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九年级英语全册 unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are period 4教学案(新版)人教新目标版

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  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、Could you please tell me where the restroom are【课 题】Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restroom are?SectionB (1a-2d)教师个性补案【学习目标】1 .听力练习,掌握否定前缀的用法及构成2. 对话练习,训练口语3. 完成2b 阅读,学习不同情境中英语表达【学习重点难点】【学习重点】1.否定前缀的构成:e.g. inexpensive、uncrowded 2. 掌握文章中语言点3.熟读课文的重要句子。【学法指导】1a单词听力1c-1d -阅读2b-讲解语言点-作业【教学过程】【教学过程】Step 1 RevisionYou are a tourist in a city, you want to know something about the city. Make a conversation about asking information politely.A: Could you please tell me where the nearest bank is

      2、?B: Sure, go east along this street, then youll see it.A: Can you tell me if there is a delicious restaurant near here?B: Sure. Walk along this street, the restaurant is on you right.A: And do you know where the biggest hospital is?B: Go down this street, turn left at the first crossing, you will see it. A: After dinner, I want to buy a pair of shoes, would you mind telling me where the nearest supermarket is?B: Its over there, just across from you.A: Haha! I see it. Thank you very much!B: You a

      3、re welcome.Step 2 Lead in1) Talk about places in your city.2) Show some pictures of places and discuss what qualities are important for each place.Step 3 1a & Pairwork 1a What qualities are important for each place? Write the words from the box next to each place below. Write the most important words first.interesting, fascinating, inexpensive, quiet uncrowded,big, beautiful, convenient, safe, cleanPair work1b Talk about places in your city using the words in 1a.A: The Fun Arts Museum is really

      4、interesting.B: Yes, and its beautiful, too.A: . Step 4 Listening (1c)Listen and check the sentences you hear.Conversation 1_ You can go to Green Land.Conversation 2_ Could you tell me where the bookstore is?Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences.(1c)Conversation 1The boy asks about _, and the clerk tells him to go to Green Land.Conversation 2The girl asks about _, and the clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Middle Streets.Conversation 3The mother asks about _. The f

      5、ather wants to go to a _ museum. The younger girl wants to go to a _ museum. The boy wants to go to a _ museum. The older girl wants to go to an _ museum. The clerk suggests they go to the _ museum.Listen again and answer the questions (1d)Conversation 1The boy asks about restaurants, the clerk suggests him go to Green Land, they have delicious salad.Step 5 Practice Role-play the conversations between the clerk and the tourist.A: Can you tell me where theres good place to eat?B: Of course. What

      6、kind of food do you like?A: Id like fresh vegetables.B: You can go to Green Land, they have delicious salad.A: .Step 6 Presentation2a Where do you need to make polite requests? Think of some possible situations.Discuss them with your partner.1) If you need help with your homework, what would you ask. Your mother or father Mom, Can you help me with my homework? Your best friendCan you help me with my homework? A teacher.Excuse me, Sir? Could you please help me with my homework?2) Zhang Ming is tr

      7、aveling in the USA. He wants to go to a small town but he doesnt know the way now. What should he do?Step 7 DiscussionDiscuss the language you used to make this request (要求,请求). Was it the same each time? If not, discuss why not.Step 8 Reading1) Read the article and match paragraph with its main idea.2d Read the article and underline the topic sentence for each paragraph.Paragraph 1When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely (adv. 礼貌地).Paragraph 2Good s

      8、peakers change the way they speak in different situations. Paragraph 3Usually polite questions are longer. They include expressions such as “Could you please ?” or “May I ask ?” 2) Read the article again and answer the questions.Read paragraph 1 and answer the question. What else do we need to learn besides asking a question correctly when you ask for help?We need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help.Read paragraph 2 and answer the question.What do we need to think about when you talk

      9、to different people?We need to think about whom we speak to or how well we know them.Read paragraph 3 and answer the question.What can lead in to a request with a stranger on the street?“Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “Im sorry to trouble you, but ” before asking for help.2c Find all the direct questions and polite requests from the passage.2d Read the requests below. In the second column, write A if you would say it to someone you know and B if you would say it to a stranger. In the last column, write where you think these people are.Step 9 Language points 1. Both are correct, but the first one sounds less

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