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    • 1、2018年泽林牛津版八年级下Unit7单元测试题(2)含答案8B Unit 7综合测试卷测试姓名_ 班级_ 得分_一、单项填空 (16分)( )1. How did you learn to cook this dish? I learnt it _ a video. I have learnt to cook many dishes _watching videos.A. on; on B. by; for C. on; by D. for; by ( )2. Nothing can the girl from there. A. be stopped; going B. prevent; going C. stop; to go D. prevent; to go( )3. Although you have lots of difficulties, you must your work. A. carry out with B. carry away on C. carry on with D. carry over( )4.-Is your brother a Swimmin

      2、g Club member? -Yes, he _ the club three years ago. He _ a club member for three years. A. joined; has been B. joined; has been in C. joined in; is D. joined in; has been( )5. Because of pollution, many fish here have lost their _ areas. Yes. And some even have lost their _.A. lives; live B. lives; living C. life; living D. living; lives( )6. 一Its kind _ him to help me solve the problem. 一 Yes, he is always kind _ everybody. A. of; of B. of; to C. to: of D. to; to( )7. Shes told to write the rep

      3、ort instead of you, _? Yes. She has to hand it in tomorrow.A. isnt she B. doesnt she C. hasnt she D. is she( )8. Smart phones can be used to _ for information. But I am not used to _information on such a small screen.A. search; reading B. searching; reading C. search; read D. searching; read ( )9. The World Cup _ every four years. Football fans are all looking forward to it this summer.A. takes place B. is taken place C. has taken place D. is taking place( )10. Last spring, there were over 100 c

      4、ases of H7N9. Luckily, most of them _.A. were cured B. cured C. have cured D. were curing( )11. The United Nations has done a lot for the peace of the world since it was _ in 1945.A. set off B. set on C. set up D. set away( )12. Tom by his classmates because he made a careless mistake. A. laughed at B. was laughed at C. laughed D. was laughed ( )13. _ the charity show organized? We organize it once a year.A. When is B. How often does C. When will D. How often is( )14. You dont look yourself toda

      5、y. _? Nothing much. Its just a slight cold. A. Whats the matter B. How are you going C. Are you serious D. How is the matter( )15. Must these old people pay for the medicine? _. The medicine is offered to them for free.A. No, they needntB. No, they mustntC. Yes, they must D. Yes, they need( )16.-Is your sister ill? -No, _, only a little cold.A. serious anything B. nothing serious C. serious nothing D. anything serious二、完形填空 (10分)Antarctica is in the most _1_ part of the world. Its like nowhere e

      6、lse _2_ the earth. Its nearly twice the size of Australia, much _3_ than Europe. Antarctica is the _4_and windiest place in the world, even colder and windier than the Arctic. In summer, the sun shines for twenty-four hours a day. 5 in winter, its completely dark for about three months. Very 6 plants grow there, but there is some wildlife, like sea lions and penguins (企鹅). When Captain James Cook traveled around Antarctica by ship 7 , he found nobody living there. Today, a few 8 are studying the

      7、 Ozone Hole (臭氧空洞) in Antarctica. The ozone layer (臭氧层) is getting thinner and thinner. The biggest “hole” is over Antarctica, and the 9 there is becoming warmer. These scientists are thinking about ways to 10 Antarctica. Maybe they will find some useful methods soon.( )1. A. southern B. northern C. eastern D. western( )2. A. over B. at C. on D. above( )3. A. smaller B. larger C. smallest D. largest( )4. A. coldest B. hottest C. wettest D. driest( )5. A. So B. But C. Because D. Since( )6. A. few

      8、 B. little C. many D. much( )7. A. in 1770s B. in the 1770C. in the 1770s D. in the 1770s( )8. A. scientists B. teachers C. doctors D. policemen( )9. A. water B. weather C. surface D. area ( )10. A. present B. tour C. increase D. protect 3、 阅读理解 (14分)AFaye Wong and Li Yapeng started Smile Angel Foundation (基金会)in 2006. It works with the Red Cross Society of China and its purpose is to help children under 14 who have cleft lips(唇裂). The two founders sometimes hold charity parties to raise money for these children. From 2008 on, the charity made an annual journey in some poor areas of China, providing free operations for poor children.In 1982, Bill, a doctor, visited the Philippines with


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