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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 学案3(仁爱版九年级上)

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、 学习目标与要求:1. 初步学习现在进行时表示将来的用法。 2.了解不同英语国家所讲英语的差异。模块一:自主学习(独立进行)预时10分钟学法指导学习内容精讲点拨Step1. 诵读解决字词(10)1. 自由朗读课文,在课文中划出下列新词汇:Australian, British, suitcase, trunk, difference, autumn, 并注出词义。2、再次朗读课文,在课本划出学习内容处Step1. 2的重点词汇,并抄下来,看谁找得又快又准确;3.完成第62页3【pair work】Step1. 2翻译下列词组和句子我听不懂你的话 向某人问好 _ _与相同 讲英语的国家_ 顺便说一下 _听起来很有趣 祝旅途愉快_玩得开心 _ 模块二:交流研讨(小组合作、展示、精讲)预时40分钟学法指导研讨内容精讲点拨交流研讨一:(15)Step2听读-感知大意我们知道,英语在全世界被广泛使用,不同国家说不同的语言,不同的国家也讲不同的英语。1、仔细听p61页的1a,感知语音语调,你知道Jane, Kangkang and Junfeng 在谈论些什么吗?快来仔细听一听吧!2、听读:A听第

      2、一遍,不读,感受他们在讨论什么。B. 听第二遍,小声读一读,模仿他们说话的口气。C. 听第三遍,大声起立跟读,争取能正确地读。D用自己喜欢的方式大声朗读。E. 朗读课本P61页1a,完成1b.3、完成听力p62【2 Work alone】交流研讨二:(25)Step3品读-读出理解 1、默读课文,根据课本1a内容,完成Step3. 1下列句子。(5)2.认真品读学习内容处Step3.2重点句,归纳其用法,先做完者在白板展示。(10)3小组长组织,带领全组讨论答案。(5)4. 完成第62页1c【work alone】5小组内讨论答案。Step3. 1默读课文,根据课本1a内容,完成下列句子。1. “G day” means “ ” in Australia.2. “Good on ya, mate!” means “ !” in Australia.3. Australians call girls “ ”.4. When people in London tell you put your suitcase in the boot , the “boot” means . 5. The

      3、y are talking about the differences Step3.2重点句梳理1. By the way , Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow.顺便说一下,我明天要飞往迪斯尼乐园。【解析】be flying 进行时态表将来= 。这种用法常用于表示意图、安排或打算的句中。这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。常用动词包括: come, go, leave, arrive, start等。【及时训练】 ( )-When you Shanghai?- Tomorrow. A. do, leave B. were ,leaving C. are, leaving D. did ,leave2. If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences. 如果你想成功地表达并能让别人明白自己的意思,就需要了解一下英美英语的差异。【解析】1)succeed in doing sth. “成功地做某事” (succ

      4、ess) = (successful) 2)make oneself understood “表达清楚自己的意思“。其结构为: (宾语补足语),类似的短语有:have + 宾语+ 过去分词(宾语补足语)3)difference 是名词,它的形容词 ,副词为 常用短语: (不同于) 其反义短语 4)请看下列句子归纳need的用法 You need to know these differences. 需要了解这些差异 The flowers need watering/need to be watered every day. 花需要每天浇水 -Need he go home at once? 他需要马上回家吗?-Yes, he must . / No, he neednt . 是的,他必须马上回家。/不,他没必要马上回家。【归纳】 sb. 实义动词need sth. = 情态动词+ , 多用于疑问句和 肯定回答: ;否定回答: 1、总结巡查时发现的问题模块三:练习训练(独立完成)预时3分钟Step5单选( )1. When _ you for Beijing? -This evenin

      5、g. A. do, leave B. are, leaving C. did, leave D. were, leaving( ) 2. My father has bought a computer for me. It is the same _ . A. with you B. with yours C. as you D. as yours ( ) 3. -I hope you can succeed up your own company. -Thank you. A. on setting B. in setting C. on set D. in set( ) 4. She was glad that she could make herself . A. to understand B. understand C. understood D. understanding( ) 5. I beg your pardon(宽恕,原谅)? I didnt you. A. follow B. see C. know D. listen( )6. They need their

      6、work on time. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. to be finished教学后记:_ _ 课题:Unit3 Topic2 English is spoken differently in different countries. Section A P61-62【日日清检测过关】1、用时:15分钟 2、训练方式:独立完成 3、互动(整理提高):15分钟基础题:一、用所给的单词的适当形式填空。1. We should know the _ (different) between British English and American English.2. John is the manager of an _ (Australia) company.3. My father_ (fly) to Xian next week.4. He succeed in _ (pass) the exam.5. I dont understand the _ ( mean ) of that paragraph.二、单项选择。( ) 1.

      7、 Look! Lily with her sister _ a kite on the playground. A. is flying B. are flying C. flying D. fly( ) 2. Im afraid you have to his advice. A. receive B. follow C. carry D. listen( ) 3. Oral English is different from _ English.A. writing B. writes C. wrote D. written( ) 4. Her sister succeeded in_ a place at the art school last year.A. geting B. to get C. getting D. got( ) 5. When someone tells you that he is going to a place of interest, you should say “_ “.A. The same to you B. Take it easy C. Help yourself D. Have a good trip*发展题:完形填空。More than 3,000 languages are spoken on the ea

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