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    • 1、 Module 44Integrating Skills(综合演练篇).单句语法填空在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1Were glad to get together to offer our_(congratulate)on our homelands success in the competition.2I want to congratulate you_your passing your driving test.3A bomb_in the rush hour and the_caused two deaths.(explode)4She managed to escape_the burning car.5Ill come straight_the pointyour work isnt good enough.6There are a couple of points we need to clear_before the meeting begins.7The hungry boy had kept his eyes_(fix) on the ca

      2、ke on the table for quite a while before he finally noticed my presence.8Remember to keep the engine_(run) when I am away.9She didnt know how_(explain) the problem to the beginners.答案1congratulations2.on3.exploded;explosion4.from5to6.up7.fixed8.running9.to explain.用方框内短语的适当形式填空earn ones living,come to power,be known for,in case,to be brief1Ill be out for some time._anything important happens,call me up immediately.2_,the bestseller is well worth buying.3After graduation,shes going to_by working

      3、on her fathers farm.4The new government will_next month.5The region_its beautiful scenery.答案1In case2.To be brief3.earn her living4come to power5.is known for.完形填空Two old beggars (乞丐) were sitting on a busy street corner of a big city.They watched _1_ as a lot of people walked by without looking at them.Sometimes, a kindhearted woman or a small child would _2_ a few coins in the hats in front of them.Today was not a _3_ day for begging.The men were able to _4_enough for a big meal.As it was gett

      4、ing dark, they started to _5_ their things.Just as they were getting ready to leave, they _6_ a man walking toward them.He was a _7_ manthey could tell that from his fine clothes.The first beggar said to the second with _8_, “Hes coming our way!” The man stopped, _9_ into his pocket and took something out.What looked like a piece of hard _10_, wrapped (包裹) in white paper, hit each of their waiting hats.The rich man turned and _11_ his way.“He could have easily left us a few _12_ or a bill, but h

      5、e laughed at us with a piece of rock candy,” said the first beggar.He looked at the offering _13_“Theres no way we can _14_ thiswe have no teeth.” With these words, he picked up the thing and threw it away.Then he collected his things and _15_The second beggar wanted to do the same, _16_ a second thought made him change his _17_“I havent had anything like this for ages,” he thought.“How _18_ of that man to offer me something so sweet!” With that, he opened the white paper.To his _19_, there was

      6、no hard rock candy inside._20_, a shiny white pearl (珍珠) worth thousands of dollars fell into his hand.1A.helplesslyBhappily CUselesslyDquickly2A.stealBlose CDropDsend3A.cloudyBbad CRainyDcold4A.collectBpick CBuyDfind5A.carryBhide CPlaceDpack6A.feltBheard CNoticedDbelieved7A.kindBstrong CTallDrich8A.worryBexcitement CFearDpoliteness9A.turnedBlooked CWentDreached10A.candyBcake CRockDbread11A.forgotBchanged CMissedDcontinued12A.booksBcoins CSweetsDflowers13A.angrilyBproudly CNervouslyDquietly14A.s

      7、mellBeat CLikeDput15A.sleptBsat CLeftDcried16A.ifBalthough CAfterDbut17A.habitBway CMindDrule18A.niceBfunny CCleverDstrange19A.interestBsadness CSurpriseDpity20A.BesidesBInstead CHoweverDAgain答案与解析1A乞丐在街上乞讨,望着路人时候的表情应该是无助的(helplessly)。2C人们把硬币或散钱投到(drop)乞丐们的面前。3B根据文章后面的内容说enough for a big meal可知,今天对于乞丐们来讲是不错的一天,故选B。4A乞丐们能够筹集(collect)到足够的钱去大吃一顿,故选A。5D在街上乞讨完毕,他们当然要收拾(pack)自己的东西了,故选D。6C根据上下文的理解,可知他们是注意到(notice)一个男人向他们走过来。7D根据后面的fine clothes 可以推断这个男人是有钱的,故选D。8B从乞丐的心理角度理解,看到有个有钱人向他们走过来,必定是很兴奋(exciteme

      8、nt),故选B。9D句意:男人停了下来,把手伸进(reach)他的口袋,故选D。10A根据后文出现的rock candy可知此题选A。11D根据逻辑,有钱的男人把“糖”给了乞丐们以后,继续(continue)走他的路了,故选D。12B由后面的bill(钞票)可推知,此空格应填coins。13A根据下文他把东西扔了,可知这里他生气地看着这位男士给的东西。故选A。14B根据句意,我们没有办法吃这东西,因为我们没有牙齿。可知选B。15C根据上下文的意思可知,其中一个乞丐把那个糖扔了,收拾好自己的东西以后就离开(leave)了。16D根据前后两个句子之间的逻辑关系可知该处应填一个表转折的词,故选D。17Cchange ones mind 为固定搭配,意思是改变主意。18A根据此句后面的so sweet可知本空应填上一个褒义词,根据意思只有A合适。19C根据后文的意思,乞丐发现包装里面的不是硬糖,而是一颗珍珠,充满了惊讶(surprise),故选C。20B上文提到了里面没有硬糖,相反(instead)里面是一颗珍珠,故选B。.七选五Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or _1_ and so on. Why? Because those who have


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