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    • 1、第15课时 九年级Units 13好题随堂演练一、阅读理解(2018山东滨州中考)Inventions make the world better, smarter and a little more fun. The folding bike helmet(头盔)People hate to wear a helmet because its think and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. It is just as strong as the traditional ones,but flexible(灵活的)enough to fold almost totally flat. Also it is much easier to carry.Shoes that tie themselvesAfter we see the movie Back to the Future,almost everyone wants a pair of selftying shoes. Now, thanks to Nik

      2、e, the shoe dream comes true. When you press a button, the shoes can tie themselves.The smart alarm clockHello SenseAn alarm clock, call Hello Sense, can improve your sleep. It can control the temperature, light and even air quality in your bedroom to help you have a perfect sleep environment. And it can record your sleep cycles.Sweet potatoes tht could save livesThe lack(缺乏) of vitamin A can cause blindness and many other illnesses for illnesses. In subSaharan Africa, plant experts are helping

      3、them grow a kind of new sweet potatoes. These potatoes can help them fight against some illnesses.1.The folding bike helmet is Athick and heavyBmade from metalCnot as strong as a traditional oneDflexible enough to fold almost flat2Which company makes selftying shoes?AAdidas. BKappa. CNike. DLiNing.3The smart alarm clock can NOT Aimprove our sleepBcontrol our weightCrecord our sleep cyclesDcontrol the temperature in the bedroom4If a child has a poor eyesight, he may be in the lack of Avitamin A B

      4、vitamin BCvitamin C Dvitamin C5You can find the passage in a Anewspaper Bstory bookCguide book Dcookery book二、单词拼写与运用A根据句意及汉语提示或音标填写单词。1(2018山东青岛市北期末)These days, more and more people think that food (安全) is the most important.2(2019预测)Bill is not afraid to (表达) his opinions.3(2018山东威海高新模拟)The students in our class are into eight groups to have a competition.4(2019原创)A good relationship is built on trust, so dont your friends easily.5(2017山东威海中考)Is the bridge strong enough to two heavy trucks at

      5、the same time?B根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。6(2017山东烟台中考)The artist doesnt paint for money but for his own (please)7(2019原创)The warmth from the fire made her feel (sleep)8(2019原创)The modern technologies have brought many new possibilities to our (day) life.9(2019预测)Teenagers should be allowed (choose) their own clothes.10(2019原创)Do you know when the telephone (invent)?In 1860.三、完成句子1(2019原创)改革开放以来,我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。Since the reform and openingup, in our hometown.2(2019原创)Jack的父母认为成为志愿者妨碍了他的学业。Jacks parents b

      6、elieve that being a volunteer .3(2019原创)如果你两只兔都赶,那一只也逮不着。 two hares, you will catch neither.4(2019原创)不仅他父母是著名的设计师,他也是。 5(2018陕西商洛商南改编)公共场合不允许抽烟。 四、动词填空用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空,必要时可加情态动词或助动词。(2017山东滨州中考改编)I was feeling a little sad because my mother had lost her job. One day, while I 1. (walk) on the street, I heard that a beautiful piece of piano music 2. (play) above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly 3. (find) out where it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.She was s

      7、inging songs about love, believing in yourself and keeping on 4. (try). The way she was singing made me relaxed. I stood there quietly, 5. (watch) her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be brave enough to perform in front of so many people. She noticed me. I walked over and 6. (tell) her how good her music sounded. “Thank you,” she said. “I have been going through a hard time recently, but youve made me hopeful again.” I said to her.“Im glad that I could help,” sh

      8、e replied. “Why are you so sad?”“Well, my mom 7. (lose) her job, and Im not so sure what to do.”“Did you notice the way you were walking? Your head was down,” she said. “8. (not be) upset, because opportunity comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You 9. (smile) more. lift your head up.”I looked at her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. “Why 10. you 10. (play) the piano here now?” I asked her with a smile.She explained that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer them up by playing music.I smiled a little wider, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.五、任务型阅读(2017山东烟台中考)On April 26, 2017, a big Chinese ship caught the eyes of the whole world. Chinas first homemade aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian, Liaoning. It is the largest and best ship


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