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    • 1、阅读理解济宁题型专练A(2018北京东城一模)Summer vacation is coming. Attending a summer program is a good way to improve skills and make new friends. TeenLife has researched and collected the best summer activities for you. For more information, please log in www.T.Snow Farm SummerAt Snow Farm Summer, you re not a student, you re an artist! It offers smallgroup studios(工作室) led by professional artists. The studios include glass, clay, metal, drawing/painting and printmaking. They are for 8th12th graders from July

      2、15 to July 20, 2018.The Ithaca Summer Music Academy(ISMA)ISMA provides a creative and supportive environment for young adults to grow into musicians. Our program offers rich music courses which are taught by Ithaca College teachers and top music educators from across the country.Our program is open to grades 79. It is from July 8 to July 21, 2018.National Teen Leadership Program(NTLP)Our leadership program includes leadership exercises and speech training. It will improve teens leadership skills

      3、.Our program is open to students in grades 912. Our camps this year will be held at Chapman University, July 1012 and at Sacramento State University, July 31August 2.Engineering ExperienceHave you ever wanted to build a bridge? Program a robot? Join us for a handson, weeklong introduction to the world of engineering at Episcopal High School. Students will use their design skills and the scientific method to solve real engineering problems. It is open to 7th9th graders and starts on July 10, 2018

      4、.1If a 10th grader wants to improve painting skills, he/she can join ASnow Farm SummerBNational Teen Leadership ProgramCEngineering ExperienceDThe Ithaca Summer Music Academy2What can students do in NTLP?ATake part in art studios. BTake some music courses.CReceive speech training. DLearn to design a bridge.3If a student wants to learn how to program a robot, he/she will take the course at AIthaca CollegeBEpiscopal High SchoolCChapman UniversityDSacramento State UniversityB(2018广东广州海珠一模)Oscar Blo

      5、om was unhappy. It was his eighth birthday. All his friends were going to come over that evening. His little sister Samantha had made him the brightest, friendshipbirthday bracelet. He had heard his dad whispering to his mom the day before about “picking up the little puppy”, and had a feeling that one of presents might be a little dog that he had been wishing for ever since he was five.So what was wrong?Oscar was sad because there was one very, very, hugely important person who was missing toda

      6、yhis beloved Grandma Rose. Last year she fell ill and then one day she just wasn t there.“Grandma s gone, but she still loves you very much,” mom explained.“I miss Grandma Rose,” Oscar said.“Well. Grandma has a present for you!”A present from Grandma? How?Mom pressed play on the CD player, and Oscar heard his grandmother s voice!“My dear Oscar,” the recording began. “I m sorry I can t be there with you today to celebrate such an exciting day, but I m with you in spirit. I m with you all the time

      7、. As for your birthday present, I d like to tell you about the day you were born, which was the very first day I met you. That was exactly eight years ago. What a tiny little thing you were back then! The doctor hardly had time to pick you up before you started to make sounds! Every doctor waits for the baby to cry, to make sure the baby is healthy, but you. Oscar, you changed the rules on them. Your mother doesn t remember this because she was too tired, but I will never forget it. You opened y

      8、our mouth, and you gave a little laugh! That s right, you laughed! And only then did you open your mouth wider to start crying like all the rest of the babies in the hospital. I hope you remember this story for the rest of your life, young man,” Grandma Rose continued. “This is the beginning of your oral history! My present to you!”Oscar couldn t believe his ears. His own Grandma Rose was telling him a story he had never heard before. A big smile grew across Oscar s face. What a special birthday

      9、 this had turned out to be!4What was Grandma Rose doing when Oscar had his eighth birthday party?AShe was dead.BShe was lying in bed.CShe was waiting in the hospital.DShe was coming home for the party.5According to the passage, which present is the most valuable to Oscar?AThe little dog. BThe bracelet.CThe recording. DThe birthday party.6In the last paragraph, Oscar smiled because Ahe had forgotten Grandma RoseBhe had got so many expensive gifts on his birthdayCthe recording had told him a special story of his motherDthe recording had brought Grandma s love back to him7What is the title of the story?AA Sad Little BoyBA Boring Birthday PartyCThe History of OscarDAn Unforgettable PresentC(2018湖南长沙麓山国际实验学校一模改编)In


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