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    • 1、Unit 3 Celebration Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.单词拼写1_(祝贺)!You got the first prize in this competition.答案:Congratulations2Bettys parents have been _(结婚)for more than 25 years.答案:married3_(传统的) moon cakes are made during the Midautumn Festival.答案:Traditional4She is _(满意的)to pass the drivers test for the first time.答案:content5The new bridge will_(连接) the island to the mainland.答案:link6Ill meet you at the_(入口) to the theatre.答案:entrance7I dont like_(出席) a wedding ceremony because there are too many

      2、people.答案:attending8They_(捐献) food and clothing for the poor.答案:contributed.单句语法填空1You should apply _the publisher_the permission to reprint the extract.答案:to;for2The climate here doesnt agree _her.答案:with3Which sport is the most popular in America?Its hard to say.It largely depends_what you mean by “popular”答案:on4We offered him our congratulations_ his passing the college entrance exams.答案:on5Im going to Europe on vacation together with John if I_ find the money.答案:can6If you_ smoke,please go o

      3、utside.答案:must7To tell the truth,I wont go to the party even if_(invite)答案:invited8This book is said to be a special one,which_(cover) many events that cant be found in other history books.答案:covers9Paul doesnt have to be made_(learn)He always works hard.答案:to learn10In this day and age,women can have children and jobs as well.I cant agree more.Its great to have the two_(combine)答案:combined.完成句子1I send you my warmest _your success.我对你的成功致以最热烈的祝贺。答案:congratulations on2It was an absolute hell tryi

      4、ng to get this report finished_.按时完成这个报告真是件苦差事。答案:on time3. All living things_the sun for their growth.万物生长靠太阳。答案:depend on4. I made up my mind to_a scholarship.我决定申请奖学金。答案:apply for5. They _how to evacuate the civilians from the island.他们就如何疏散岛上的百姓取得了一致意见。答案:agreed on6. This Old Silk Road_China _the West in ancient times.这条古老的丝绸之路在古时候把中国和西方连接了起来。答案:linked;with 7. Your suggestion has greatly _the accomplishment of our work.你的建议大大地促进了我们工作的完成。答案:contributed to8. The field is_snow.田野一片积雪。答案:covered

      5、 with9. I will never lose courage _I should fail ten times.即使要失败十次,我也绝不灰心。答案:even if10. Excuse me,where is the_the theater?请问剧院的入口在哪里?答案:entrance to.阅读理解I was driving down a quiet country road and heading home.As I was rounding a bend I saw a rock in the middle of the road.As I slowed to go around it,I noticed that it had a head and was staring up (抬头凝视) at me.It was a turtle who had decided to warm up by sunbathing on the road.I pulled over to the side of the road and picked up the sunbather.I

      6、knew if I moved the turtle off to the side of the road he would just crawl (爬行) back to the warmer spot as soon as I left.Not knowing what else to do then I carried him to my car and placed him on the passenger seat.When I finally made it home,I picked up the sunbather again and headed to the woods behind my house.After looking around a bit I saw a clear spot where the sun was shining down on a single rock.I gently placed the turtle down on it and took a few steps back.A few minutes later the he

      7、ad slowly came out and started enjoying the sun once more.I smiled and headed back to my house.My simple act of kindness may not have seemed like much in the eyes of the world,but it made a difference in the life of one turtle and in the heart of one man.Most of us go through our lives wanting to make some big difference in this world.However,any kind act makes a difference.Remember this the next time you see a person or a turtle needing a helping hand.语篇解读一只乌龟在马路上晒太阳,作者担心它的安全,便把它带回到家放到屋后的小树林,让它

      8、在那里安全地享受阳光的沐浴。1What was the authors first impression of the turtle?AIt was pitiful.BIt was a rock.CIt was lovely. DIt was very cold.解析:细节理解题。从第一段中的As I was rounding a bend I saw a rock可知,作者第一眼看见这只乌龟,以为是一块石头,故选B项。答案:B2The author didnt move the turtle off to the side of the road mainly because_.Ahe was worried that it would be killedBhe thought others would take it homeChe wanted to give it a comfortable homeDhe wanted to take it back to his house解析:推理判断题。从第二段中的I knew if I moved the turtle off to the side of the road he would just crawl back to the warmer spot as soon as I left可知,作者担心它又会爬到路中间去,这是非常危险的。答案:A3What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to?AMany people want to make a difference.BAny kind act makes a difference.CGiving the turtle a hand.DMy act of kindness.解析:指代题。上句提到any kind act makes a differenc


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