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    • 1、Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points.单句语法填空1Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be accessible(access)to the kids.2The book,designed(design)for young adults,turned out to be popular with the elderly.3A team,consisting(consist)of two doctors and three policemen,was sent to search for the lost explorers.4He was worried,because he lost his bag containing(contain)his passport,ID card and a lot of money.

      2、5In order to protect our environment,we cant freely cut down trees without governments permission(permit)6Its known(know) as the most dangerous part of the city.7More than eight million books were printed within fifty years after the invention(invent)of printing press.8People felt it impossible for man to_fly(fly)into the outer space many years ago.9Child as he was,he came up with a good idea to solve the problem.10His children as well as his wife were invited to the party and he himself was inv

      3、ited as well.单句改错1We must make clear to the public that something should be done to protect our environment._【答案】make后加it2Plastic bags and boxes known for “white pollution” has become a serious problem._【答案】foras3Tom doesnt like swimming.I dont,too._【答案】tooeither4The project designing to help landless people just didnt work out as planned._【答案】designingdesigned5Peter used to work in a mountain village school,which is only access on foot._【答案】accessaccessible.完形填空The 1990s saw great changes in th

      4、e way people communicate.People could send mails without going to the _1_ and go shopping without leaving home._2_like “email” and “download” became part of peoples vocabulary.The cause of this great change was the_3_.The idea for the Internet began in the early 1960s in_4_.The Department of Defence wanted to_5_ their computers together in order to _6_private information.In 1969,the DARPANET(an early form of the Internet)first connected the _7_ at four American universities.One computer successf

      5、ully _8_ information to another.In 1972,scientists shared DARPANET_9_ the world.They created a _10_ to send persontoperson messages using DARPANET.This was the _11_ of email.Over the next few years,there was a lot of progress made in the world of computing,_12_ most people were not using the Internet.Then,in the 1980s,personal computers became more _13_.In the early 1990s,_14_ important things happened:the birth of the World Wide Web in 1991,and the creation of the _15_ Web browser(浏览器)in 1993.T

      6、he Web made it _16_ to find information on the Internet,and to move from place to place _17_ links.The Web browser made it possible to see information as a website with pictures,sound,and words.Today,_18_ of people connect to the Internet to send emails,visit websites,or store information on servers._19_ are now an important part of our lives and are changing _20_ we learn,work,shop,and communicate.1A.post officeBsupermarketCdepartment store Doffice2A.Expressions BPhrasesCLetters DWords3A.comput

      7、er BInternetCserver Dbrowser4A.America BEnglandCChina DCanada5A.put BgetCconnect Dleave6A.have BtakeCreach Dshare7A.computers BcollegesCtelephones Dlines8A.worked BfoundCposted Dsent9A.to BinCwith Dfor10A.place BwayCpath Ddirection11A.beginning BfindingCcreating Dusing12A.but BandCor Dbecause13A.practical BfamiliarCexpensive Dcommon14A.two BthreeCfour Dfive15A.new BfirstCadvanced Dmodern16A.easier BharderCslower Dcheaper17A.circling BseekingCsending Dusing18A.tens BhundredsCthousands Dmillions19

      8、A.Emails BMessagesCComputers DWebsites20A.how BwhatCwhenDwhy【导学号:67550088】【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了电脑和互联网的发展及其给人们生活带来的影响和变化。1A由常识知,寄邮件通常去邮局,而不是超市、百货大楼或办公室。2D该句中的email和download为单词。3B由下文可知,本文讲述了互联网的历史。4A由下文的four American universities可知是美国。5C国防部想把他们的电脑联网实行资源共享。6D将电脑联网的目的是实现资源共享。share “分享”,符合语境。7A互联网是连接电脑的网络,故选A。8D一台电脑成功地向另一台电脑发送信息。9C1972年,科学家们和世界分享DARPA NET的信息。share.with.意为“和分享”。10B分析语境可知,该空表示“方法”,应填way。11A这是电子邮件的开始。12A根据逻辑分析可知,前后句意发生转折,应填but。13D然后,到了20世纪80年代,个人电脑变得更为常见。practical实际的;familiar熟悉的;expensive昂贵的。14A下文介绍了两件重要的事。15B由上文的happened可以推断,该空表示“第一”,应用first。16A网上找信息变得容易多了。17D根据语境可推断该空意为“使用”,故填using。18Dmillions of“无数的”。19C通篇讲的都是电脑和互联网,故此处指电脑是我们生活中重要的一部分。20A现在电脑已成为我们生活中的一个重要组成部分,并正在改变我们学习、工作、购物和交际的


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