agree. / Thats true.Sorry, I dont agree.In my opinion Sum upHomework: Written work: Grammar Book page 21 Oral work: The school uniformsTeaching comments: This is the first period of the unit. It is easy for the students to remember the new words about the uniforms. They can describe the pictures correctly. But they have difficulties in pronunciation, such

      5、as blouse, trousers, shirts and shorts.Period: Second periodAims and Demands: Students are required to e. Complete a notice about winter uniformsf. Look at a chart and spot the differences between summer and winterg. Use some notes and write about the characters school life in winterh. Say and act out a poem about the four seasonsMain points:A. You must wear white shirts with short sleeves, grey shorts and short white socks.B. The days are longer (in summer).C. It will not be dark until half pas

      6、t seven. / The days start before six oclock.D. Not many students like playing football.E. In summer, more students like staying in the library because it is air-conditioned.Teaching strategy:e. Learn-in-situationf. Learner-basedg. Ask and answerh. Introduce Means of Teaching: Multimedia / discussion / role-playTeaching aids: Tape-recording / slide Teaching procedure:Step 1Pre-task preparation Listen to a poem “Footprints” Repeat the poem sentence by sentence Get the main idea of the poem Whats t

      7、he weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter? What do people usually do in spring/summer/autumn/winter? What can you see and what do you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?Step 2While-task procedure Listen to Alice and Eddies notes, then answer questions. What can you see in the school garden? Do many students like playing football in the playground? Why? Where do more students like staying? Why? What do more students like having for lunch? What do they like having after school? Write Alice and

      8、 Eddies school life in winter.WinterIn the school gardenIn winter, there are not many flowers in the garden.In the playgroundIn winter, more students like running in the playground because it helps them to keep warm.In the canteenIn winter, more students like having noodles and rice. Not many students like having salad for lunch. More students like having hot soya milk and other hot drinks. Not many students like having soft drinks and ice lollies. Tell the difference between spring and winter with the chart given. How long do the days last in spring/winter? When does it get dark in spring/winter? Tick the right answersStep 3Consolidation Grammar book page 22-23 Exercise book page 11-12HomeworkOral work: The difference between spring and winter

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