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    • 1、Unit 20 New Frontiers Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points .语法填空1They assessed the damage caused by the fire_$2.5 million.答案:at2In the first book,Lyras scientist father makes_possible to enter other worlds.答案:it3All these actions conflicted _the universally accepted international laws.We should be against them.答案:with4She doubted whether he would be_(equality) to the job,so he was not admitted.答案:equal5His new novel is based_his own experience when he was studying in Harvard University.答案:

      2、on6The report about the market sales should be sent to the manager on time and it shouldnt be a minute_(latter)答案:late7After the long march through the wild forest,they found themselves _(wear) out as well as their clothes.答案:worn8Its said that the plan will assist some young people_(find) work.答案:to find9The home rent is expensive.Ive got about half the space I had at home but Im paying three times_much here.答案:as10_amusing the story is,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this

      3、 week.答案:However/No matter how11By the time you arrive in London,we_(stay) in Europe for two weeks.答案:will have stayed12It is reported that the police will soon look_the cause of the forest fire.答案:into.完成句子1有些现代语言是以拉丁文为基础的。Some modern languages _Latin.答案:are based on 2你必须客观地评价职员们的工作表现。You must be objective in_of the staff.答案:assessing the performance3他已把早起锻炼当成了一种习惯。(it作形式宾语)He has made_.答案:it a habit to get up early and take exercise4经过大量的锻炼,他现在已康复。After_,he has recovered now.答案:(taking) masses

      4、 of exercise 5医生建议他游泳或散步,他选择了后者。The doctor suggested he go swimming or walking,and he_.答案: chose the latter6他们对这个事故的观点和我们的冲突。Their opinion on the accident _ours.答案:conflicts with7过去汤姆的身体弱,而且很容易疲劳。Tom was weak and _in the past.答案: easy to be worn out 8这辆车的价钱是我的车的价钱的四倍。The price of the car is _that of mine.答案:four times as much as.根据汉语提示,选用练习中的句子完成语段训练过去汤姆身体很弱而且很容易疲劳。医生建议他去游泳或散步,他选择了后者。经过大量的锻炼他现在已康复。他现在已把早起锻炼当成了一种习惯。答案:Tom used to be weak and easy to be worn out.The doctor suggested he (should) go

      5、 swimming or walking,and he chose the latter.After (taking) masses of exercise,he has recovered now.He has made it a habit to get up early and take exercise.阅读理解The robot moved into the fighting ring (台) with confidence.Then it turned around quickly and knocked itself over.The team of Scouts (童子军) that built the 8inchtall machine immediately realized one arm was too long.They would have to work fastpractice time was over,and the real robot matches were about to begin.“We tried to fix it,but by t

      6、hat time,the other teams had more advanced technology,” says Eagle Scout Matthew Patchen,16.“They were a couple of steps ahead of us.”In the end,Matthews team didnt win the robot competition.But they had a great time working on their Robotics merit badges (奖章) at the 2011 AdvanceCamp in Antioch,Calif.AdvanceCamp is held the last Saturday in September at the Contra Costa County Fairgrounds in Antioch,Calif.Nearly 1,500 Scouts attended in 2011 and worked on different merit badges.Scouts choose fro

      7、m more than 50 meritbadge classes taught by counselors (夏令营负责人)They can earn merit badges from Fingerprinting to Nuclear Science to Swimming.Robotics is the most popular class.First,one of the counselors talked to Matthew and the other Scouts in his Robotics class about the many different uses for robots.“I learned how advanced it really is,” Matthew says.“Robots are used in medicine and industry.” After the talk,the Scouts were divided into fiveperson teams.Each team was required to build a bas

      8、ic robot.The next step was programming the tiny computer in the robot so it would make the right moves once it was in the ring.“We programmed our robot so its arm was moving all the time,” Matthew says.“That way,it would knock the other robot over.”Thats when they discovered the arm on their robot was too long.As a result,their robot knocked itself over before it could fight with any other robots.“It was a learning experience,” Matthew says.“You have to think ahead.”语篇解读本文是说明文。文章介绍了一项有趣的夏令营活动。1Why did Matthews team lose the robot competition?ATheir robot was too small.BTheir robot didnt work fast enough.CTheir robot knocked itself over.DTheir robot had the shortest arm.解析:细节理解题。从第一至第四段对机器人比赛的描述可知,Matthew队伍设计的机器人由于手臂过长,在比赛过程中自己把自己弄倒了,因此未赢得比赛。倒数第二段内容也是提示。 答案:C2What can we learn about the 2011 AdvanceCamp?AIt consisted of more than 50 fiveperson teams.BIt supplied various merit badges to Scouts.CIt had 1,500 counselors to teach Scouts.DIt was a camp aimed at robotics


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