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    • 1、Unit 4Wildlife protectionSection Warming up & ReadingPrereading.阅读理解AGeorge Watford works at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in New York City.He gets some unusual phone calls.One day,he got a call about a mountain lion living in a samll building.“We didnt believe it,” Watford said.“But when we went out there,sure enough,there was a mountain lion sitting at the front window looking out at us”The big cats owner knew that his neighbors were unhappy about the an

      2、imal.He didnt try to stop us taking it away.In one year,the ASPCA took in 9,459 different animals,not counting cats and dogs.That number includes a lot of rabbits and monkeys,but the ASPCA has also taken many other exotic (外来的) pets from peoples homes.These animals cant be set free into the wild because they wouldnt survive.The ASPCA tries to find homes for them in zoos or special areas for animals.Its against the law to sell wild animals in New York City.Many buildings dont even allow dogs and

      3、cats,not to mention more exotic animals.Still,the ASPCA takes away most of the exotic animals not because of complaints (怨言),but because the pets owner needs help.A lovely baby lion or bear will finally grow up to be dangerous.“When they bite (咬人),it isnt because they hate you.Its because theyre wild animals,” said exotic animal expert Kathi Travers.Travers is quick to give speeches against raising wild animals as pets.Too often people think that caring for a wild animal is the same as caring fo

      4、r a dog or a cat.“To love an animal is not enough,”Travers said.“There has to be respect (尊重),and respect is not taking an animal,sticking it in a little cage,and expecting the animal to be happy.”语篇解读本文是说明文。纽约有很多人将野生动物当宠物养。1When he got the call,Watford felt _.AexcitedBsurprisedCfearfulDangry解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的We didnt believe it可知,Watford感到很惊讶。答案:B2When it finds an exotic animal in the city,the ASPCA_.Akeeps it until it grows upBsets it free into the wildChelps find it a homeDsells it to a zoo解析:细节

      5、理解题。根据第二段的The ASPCA tries to find homes for them in zoos or special areas for animals可知。答案:C3What can we infer from Paragraph 3?APet owners cant really control a wild animal.BA baby wild animal behaves badly at home.CWild animals have their joy and anger.DA wild animal often destroys a home.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的but because the pets owner needs help和A lovely baby lion or bear will finally grow up to be dangerous可知,将野生动物当成宠物养的人有时会受到宠物的威胁。由此可推测,养宠物的人并不能完全驾驭或控制野生动物。答案:A4The last paragraph is written to sh

      6、ow that_.Ait takes effort to care for a wild animalBkeeping wild animals as pets is unwiseCwild animals are happy in big spacesDwild animals can be dangerous解析:段落大意题。该段首句为主题句,由此可知,该段主要想说明野生动物不适合当宠物养。答案:BBNational Potato Day was back on Friday 23rd August 2013.Along with Bord Bia(Irish Food Board) and many other potato growers in Ireland,Keoghs Farm brought you a day that was all about potatoes and showing love for our national vegetable.Keoghs invited the public to Spud Fest,which took place on

      7、Dublins South King Street from 12 pm to 4 pm.This festival brought the farm to the city with potato performers,face painters,balloon modeling,music,tastings and plenty of other festival fun to celebrate the most delicious day of the year.There were lots of potatoes,of course.Keoghs along with the support of Bord Bia called on everyone to enjoy at least one potato on National Potato Day.Potatoes are naturally low in fat,a great source of vitamins and minerals and are a great way to support local

      8、Irish homegrown produce and businesses.Tom Keogh,General Manager of Keoghs Farm said,We cant believe we were getting ready for our third year of National Potato Day.When we dreamt the idea up in 2011,we had no idea it would attract so many people.Since the first National Potato Day we have received nothing but interest in potatoes at home and all over the world.Ireland is now recognized as one of the finest producers of top quality vegetables,with the potato leading the field.We are happy that B

      9、ord Bia have joined us this year to bring all our fellow potato producers together and join forces to promote (提升) the enjoyment of the potato.We are hoping National Potato Day is a day to encourage everyone to love potatoes!语篇解读本文是说明文。文章介绍了爱尔兰全国土豆日。5What did Tom Keogh think of the first National Potato Day?AIt was worldfamous.BIt was rather terrible.CIt was very worthless.DIt was quite successful.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的it would attract so many people.Since the first National Potato Day we have received nothing but interest in potatoes.可知,第一届全国土豆日很成功。答案:D6What can we learn from the last paragraph?AThe Irish live mainly on potatoes.BNational Potato Day has a bright future.CIreland produces high quality potatoes.DKeogh hopes more and more Irish can grow potatoes.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的I


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