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九年级英语上册《module 9 cartoon stories unit 2 there are several fan clubs in china which 》导学案 外研版

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    • 1、九年级英语上册Module 9 Cartoon Stories Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which 导学案自主预习 一、汉译英1赢得心 _ 2在天堂 _3搞得乱七八糟_ 4被翻译成_5被制成_ 6一个常用语_7自从以来_ 8违反规则_9返回_ 10表面_二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词三、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空study, care, peach, love1. The little dogs are really _.2. There are a lot of _ on the tree.3. I dont know the student who _ English well in our grade.4. Be _ not to make the same mistake again, Jim.课堂导学1win the heart of “赢得心”His words didnt win the heart of the girl.2lead led led v. 表示“带领,指引”等含义,lead to意为“导

      2、致,引起”。(1) He led us to his home. 他把我们带到他家。(2) Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.3make a mess 搞得乱七八糟,一般表示房间乱七八糟常说be in a mess;感叹表达方式常用“What a mess”!The children made a mess in the bedroom. 孩子们把卧室搞得一塌糊涂。4(1)each adj. “每个, 每一” 后接单数名词。修饰名词作主语时谓语动词用单数。Each student was given a present on that day. 在那天每一名学生都得到了一份礼物。(2) each pron “每个, 各个”,后跟of短语,短语中的名词或代词用复数,做主语时谓语动词用单数。Each of them has never been to Hong Kong. 他们中的每一个人都没去过香港。5ever since “从开始, 自从以来”,引导时间状语从句,其主句通常用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。I have b

      3、een teaching English ever since I graduated from the Teachers College.自从我从师专毕业以来我一直教英语。 ever since 也可以用作副词,意为“从那以后一直”,常用于句尾。如:He left school five years ago and has worked as a doctor ever since.他五年前毕业,从那以后一直当一名医生。6. also had his “50th birthday” celebrated by Chinas Snoopy fans in 2000.have sth. done 的意思是“使某件事被完成”,强调这件事并不是自己动手来完成,而是由别人来做。 have sb. do sth 意为“让、叫、使某人做某事”如:I wont have you say such things.7. The heroes of popular cartoons are everywhere流行的卡通角色随处可见everywhere 是副词,意为“在各个地方, 处处”,一般用于肯定句中

      4、;somewhere在某地,常用于肯定句中;anywhere在某地,在任何地方,用于否定句和疑问句中;nowhere意为“无处,哪里都不”。当堂达标一、单项选择all over, make a mess, above all, ever since, translateinto, keep, draw二、用方框所给单词的适当形式填空1. One day I will travel _ the world by bike to show the low-carbon lifestyle.2. _, he is an honest man and he is believable.3. The museum has attracted millions of tourists _ it was open.4. One who can _ the sentence_ English should speak loudly.5. The picture _ by John is very beautiful.6. Look! You have _in your bedroom. Please

      5、clean it up after supper.7. _ working hard like before, and you will be successful one day.课后提高一、单项选择1. (2012 凉山州) Where would you like to go on vacation, Lily?- Its hot here. Id like to go _.A. anywhere cool B. cool somewhere C. somewhere cool D. cool everywhere2. Ten years has passed _ the CCTV event People Who moved China took place in 2002.A. when B. while C. before D. since3. (2012 广东)How was your weekend? -Great! It was my grandfathers _ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.A. seventy B. seventi

      6、eth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth4. (2012 杭州) We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _ we speak.A. as twice much as B. twice as much as C. as much as twice D. as much twice as5. (2012 苏州) The film made by Walt Disney_ all over the world.A. is used to show B. is used to showing C. used to show D. used to be shown二、(2012 哈尔滨)阅读表达 Harry Potter is a set of popular books 1. _(create) by J.K. Rowling in Britain. The books tell us some stories about a talented wizard(天才魔法师), Harry Pott

      7、er. When he was eleven years old, he had an unhappy life. However, a strange letter changed everything. It said he 2._(accept)by Hogwarts a magic school 3. _(关系代词) was closed to common people. All kinds of adventures happened to Harry from then on. He met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger 4. 在他去学校的路上. They became good friends later. Harry did well in his lessons and worked hard to play magic. Harry always had a positive attitude(态度) when he faced the difficulties. 5. With the help of his friends,

      8、 he tried his best to beat the enemies. Finally, the world peace came back. Smiles appeared on everyones face. If someone wants to know what takes place in the magic world, he will have to read the set of books by himself!阅读短文,按要求做题一)根据短文内容填写表格1. 用括号内词的适当形式填空:_.2. 用括号内词的适当形式填空:_.3. 在空格处填上合适的关系代词:_.4. 将此处汉语译成英语:_.5. 将此处英语译成汉语:_.三、定语从句专练1. The book _ I bought yesterday is very interesting.A. / B. who C. what D. when2. He is the only one of the students in his class who _ to America before.A. went B. will go C. have been D. has been3. J.K. Rowling is the British author _ wrote the series of Harry Potter.A. which B. whom C. who D. /4. (2012 天津) Please pass me the cartoon book _ has a Mickey Mouse on the cover.A. whom B. whose C. who D. which四、(2012襄阳)阅读理解 Zhang Lili, a Chinese language teacher at No. 19 Middle School of Jiamusi in northeast Chinas Heilongjiang Province, has recently been consid

      《九年级英语上册《module 9 cartoon stories unit 2 there are several fan clubs in china which 》导学案 外研版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语上册《module 9 cartoon stories unit 2 there are several fan clubs in china which 》导学案 外研版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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