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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作开发波音747Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet:The aircraft that changed the worldIntroductionIn the early days of commercial airline transport,air travel saw a large increase in travellers and airport congestion rising in the 1960s.This era of commercial airline travel was led by the enormous popularity of the Boeing 707 and the Douglas DC-8,both of which had revolutionized the standard for long-distance travel1.With the increase of commercial airline passengers and the relatively sm

      2、all aircrafts available at the time,airport congestion was becoming a major problem in the industry.Juan Trippe,of Pan Am(Pan American World Airways),one of the Boeings most important airline customers thought this problem could be addressed by a newer and larger aircraft2.During the summer of 1965 on a quiet fishing trip in Alaska,Bill Allen of Boeing and Juan Trippe of Pan Am,the two biggest names in the aviation industry at the time,Trippe told Allen of his vision for a super plane.Trippe wan

      3、ted an aircraft that was two and a half times larger than any other passenger aircraft that had ever existed before.Both Trippe and Allen were reaching retirement,and both wanted to leave their mark in the aviation industry.It was at this point when the birth story of the Boeing 747 began and would change the aviation industry forever.DevelopmentIn April 1966,Trippe had signed for an order for 25 of the newly proposed super jets and for them to be called the 747.This was one the largest aircraft

      4、 orders ever to be made in history.This costs for this order at the time came to a total of approximately US$525 million dollars which translates to a value of a staggering US$4.2 billion dollars today3.Allen had also agreed that Trippe could have his order in just a mere 28 months.This had set an almost impossible challenge for Boeings engineers to complete.Joe Sutter,a young aeronautical engineer whom graduated from the University of Washington in 1943 was transferred from Boeings 737 developm

      5、ent team to lead and manage the team for the development and design of the new 747 as the Chief Engineer.This was Sutters first big break as an engineer.With a small team of only 20 members,Sutter and his team were required to go through preliminary studies for this aircraft which provided them with their first challenge for the development of the 747 as at the time all they knew was that the aircraft had to be bigger,have good range and go as fast as possible.Back then,Sutter was only a junior

      6、engineer in the company and often faced a hostile reception from the more senior engineers of the company.Despite the size of the project Sutter and his team were facing and how they were working around the clock,they were still not Boeings number one priority.At the time,the development of the 747 was overshadowed by the development of a supersonic transport aircraft in which Boeing believed would be the future of the aviation industry4.This meant that Boeings best talent and resources was dire

      7、cted into the development of this aircraft.A supersonic transport aircraft that was designed to travel at three times the speed of sound and to compete with its European supersonic rival,Concorde,which was also in its development stage.When the supersonic transport aircraft was to be completed and come into service,Boeings 747 would then be relegated to shipping freight.This influenced the design of the 747 so that it be adapted easily to carry freight and heavy cargo and to remain in production

      8、 even if the sales of the passenger version were to decline.Because of this,the 747 was almost expected to be an afterthought and Boeing didnt expect for more than 50 of the 747s to be made and until the supersonic aircraft was completed,the 747 was playing second fiddle the whole time.This lead to Sutter and his team being shoved into old premises and starved of resources making their challenge even more difficult than before.Initially,the shape of the 747 could have potentially ended up very d

      9、ifferent from the familiar shape we all know today.Trippe demanded an ocean liner of a design,with two narrow decks,one on top of the other.The first idea was to take the original 707 and two of the single aisle fuselages and putting them on top each other.This idea did not appeal to Sutter because of the poor capability of carrying cargo and he worried that in emergency situations,it was not feasible for passengers to evacuate off the top deck which would have been 25 feet(7.62 metres)off the ground.Sutter also thought the original idea looked like a“Turkey”5.Sutter and his team decided that the best move would be to have a wide single deck aircraft by having the two decks side by side which would then be the worlds first widebody freighter aircraft.The opening of the nose was the best way to load cargo into the aircraft which caused a problem for Sutter,where to put the cockpit?In a moment of pure g


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