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    • 1、太原五中20182019学年度第二学期阶段性检测高 二 英 语 时间:2019.4.2第I卷 选择题 (共60分)第一部分 从各小题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. - What do you think of the movie The Wandering Earth reflected in the cinema recently?- Just so so. I guess it_ figure description.A. lacks inB. lacks C. lacks of D. lacks for2. It cannot be a(n) _that a couple of jewellery stores were robbed in one night.A. coincidenceB. accident C. incidentD. chance3. - How long _you _?- For a decade. We _in 1998.A. did, married; married B. ha

      2、ve; got married; were marriedC. have; been married; got marriedD. were; married; married4. If your friend has done something that he shouldnt have done, can you _ him?A. avoidB. forgive C. excuse D. apologize5. Im always at your service, so dont _to turn to me if you have any problems.A. begB. hesitateC. requireD. desire6. Fantasy tales serve as a fuel to our imagination and give satisfaction to our longings for adventure. _, Fantasies directly relate to our deepest desires and dreams.A. However

      3、B. In addition C. ThusD. Besides7. China is developing an online toilet map by Chinas search engine giant Baidu_the request of the ministry, _to help traveling tourists from home and abroad find the nearest toilet. A. for, aiming, B. to, to aimC. at, aimedD. at, aiming8. It is generally believed that the elderly are very _; it is impossible to talk them into doing anything they dont want to.A. stubbornB. curious C. skepticalD. gracious9. The project _ last month but unfortunately it had to be pr

      4、olonged because of the financial problem.A. neednt have been finished B. shouldnt have finishedC. could have been finishedD. must have finished 10. He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation _he is likely to lose the control over his car.A. as B. why C. whichD. where 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)APrivacy is something of a luxury in China, a land with a population of 1.4 billion. Personal space is not a concept that ordina

      5、ry Chinese are familiar with. Pushing and shoving (乱挤) is a basic survival skill in cities. If you fail to push with people to get on a crowded underground train, youll be met with impatient stares.Throughout China, people are happy to lie down for a short sleep just about anywhere: in an office, on a park bench, even in a museum or concert hall, looking as comfortable as if the public space were their own living room.So it is a surprise to see Matti, a socially awkward Finnish (芬兰的) cartoon cha

      6、racter in the Finnish Nightmares comic series become a celebrity in Chinas cyberspace. A new term in Mandarin has even been invented to describe people who are like the hero: jingfen, or “spiritually Finnish”. According to social media, jingfen refers to people who dislike socialising-like the Finns, apparently-and take their personal space “extremely seriously”.Mattis fear of crowds and small talk and his tendency to be easily embarrassed has struck a chord (共鸣) with many Chinese readers, who s

      7、eem relieved that their longing for privacy has finally been voiced-via the medium of a stick figure from a faraway country. But its Finnish culture itself-of which privacy and personal space have long existed-that has also struck a chord.“Finland is a paradise for people with social anxiety disorder,” wrote WeChat user Zhang Yanmei in a post. “I am a jingfen, please do not disturb me unnecessarily!” wrote an anonymous user in the title of his essay on the website Douban. “Can you see yourself i

      8、n Matti?” he asked. “He is shy, and the great trouble and sufferings of life are not just Mattis nightmare. Were all afraid of loneliness, but we desire even more for our personal space and privacy to be respected.” 11. Why does the author mention the large population in China at the beginning? A. To show the subway is too crowded. B. To show privacy is a pleasure people dont often have. C. To explain why people enjoy life outdoors. D. To indicate people dont have enough living room to live in.

      9、12. What does “jingfen” in China have in common with Matti? A. They are willing to lie down anywhere in public for a rest. B. They like loneliness and wish their privacy to be respected. C. They desire personal space and dont want to be disturbed. D. They treat Finland as a paradise.13. What is mainly talked about in this passage? A. There are cultural differences between China and Finland. B. A lot of people suffer from social anxiety disorder. C. Why so many Chinese people like Matti in Finlands Comic. D. All people can find themselves in Matti.BAs the taxi pulls away, my father stands at the living room window looking out, w


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