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    • 1、Unit 2 Heroes Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Pre-reading阅读理解AToms Shoes founder (创始人) Blake Mycoskie is an American.He spends a great deal of his time giving out shoes in South America and Africa,and giving speeches about his One For One business model (buy a pair of shoes,and a pair is given to someone in need for free)Now hes expecting one million people worldwide to take part in the One Day Without Shoes eventspending a day without shoes to have a better understanding of those who do not have a c

      2、hoice.The latest shoes of Toms Shoes have a more lofty inspiration (高尚的灵感):great teachers.“The worlds attention has been on climate change in recent years.I think that education can be the next climate change,” Mycoskie said.“Not that we dont have a long way to go on climate change still,but I believe education will be the next theme of pop culture.”Mycoskie wrote a book named “Start Something That Matters”“Its the No.1 question I get asked:I have an idea,how do I get it started?And I think I ha

      3、ve some ideas to help people with that,” he said.Part of the book is about challenging (富有挑战性的) peopleto volunteer at a homeless shelter or to start a giving program at their business,he explained.The book is simple in design and message.It also calls on people to lead a simple life.“People think they cant live without many things,” said Mycoskie,who lives on a houseboat to prevent his stuff from increasing.“But in fact,they also understand how not having a lot of stuff to keep lets you lead a m

      4、ore free life.” However,he doesnt want you to just buy one pair of shoes.“That is a dilemma (两难之境)”,he said.“But nothing is perfect.”语篇解读文章介绍了汤姆布鞋创始人Blake Mycoskie帮助他人的事迹。1Which of the following is TRUE about the One Day Without Shoes event?AIt is part of the One For One business model.BIt is held in South America and Africa every year.CIt makes people experience what its like not wearing shoes.DOne million people around the world have already taken part in it.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段末的spending a day with

      5、out shoes to have a better understanding of those who do not have a choice可知答案。答案:C2Blake Mycoskie wants people to buy more shoes of him because_.Ahe wants to prove he is a successful business manBno shoes can remain perfect for a long timeChe wants to earn more money to improve his lifeDthe more shoes he sells,the more he sends to others解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的One For One business model (buy a pair of shoes,and a pair is given to someone in need for free)可知,汤姆的鞋卖的越多,Blake Mycoskie就会捐赠越多的鞋给需要的人。答案:D3What

      6、s Blake Mycoskies view on climate change?APeople still need to work hard on it.BIt has something to do with education.CGreat teachers should pay more attention to it.DIt could be the next inspiration for his new shoes.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的Not that we dont have a long way to go on climate change still,but I believe education will be the next theme of pop culture可知,Blake Mycoskie认为气候变化仍然是现在流行文化的主题,人们仍然需要为之做很多努力。答案:A4Whats the text mainly about?ABlake Mycoskies business model.BBlake Mycoskies lofty insp

      7、iration.CBlake Mycoskies effort to help others.DBlake Mycoskies confidence to try new things.解析:主旨大意题。本文介绍了汤姆布鞋创始人Blake Mycoskie帮助他人的事迹。他不仅开创One For One的生意模式、举办One Day Without Shoes的活动帮助没鞋穿的人,还出书激励人们从事慈善事业。答案:CAs a kid,Fan Yang was crazy about the beauty of bubbles (气泡)A waterfall at a river near his childhood home in Vietnam created hundreds of tiny bubbles.“I saw another world in bubbles,and I imagined how nice it would be if I could create a big bubble and be inside it,” he says.Many years la

      8、ter,Fan realized that dream.He has formed bubbles around hundreds of people,made large bubbles that his daughter can walk through,and even made square bubbles.Fan calls himself a “bubble artist” and “bubble scientist”“So far,I havent met any other bubble scientists!” he says.To achieve what he wanted,Fan worked hard for years.“After many years of failure,I finally came out with a bubble solution that made big bubbles with beautiful colors.” Five years later,after lots more practice and experimen

      9、ts,he created the worlds largest bubble,which was 156 feet long.Fan designed a program called the Gazillion Bubble Show.He has many performance tips to offer.He says its good to make the audience feel tension (紧张) so that they are surprised at the end of a trick (把戏)He also suggests doing performances that are fun to watch,so that the audience will stay interested the whole time.To perform his tricks,Fan uses bubble equipment that he created himself.He wants kids to know that theyre not limited (受限制的) by anything except their imaginations,and they can create whatever they want to help them follow their interests.“To make art,you need time,love,and hard work,which guided my life and made me successful.I am proud to say that I used something simplebubblesand brought it to a completely new world.”语篇解读本文是记叙文。介绍了世界


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