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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练5(仁爱版九年级上)

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  • 文档编号:87852676
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、1. Michael and Kangkang are going to see them off.迈克尔和康康一起去为他们送行。See sb. off 为某人送行。 如:I went to the airport to see him off.我去机场送他。2.Michael sees a foreigner putting out his hand with his thumb raised.(1)put out 在这里是“伸出,摆出”的意思。 put out 后接代词时,代词必须放在put与out之间。That old man put out his hands and asked for money. 那个老人伸出手要钱。Put it out! 把它扔出去!【拓展】put out 还有“熄灭,灭火”之意。如:She put the fire out.他把火熄灭了。(2)with 引导的短语在这里表示伴随的状况。由于thumb与raise在逻辑上是一种被动关系,故用raise的过去分词形式raised来表明thumb所处的状态。3.They reach the airport t

      2、wenty minutes later.二十分钟后他们到达机场。twenty minutes later. 二十分钟后in twenty minutes 和 after twenty minutes都表示“二十分钟后”,但它们的的用法不同:“in+时间段”常用于将来时态; “after+时间段”常用于过去时态。 如We will finish the work in 3 days.He became a teacher after 3 years.= He became a teacher 3 years later.1. the driver stopped the minibus and picked up the foreigner.司机停下小型公共汽车,让那个外国人上了车。pick up 开车去接;让人乘车;捡起 如:I will pick you up at five.我五点钟来接你。【基础知识过关】I. 短语1.为某人送行_ 2.在他们去机场的路上_3.伸出他的手,大拇指朝上_ 4.请求搭乘_5.看他身势语_ 6.载我到机场_ 7.上车_ 8.二十分钟后_9.为我的英语担心

      3、_ 10.做某事有困难_11.给某人发一封邮件_ 12.动身去迪斯尼乐园_13.去加拿大旅行_ 14.二十分钟后到家_15.祝你好运!_ 16.感到困惑_17.保密。_ 18.镇静!_19.开个玩笑。_ 20.必胜!_II. 根据汉语提示完成单词或短语1. you go first and I will _(跟随)you.2. He will come back in the _(随后的)days. 3. Lets _ him _ (给送行)when he leaves here. 4. I saw her _(跳舞)in the classroom when I passed there. 5. My father will _(动身去)London next week.6. His father will _ Dalian _(离开去)Tianjin this Sunday. 7. Sara was _ (激动的) when she saw her favorite film star. 8.Tom drove to the airport to _(接)his friends.9

      4、. _(无论何时)you call her, youll find her sitting by the window. III. 用所给动词的正确时态填空1. -When _ you _ (go) to Shenzhen? -Last week.2. -_ you _ (meet) your pen pal at the airport? -Yes, I am.3. -_ your father _ (fly) to New York this afternoon? -No, he isnt.4. Welcome! How long _ you _ (stay) here? -For three weeks.5. -_ you ever _ (travel) to Disneyland? -Yes, Ive been there twice. IV根据汉语提示完成句子1. _ _ _ _ _(在我上学的路上),I saw Li Ming running in the street.2. Ill go to the airport to _ _ _ (给她送行).3. We must

      5、_ _(镇静下来) in the face of danger.4. 他们很担心他们的航班。They _ _ _ their _.5. 用英语跟别人交流你有困难吗?Do you have any _ _ with others in English?6. 无论你什么时候来,我都会去接你。(汉译英)_7. The film has been on for twenty minutes.(用begin改为将来时句子)The film _ _ in twenty minutes.【综合能力提升】I. 单项选择1. Mr. Lee _ Beijing International Airport at ones oclock yesterday afternoon. A. arrived to B. arrived C. reached D. reached at2. Some people may not clearly know the differences _ American English and British English. A. between B. among C. wit

      6、h D. both 3. I hope _ there on day. A. I can go B. me going C. me to go D. I to go 4. English is used _ the first language _ most people in America, Canada, Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand. A. as; as B. as; by C. by; by D. as; so 5. Most of the time, he has no difficulties in _ people from different countries.A. understand B. understanding C. to understand D. understood6.My father has gone to Japan. He will be back _ two weeks.A. in B. after C. before D. later7. If you want to _,you sho

      7、uld put on your hands with your thumbs raised. A. ask for help B. ask for a ride C. call someone D. turn left8. We _to the U.S.A. tomorrow.A. will be traveling B. are traveling C. traveling D. travel9. Wang Junfeng is leaving for Disneyland ,so we are to _.A. see him off B. see off him C. pick him up D. meet him10. Liu Meng met his old friend on _ home. A. his way to B. their way to C. his way D. they way II. 完形填空Most adults (成人) once studied at school, had classes and did their homework everyday. The same thing is going on at school now. _1_ it seems that doing weekend homework is _2_ problem for the modern students.All the students should _3_ that weekend homework should be abolished (取消). It is _4_ for them to study at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, when can they find _5_ to help their parents do the housework, go and see a footb

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