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    • 1、关于网络的英语辩论赛演讲稿网络的正面影响1、网络有助于创新青少年思想教育的手段和方法。利用网络进行德育教育工作,教育者可以以网友的身份和青少年 在网上“毫无顾忌”地进行真实心态的平等交流,这对于德育工作者摸清、摸准青少年的思想并开展正面引导和全方位沟通提供了新的快捷的方法。此外,由于网络信息的传播具有实时性和交互性的特点,青少年可以同时和多个教育者或教育信息保持快速互动,从而提高思想互动的频率,提高教育效果;由于网络信息具有可下载性、可储存性等延时性特点,可延长教育者和受教育者思想互动的时间,为青少年提供“全天候”的思想引导和教育。还可以网上相约,网下聚会,实现网上德育工作的滋润和补充,从而及时化解矛盾,起到温暖人心,调动积极性,激发创造力的作用。2、提供了求知学习的新渠道。目前在我国教育资源不能满足需求的情况下,网络提供了求知学习的广阔校园,学习者在任何时间、任何地点都能接受高等教育,学到在校大学生学习的所有课程、修满学分、获得学位。这对于处在应试教育体制下的青少年来说无疑是一种最好的解脱,它不但有利于其身心的健康发展,而且有利于家庭乃至于社会的稳定。3、开拓青少年全球视野,提高青少

      2、年综合素质。上网使青少年的政治视野、知识范畴更加开阔,从而有助于他们全球意识的形成。同样,又可提高青少年综合素质。通过上网,可以培养他们和各式各样的人交流的能力;通过在网上阅览各类有益图书,触类旁通,提高自身文化素养。1, the network contribute to innovation and the ideological education of young people the means and methods. Using the Internet to conduct moral education work, education, either in Users identity and young people in the online no qualms real state of mind to carry out an equal exchange, and this for moral education to find out, Mozhun thinking of young people and carry out positive guida

      3、nce and all-round munication and provides a new fast-track method. In addition, due to network with real-time dissemination of information and interactive features, adolescents may be at the same time and a number of educators or educational information to maintain a rapid interaction, thereby increasing the frequency of interactive ideas to improve educational results; because of network information can be downloaded with the nature of , store, etc. character delay, extended educators and educa

      4、ted thinking interactive time for young people to provide all-weather the ideological guidance and education. Meet can also be online, offline meetings, to achieve online moisture and plement the work of moral education in order to resolve contradictions in a timely manner, played a warm heart, motivation, stimulate creativity, role.2, provides a new channel for seeking knowledge to learn. At present Chinas educational reesources can not meet demand, the networkk offers a broad quest for knowled

      5、ge learning school, learners at any time, anywhere access to higher education, students learn in school to learn all the courses, Xiuman credits, access to degree. This is exam-oriented education system in young people is undoubtedly one of the best relief, it is not only beneficial to their physical and mental development, but also conducive to the family and even social stability.3, open up young global vision to improve the overall quality of young people. Access young peoples political vision, knowledge, more open areas, thereby contributing to the formation of their global consciousness. Similarly, young people can also improve the overall quality. Through the Internet, you can train them and their ability to municate a wide range of people; through online access all kinds of useful books, prehend by analogy, to improve their cultural attainment.


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