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七年级英语上册 unit 1 lesson 4 meeting my family同步练习(无答案)牛津沈阳版

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  • 文档编号:87858085
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:19.50KB
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    • 1、Lesson 4 Meeting my familyTeacher: Zhao Checker 1: FuHua Checker 2: QuQiangName : _ Date: _Parents name : _ Stars: _T一.Learning aim:1. Introduce your family members2. Can say and spell the members3. Try to act the introduction二.Lesson Preparation:New words三.教学步骤: 译下列短语1.这是我的母亲_2.见到你也很高兴,李女士_3.爷爷_ 4.奶奶_5.兄弟_ 6.姐妹_四.分组讨论处及练习:1.塞蒙,这是我的母亲_2.你好,塞蒙,见到你很高兴_3.见到你也很高兴_4.Discuss in groups_五.巩固练习提高:一. 选择并抄写单词1. Whats _(you,your) name?2. They are his _(friends,friend).3. How old _( are,is) your brother?4. _

      2、(Excuse me, Sorry) ,sir, are you Mr Li?5. Nice _( too, to) meet you.二. 根句意重新拼写单词This is my _( reomth).1. Nice to meet _(uoy)2. _(htat) is my father.3. _(yeth) are my brothers.4. Whats his _( amne)?三. 根句意添写单词1. This is my _( 朋友), Simon.2. Nice to _( 见到 ) you too, Mrs Li 四.阅读理解:对的填T 错填FI have two good friends. One is a girl,the other is a boy.The girls first name is Tanya.Her last name is Lopez. Her telephone number is three-two-three,four-four-one-nine. The boys first name is Jim.His last name is Moore. His phone number is eight-eight-eight, one-one-two-two.( )1. Her name is Tanya Lopez.( )2. Her first name is Tanta.( )3.His last name is Jim.( )4. His phone number is 888-1212.( )5.Her telephone number is 323-4419.教师评价_ 家长评价_课后反思_ _

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