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    • 1、Unit 3 Travel journal Section Warming Up & Reading-Language Points.单句语法填空1The determined(determine)look on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.2I have accomplished the task on schedule.3After graduating/graduation(graduate),he went to America.4We cant make up our minds (mind) whether to go or not.5He often cares about his parents health.6Her parents insisted on speaking (speak) to the headmaster.7The water isnt fit to drink (drink)8It was in the street that I came across my

      2、old friend yesterday.9He never gives (give) in when he faces danger.10There are some disadvantages (disadvantage) in his plan.单句改错 【导学号:94180038】1I prefer going to the cinema to watch TV.watchwatching2He had been there ever since you left!hadhas3The room is comfortable to live.live后加in4The detective insisted that he had a look.hadhave5Im determining to go and nothing will stop me.determiningdetermined.阅读理解Travel informationPlaces of interestthe Water Cubethe West LakeDisneyland the Dragon TowerL

      3、ocationBeijingHangzhouHong KongHarbinPhone number010281355890571683455790085228029822045181187899Price of the ticket¥60¥50¥300¥150FeatureSpecial bubbly(充满气泡的) designThe Broken BridgeCartoon charactersSkywalk(人行天桥)the Water Cubethe West LakeDisneylandthe Dragon Tower【语篇解读】本文介绍了4个景点的信息,包括所处位置、联系电话、门票价格以及各自的特色等。1It is said that the love story about Xu Xian and Lady White Snake happened in ABeijingBHangzhouCHong KongDHarbin【解析】常识选择题。众所周知,许仙和白娘子的故事发生在杭州西湖。【答案】B2If a person in Hangzhou feels like visi

      4、ting the Water Cube, he should call to get information.A045181187899B0085228029822C057168345579D01028135589【解析】细节理解题。根据表格中the Water Cube栏下的电话号码可知答案为D。【答案】D3Two travelers plan to have a birdseye view (鸟瞰) of Harbin, and they two need to pay from the information above.A¥120B¥100C¥300D¥600【解析】细节计算题。在Price of the ticket栏后面的the Dragon Tower下面可知门票是每个150元,两人应付300元。【答案】C4Which of the following is TRUE according to the travel information?AThe Water Cube is special in design.BThe price of a ticket for the

      5、 West Lake is the highest.CIn Disneyland, you cant see any cartoon characters.DThe price of a ticket for the Dragon Tower is the lowest.【解析】判断正误题。从4个景点的价格可知B、D两项错;从景点的特色Disneyland栏下面的Cartoon characters可知C项错。故A项正确。【答案】A.完形填空When a person is curious about something, it means he is interested in it and wishes to know more about it.There is nothing 1 with curiosity in itself.Whether it is good or bad 2 on what people are curious about.Curiosity is 3 silly or wrong.Some persons with nothing to do are

      6、 4 of curiosity about what their neighbors are doing.They are 5 to know what they are eating or drinking,what they are bringing home or taking out or 6 they have come home so early or late.To be interested in these things is 7 because they are not important at all.It is none of their 8 to know what neighbors do or are doing.Such curiosity is 9 not only foolish but also harmful.For most probably, it 10 to small talk which often brings 11 ,shame or disrespect to others, and thus hurt their feeling

      7、s.On the other 12 ,there is a noble curiositythe curiosity of the wise, who 13 at all the great things and try to find out all they 14 about them.Columbus could 15 have found America if he had not been 16 .James Watt would not have made the steam engine 17 his curiosity about the raising of the kettle lid (水壶盖)All the great discoveries and inventions in human history have been made 18 a result of curiosity. 19 the curiosity is never about unimportant things, which have 20 or nothing to do with t

      8、he happiness of the public.【语篇解读】每个人都有一颗好奇的心,那么好奇是好事还是坏事呢?本文就这一问题展开了论述。1A.goodBwrongCrightDspecial【解析】结合后面的Whether it is good or bad可知,好奇本身没有什么错。【答案】B2A.worksBputsCtakesDdepends【解析】好奇是好还是坏取决于人们所好奇的事情。depend on“依靠,取决于”。【答案】D3A.alwaysBsometimesCseldomDneither【解析】根据后面讲述的内容可知,好奇有时候是愚蠢或错误的。【答案】B4A.fullBfondCproudDlack【解析】结合with nothing to do可知,有些无所事事的人就对他们的邻居做什么充满了好奇。【答案】A5A.angryBworriedCpleasedDanxious【解析】由curiosity一词可知,他们急切地想知道邻居家吃什么或喝什么。【答案】D6A.howBwhenCwhyDwhere【解析】他们好奇邻居为什么回来得这么早或晚。【答案】C7A.sillyBnecessaryCpossibleDfunny【解析】与该段首句“Curiosity is 3 silly or wrong.”可知,对这些事情好奇是很愚蠢的。【答案】A8A.workBhomeworkCdutyDbusiness【解析】因为他们好奇的事情不重要,也与他们无关。It is none of sb.s business“与某人无关”。【答案】D9A.nothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything【解析】这样的好奇是不仅愚蠢而且有害的东西。something在此表示“某种东西”。【答案】C10A.refersBleadsCcausesDresults【解析】这样的好奇会导致一些小的争吵。lead to“导致,造成”。refer to“提及,参考”;result和in搭配表示“导致”。【答案】B11A.prideBharmCnervousnessDselfishness【解析】根据后面shame or disrespect


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