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unit 2 you mustn’t move 学案(外研版九年级下)

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:87852567
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:135KB
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    • 1、Teaching aims:1、知识目标:(1) 词汇:valley , peaceful, gesture, stick, still, sudden, blood, fall asleep, reach out (2) 句型:We should hang the food a tree tonight. It was peaceful, and we fell asleep listening to the sound of water.You mustnt move or make any gesture.If I reach out, I can just touch him.2、能力目标:Enable the students to read the article about bears and write notes about the things they must do if there are bears near. Enable the students to write a passage called: Look after the countryside-

      2、and yourself. 3、情感目标:了解旅游常识,做生活的强者。Teaching keys; (1)句型:We should hang the food a tree tonight.It was peaceful, and we fell asleep listening to the sound of water.You mustnt move or make any gesture.If I reach out, I can just touch him.(2)语法: 情态动词Teaching difficulties:The usage of “must/have to/should/can/ may”.知识点拨-:一Key words:1.peaceful adj.安静的,宁静的 eg: Its so peacefull out here in the country.这里的郊外非常宁静。 联想辐射:(1)peaceful adj。和平的;和谐的 China is a peaceful country.中国是一个和平的国家。2. sudden adj.突然的 eg: a

      3、 sudden turn 一个急转弯联想辐射:suddenly adv. 突然地 eg:It all happened so s 。.一切都来得那么突然。二Key phrans1. on our first evening序数词前面要用冠词the,但若其前已经有形容词性物主代词,则可以省略。例如:our first evening2. The three of us were tired after walking for about(after词性)the three of us_three of us_They have eight people in the team.(这八个人)_all know only goodThere are 10 people in the office and (其中八个)_are women.3. fall asleep 入睡 (非延续性动词,不能与时间段连用) go to bed上床睡觉 be asleep 睡着 (表状态,可与时间段连用)go to sleep 表示“入睡”的过程 sleepy adj. 困倦的;打盹的我在看书的时候,感到困倦

      4、,不不久就睡着了,但我不知道我是什么时候睡着的。While I was reading, I _ _ and soon I _ _.But I didnt know when I _ _ _.4. 在树上in a tree(外来物)on a tree (本身长出的水果、树叶等) (1) look! A monkey is sitting _ _ _(2) look at the apples_ _ _(3) How many birds are there _ the tree?(4) The apples _ the tree look delicious.5. hang:悬挂 hanged hanged 绞死:hung hungAt last the two pictures were _ side by side. The murderer was _ this morning.6. pick up (1)拾起,捡起 (2)(车辆等)中途接(人)tidy up 整理。 注意宾语是介词时,只能放在up 前面pick up the rubbish 捡起垃圾 pick (it/them

      5、)upHe _ _(拿起) the book and told us a story.Tom, you must _ _ (整理好)your bedroom before going out to play7. move on 继续前进8.make a lot of noise 制造许多噪音 The boys are _ _ _ _in the room. 男孩们在房间里发出很多声响。9.make a gesture/make gestures打手势,做动作 He _ _._.to say goodbye to us.(做了一个手势)10.above all 首先 _ _.,stay calm.首先,保持冷静。联想 after all 毕竟,别忘了 at all 根本,丝毫 in all 总计,总共11.see sb/sth doing sth:看见某人正在干某事 (强调动作正在进行) see sb/sth do sth 看见某人做过某事(强调看见整个动作的全过程)When I walked past his room, I saw him _(read) a book from th

      6、e window.I saw a women _(come)out of the room just now.12. remember doing:记着做过某事(已做)remember to do:记着去做某事(还没做)(1)He always remembers _(lock) the door before leaving the house.(2)I remember _(put) the letter on the desk, but its gone.(3)Dont you _ the man before? 你不记得以前见过那个人吗?(4)_ the post office after school.记着放学后去趟邮局。13.reach out:伸手去摸(1)猴子伸出手去够香蕉.The monkey _ _a hand _the banana. (2)他伸手去够电话,打翻了一个杯子.He_ his hand _ _ the phone and knocked over a glass.(3)汤姆太矮了,不能够得如此高。Tom is too short to _ _so hi

      7、gh.14. stand very still站着一动不动When he heard the surprising news,(他像雕像一样纹丝不动的站着)he_ _ like a sculpture.15. stay in the same position:保持同一姿势16. on the first morning 在第一天晚上表达不同时间段的短语(1) on a cold evening (2) in the middle of the night:(3) in the morning/afternoon/evening:on the morning of(4) later that day: (5) during the night:(6) The next day: (7) for the next 10 days17every time:引导一个状语从句,表示每次.每当”每次我去看他,他总是在房间学习._I go and see him, he_ in the room.三Key sentences1. We fell asleep listening to the so

      8、und of water. (在句中作什么成分)她哭着离开了She left_.他蹦蹦跳跳得进了教室.He went into the classroom_.2. The first rule of camping is to keep a clean camp site. (作什么成分)节约水就是挽救生命._ is_.What you go to do now is(去帮助老人)_.His job is _(feed) the animals on the farm. 3. .my blood went cold.go:表示“处于(某种状态 ,尤指令人生厌的状态)”,+adj我们最好趁这些苹果还没坏,吧他们吃掉._these apples before they_ _ .当堂达标一根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1. The village lies in a v_.2. When the night comes, the village in the mountain is very p_.3. The deaf use g_ language.4. A bird is standing on a small s_ singing.5. When I touched the thing, it s_ stood s_. 6. Every time there was a s_ noise, my b_ went cold.7. Thursday is the f_ day of the week.二、翻译短语1. 我们仨(总体只有三个人

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