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    • 1、Unit 24 Society Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Pre-reading.完形填空Mum died of cancer when I was 17.When I became a mother myself I _1_ the deep sadness again.I remember I stayed in the delivery room (产房) after I _2_ Aela and the nurse came into find me crying out of _3_.I kept saying,“I miss my mum.”I have two brothers and three sisters.The happy sounds of laughter _4_ the whole home and there was never a boring moment.When I think about it now I _5_ my mum highly,who was a fulltime mother.She was a re

      2、ally clever and _6_ woman who was always telling jokes and loved life deeply.I know I should be _7_ after having a baby.And of course I was happy,but _8_ always came to me because Mum wasnt there.When Aela was born I came up with _9_ like,“Was I a good sleeper?Did I do that when I was Aelas age?”Mum must remember these _10_ because she always had a good memory.When you have a _11_ of your own,it brings a new _12_ to Mothers Day.Theres still that sadness of Mum not being around,but the day takes

      3、on a(n) _13_ meaning.This year,Aelas kindergarten _14_ a Mothers Day breakfast and she kept telling me,“Mummy,were having a very _15_ day for you.” Aela _16_ me so much of my mum sometimes _17_ a certain expression on her face looks like her grandma.The three of us_18_ a similar sense of humor as well.Mothers Day is when I _19_ on my way to raise up Aela and remember Mum.I think that if Mum still _20_ me now,Id be much happier.语篇解读关于母亲的记忆永远是那么美好,失去母亲的关怀永远那么让人心痛。1A.held backBbelonged toCwent thro

      4、ughDescaped from解析:从第一段的第一句话可以知道,作者17岁的时候母亲就去世了。因为思念母亲,所以当作者成为一个母亲时,她经历了第二次悲伤。答案:C2A.lived up to Bgave birth toCwent down toDgot close to解析:根据上下文可知,事情发生在作者生孩子后。答案:B3A.control BangerCkindnessDbalance解析:作者哭得无法控制自己。答案:A4A.ignored BrefreshedCshockedDfilled解析:因为有兄妹六个,所以作者家里充满了欢笑。答案:D5A.doubt BrespectCrecognizeDexpect解析:当作者现在想起来,她仍然很敬佩她的妈妈。答案:B6A.lucky BhumorousCcuriousDpowerful解析:根据本段who was always telling jokes可知,妈妈是一个很幽默的人。答案:B7A.successful BmodestCdelightedDindependent解析:根据此空后面的句子And of course I w

      5、as happy可知,此处表示“我知道我有了孩子后应该很快乐”。答案:C8A.sorrow BfearCdesireDchallenge解析:根据连词but和because Mum wasnt there可指,此处应该选A。答案:A9A.questions BadviceCsympathyDtroubles解析:当Aela出生时,作者想问妈妈很多问题。答案:A10A.patiently BclearlyCproudlyDsurprisingly解析:根据because she always had a good memory可知,妈妈一定清楚地记得这些。答案:B11A.house BchildCcarDtalent解析:根据上下文可知,这里指当你有了自己的孩子。答案:B12A.gift BdutyCfocusDwish解析:有了自己的孩子后,你会对母亲节有了新的关注。答案:C13A.different BridiculousCnarrowDpolitical解析:妈妈不在身边仍然很悲伤,但是这一天有了一个不同的意义。答案:A14A.adjusted BorganizedCurgedDd

      6、onated解析:今年,Aela的幼儿园安排了一个母亲节早餐活动。答案:B15A.traditional BprofessionalCspecialDsmooth解析:Aela她不停地告诉我,“妈咪,我们给你准备了非常特殊的一天。”答案:C16A.tells BremindsCdemandsDbrings解析:根据a certain expression on her face looks like her grandma可知,Aela总是让我想起我的母亲。答案:B17A.so BsinceCbutDuntil解析:这里是因果关系,故选B。答案:B18A.satisfy BprepareCshareDarrange解析:作者的母亲,作者女儿和作者本人有着相似的幽默感。答案:C19A.depend BcarryCinsistDreflect解析:母亲节是作者反省养育Aela的方式和思念母亲的日子。答案:D20A.accompanied BaffordedCencouragedDeducated解析:如果母亲现在依然陪伴作者左右,她会觉得更幸福。答案:A.阅读理解Martin was cl

      7、early one of the most talented business leaders Id ever met.Had it not been for his bad temper,he could easily have become CEO of a global company.He was once close to achieving that lifelong goal but his burst of anger at a meeting literally scuttled the directorsdecision to appoint him as CEO.Martin left that company immediately and despite all of his leadership assets,he didnt realize his career goal elsewhere.There is a leader typePerilous.A significant majority (60%) of business executives

      8、fell into the Perilous category.Like Martin,these leaders were capable of leading remarkably well at times,but underlying issuesfrustration,disappointment,and the envy of more successful peersinfluenced their leadership behavior.For those of you with a Perilous boss,here are some suggestions that could help you “manage” him/her:Be open with your comments about their talents and accomplishmentsespecially in front of people who are senior to them.(If it hadnt been for Johns quick problemsolving,we

      9、 could not have succeeded.)Give timely and constructive feedback when the boss says or does things that can have potentially bad effects.(I understand your frustration but the way you blew up in the meeting this morning was not proper.)Tell the boss about personal issues that may be distracting a key employee.(Bobs son was just diagnosed with a serious illness;it would be helpful if you told him not to worry about it.)Let the boss know when he/she has behaved in a manner that is perceived as more selfserving than in the interest of the team.(People believe your pus


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