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unit 2 教案 1 外研版七年级上册

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    • 1、Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.课型:Reading and writing教材分析:本模块是围绕动物这一话题展开,主要学习有关动物的问答与表述。理解掌握一般现在时单数第三人称肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答。学生们喜欢动物,也渴望更多了解动物。第二单元是关于动物的介绍性文章,介绍了5种动物拓展了学生在物种和地理方面的知识。教学目标:1.语言知识:(1)Function:To use capital letters correctly and read the sentences. Pay attention to pronunciation.(2) Grammar:The Simple Present Tense ,The structures There are/ The elephant lives in /Does it eat / The zebra doesnt eat./ Where does it come from? etc.(3) Words:a little, only ,large, catch, strong, evenkilo

      2、,dangerous, be good at ,many kinds of, as well as, live alone AfricaAfrican. etc2.语言技能: (1) Listening: To identify information about animals in the reading marerials.(2)Speaking: To introduce different animals in different courrtries,Such as: where does it come from? What does it like eating? and something else.(3) Reading;To read the passage fluently.(4)Writing:To write short passage or a poster about what is your favourite animal? 3.学习策略:通过网络资源学习,积极与他人合作完成学习任务。4.文化意识:了解常见动物在英语国家中的文化含义。 5.情感态度:

      3、通过学习各种表示动物的词汇提高英语学习兴趣和学习积极性,培养热爱动物的情感,增强保护动物的意识。教学重难点:1.The Simple Present Tense ,the structures“(非三单)S+ do sth”,“(三单)S+ do-s/es sth 2 .Using the simple present tense to ask and express some information on animals.教学方法:Situation / PPP / Task-based approach.教具与学具:Tape-recorder 、Multi-media、PPt、Handouts/Paper、book etc.课时安排: One lesson教学过程;Step一、Warming-upPlay the tape recorder ,Let Ss sing a songIf you are happyThen do a revision about Unit 1.The simple present tense:肯:S+V( s/es) 否:+doesnt+ V+疑:Do

      4、es+V+Step二、Lead-in Set a context: Today Im a guide and we are going on a trip to BeiJing Zoo .There are many kinds of animals here ,Beside these animals there are signs which introduce these animals in English ,Can you understand them ,and can you guess what animals they are ?Step三、Presentation 1.Show the PPt pictures of animals,Play the guessing game . Let the Ss guess the animal in each picture and then tell us where it comes from and what it usually eats. The Ss answer with the structures: It

      5、 lives in / It eats 2.Show the map of the world,let Ss find different continents in the map ,give these names of each continent then turn the noun form into adjective form. Asia .nAsian .adj Europ European Africa African America American Oceania Oceanian 3.According to the pictures fill the blanks.Let Ss describe each animals . Read and remember the words in red colour. Teacher call someone to do this job.(1) An elephant .(2) A panda. (3) A zebra(4) A tiger.(5) A monkeyStep四、Practice 1.Work in g

      6、roups, Play the flash to read and listen . Read and Listen , then fill in the tableElephantsPandasZebrasTigersMonkeysHomeFoodGroup member show each group can only fill one animal. Choose the best one 2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expression from the box. 3.Discuss in groupLet Ss observe each sentence then correct the mistakes ,Then discuss when and where the letter shoud be capitalizated. Choose the best group Then clap hands to encourage them.Step五、Production1.

      7、 Speaking ( Pair work) Let group member to make interview as a reporter ask questions and guess what his/her favourite animal is. Look at whom is the fastest one , encourage him/her.2. Writing ( key words were given)Write a short passage - my favourtie animalanimalcome fromliveeatlike doingStep六、Suggestion( 倡议) 1.Teacher give the questionWhats your idea after seeing the pictures?”2.Let Ss watch the flash which the people kill or catch animals for food or money, Lead them to say something ,The te

      8、acher conclude “There is only one earth (地球) in the world. Animals are our friends. We should (应该) protect (保护) them. ” then let Ss read this sentence together and loudly, Stimulate them the motivation of protecting animals.课后作业: Level A: (for all the students): Finish the passage of your favourite animalLevel B: ( All by yourself): Search more information about animals and make a poster 板书设计: Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.The simple present tense:肯:主+V(s/es)+其它 否:主+doesnt+ V+其它疑:Does+主+V+其它Asia .nAsian .adj Europ European Africa AfricanAmerica American Oceania Oceanian小结: 在本节课中大部分同学都能积极参与课堂活动中来,课堂气氛活跃,能够完成教学任务;让学生们在讨论的过程中融入真实的交流,在不断地练习中获得成就感,进一步巩固一般现在时,并能使用它简单表达一些关于动物方面的信息,同时通过学习增强了学生们保护动物的意识,让学生在快乐中学习,在学习中找快乐。外研版七年级英语(上)Module 6Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.教学设计

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