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甘肃省2016中考英语 考点跟踪突破25 形容词和副词

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86872801
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:29.50KB
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    • 1、考点跟踪突破25形容词和副词一、单项选择。1Meimei thinks maths is _B_ than Chinese.(2015,天津)AeasyBeasierCthe easiest Dvery easy2What a clear blue sky it is!Yes.I have never seen _A_ sky.(2015,河南)Aa more beautiful Ba most beautifulCthe more beautiful Dthe most beautiful3He has _D_ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand.(2015,重庆A卷)Aweakest BweakerCstrongest Dstronger4Ma Yun,head of Alibaba,is one of _D_ persons in the world.(2015,重庆B卷)Arich BricherCrichest Dthe richest5If overweight people eat less an

      2、d take more exercise,theyll soon feel much _D_(2015,德州)AfatterBolderCbiggerDhealthier6The red car looks nicer than the white one.But its price is _D_I dont have enough money,so Ill buy the white one.(2015,德阳)Acheaper Bcheap Chigh Dhigher7Which is the longest river in China,the Changjiang River or the Yellow River?The Changjiang River.The Yellow River is _A_ river in China.(2015,达州)Athe second longest Bthe second longerCa second longest Dthe second long8We have done much to protect the environmen

      3、t.So the river is getting _C_ than before.(2015,陕西)Adirtier Bdirty Ccleaner Dclean9Do you know that China is one of _B_ countries in the world?Yes,I do.Its much _ than the US.(2015,黄冈)Aoldest;elder Bthe oldest;olderCthe oldest;elder Dthe older;elder10Who is _C_,Tony,David or Andy?(2015,梧州)Ashort BshorterCthe shortest Dshortest11Lisa was still very weak when she left hospital.But after a weeks rest,she felt much _B_ and went back to school.(2015,南京)Agood Bbetter Cbad Dworse12With the development

      4、of modern industry,there will be _B_ living space for wild animals.(2015,盐城)Afewer and fewer Bless and lessCmore and more Dbigger and bigger13You shouldnt eat too much junk food.Its bad for your health.Youre right._A_ junk food I eat,_ I will be.(2015,云南)AThe less;the healthierBThe less;the healthyCThe more;the healthierDThe more;the healthy14Shenzhen is a modern city and its as _A_ as Hong Kong.(2015,桂林)Abusy Bbusier Cthe busiest15Blue Moon is _B_ than other cinemas in the town,but it has the b

      5、est service.(2015,湘潭)Amuch expensiver Bmore expensiveCmost expensive16In North America,_D_ meat eaters are bears and mountain lions.They eat smaller animals such as rabbits and mice.(2015,苏州)Asmallest Bthe smallestClargest Dthe largest17Is Tina _A_ than Tara?Yes,but Tara is _ in her class.(2015,鄂州)Ataller;the heaviest Btall;heavyCtaller;heavier Dthe tallest;the heaviest18I have got used to the life here,and I live as _B_ as before.(2015,黄石)Ahappy BhappilyCmore happily Dless happy19Bob knows how

      6、to cut the cost of the project.Im sure he can do the work with _D_ money and _ people.(2015,广东)Aless;less Bfewer;moreCmore;fewer Dless;fewer20The Internet service fees are too high,and the speed is too slow.Thats why Premier Li Keqiang asks operators (运营商) to provide _D_ Internet.(2015,连云港)Amany cheaper and quickerBvery cheaper and quickerCmore cheaper and quickerDmuch cheaper and quicker21The movie Lost in Thailand is _B_ one that Ive ever seen these years.(2015,自贡)AfunnyBthe funniestCfunnier22

      7、Nothing is _B_ than riding.I like it best.(2015,南宁)Aenjoyable Bmore enjoyableCmost enjoyable Dthe most enjoyable23This apple watch is expensive.Do you have any _B_ ones?Yes,Madam.Look,this one is ¥4188,and that one costs only ¥2588.(2015,东营)Acheap Bcheaper Ccheapest Dthe cheapest24I jumped _B_ than Bill in the sports meet last year.(2015,北京)Ahigh Bhigher Chighest Dthe highest25Lin Dan won the badminton game again.Yes.I think no one can do _B_ than him.(2015,成都)AwellBbetterCbest26This kind of pla

      8、nt is _C_ seen in our city because it lives 4500 m above sea level and is hard to find.(2015,南京)Acommonly BalwaysCseldom Deasily27Roy thinks he works as _C_ as his friend,Dan.(2015,南充)Ahardly Bharder Chard Dmore hardly28Emma looked after her pet dog _D_ of all her friends.(2015,广州)Acareful Bmost carefulCmore carefully Dthe most carefully29Miss Li speaks as _A_ as she can to make her students understand her.(2015,河池)Aclearly Bmore clearlyCmost clearly Dthe most clearly30I get up _B_ than he every day.(2015,永州)AearlyBearlierCearliest31Meals are very boring.He _B_ has the same thing to eat every day.AneverBusuallyCsometimes32I feel really _D_ before the interview.Take it easy.Sure youre the best.(2015,随州)Apatient Bserious Ccool Dnervous33If my friends have any problems,my door is _D_ open to them.Anever Bseldom Csometimes Dalways34As a teacher,I love being with my students.You cant imagine how mu

      《甘肃省2016中考英语 考点跟踪突破25 形容词和副词》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《甘肃省2016中考英语 考点跟踪突破25 形容词和副词》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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