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九年级英语全册 unit 14 i remember meeting all of you in grade 7 section b学案2(新版)人教新目标版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86872734
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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  • 文档大小:86KB
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    • 1、Unit14教师寄语Pain past is pleasure.(无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来,一定甜蜜无比)学习目标1.知识目标:能掌握new words2.能力目标:能听懂能写出自己曾经的记忆和经历并能做有关初中毕业话题的对话3 情感目标:的记忆和经历,懂得感恩,展望美好的未来。学生自主活动材料Step 1:Teaching aims(教学目标)Words and phrases: manager ceremony thirsty thankful separate responsible .Sentence structures:I think that Ill have to study much harder for examsStep 2:前置自学1. First read and remember the new words. And pay attention to the language points.【自我归纳】 英汉互译。 1. 出席毕业典礼 2. 在你们的生命中 3. 祝贺所有学生 4. 在你的前头 5. 渴望知识 6. 对.负责任 7. 做出你

      2、自己的选择 8. 满怀激情9. 获得一个商业学位_ 10. 以.而自豪 11. 与.分享12. 如此恐惧与紧张13. 举行一个典礼14. 成为一名经理 15. 接受邀请 16. 举行一个典礼 Step3: 合作探究 小组讨论:表推测的 用法。_Step 4:拓展提升 1You _ to the meeting tomorrow if you have something important to do.A. neednt to come B. dont need comeC. neednt come D. dont need coming2Its said that there _ a football match on TV this evening.A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have3. -When shall we meet again?-Make it _ day you like. Its all the same to me.A. one B. any C. another D. all4. -

      3、Look, what have you done?-Sorry. I think if I _ another chance, Ill do it better.A. give B. will be given C. will give D. am given5. In our school library there _ a number of books on science and the number of them _ growing larger and larger.A. is; are B. are; is C. is; is D. are; are 6. delicious the dish is! A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a 7 strange clothes he is wearing! A. What aB. WhatC. How aD. How 8 an interesting subject it is! A. WhatB. HowC. What anD. How an (4) foggy it was yesterday!

      4、 A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a9 carelessly you did your homework! A. HowB. What aC. WhatD. How a10. Please tell me . I have some good news for him.(2008 重庆市) A. where Robert livesB. where does Robert liveC. where Robert livedD. where did Robert live11. We dont know It is said that he was born in Canada(2008 汕头)Awhat he isBwhen he was bornCwhere he comes fromDif he lives here12.Could you tell me ?(2008 青海省)A. When will Mary come back B. When Mary comes backC. When Mary will come back 13.Do you k

      5、now , Mike? On May 12th,2008.(2008 山西省) A. when the earthquake took place in Wen ChuanB. when did the earthquake take place in Wen ChuanC. when the earthquake will take place in Wen Chuan 14.She told me the sun _ in the east. A .rise B. roseC. risesD. had risen15.The manager came up to see . A. what was the matter B. what the matter was C. what the matter isD. whats the matter16. He is young, and must be treated a kid. A. asB. By C. Of D. to17. Yi Jianlian is not so tall Yao Ming. A. soB. As C.

      6、likeD. for18.My mother is strict with me. I must do everything she told me. A. soB. likeC. as D. For首字母填空Using a tea bag is most Westerners favorite way of drinking tea. Do you know how it came about?The tea bag was invented in 1908 b Thomas Sullivan, an American tea seller. He was sending out free tea in silk bags for people to try. People put the bags together with the tea leaves into the cup and added h water. The tea t good, and people thought it was easy to clean the cup. They were not happ

      7、y when Sullivan started sending them the loose tea (散装茶) a . Sullivan r that he had a hot new thing in his hands, and he built a machine to pack the bags. As tea bags became popular, they were changed f silk to gauze (薄纱) and later paper. In 1952, Lipton Tea made the tea bag e more popular with its invention of the four-sided tea bag. Tea bags were soon a hit in the UK, and today about 85% of the tea in the UK is p in paper bags.However, many people still p loose-leaf tea. This is b some tea companies put poor quality tea in their tea bags. But for most drinkers, tea bags are still the easy and tasty way to go.自我评价专栏(分优良中差四个等级)自主学习: 合作与交流: 书写: 综合:

      《九年级英语全册 unit 14 i remember meeting all of you in grade 7 section b学案2(新版)人教新目标版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册 unit 14 i remember meeting all of you in grade 7 section b学案2(新版)人教新目标版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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