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    • 1、Unit 2The Olympic GamesPeriod Vocabulary.语境填词1Mary was not at home,so her son acted as the h_.2How much did he c_ you for repairing the bicycle?3She b_ with the trader till he sold her the fruit cheaply.4Mr. King has _(代替) Mike as captain of the team.5He _ (承认) to the teacher that he was wrong.6These three students all _ (自愿)their time to help other people.以义思词1_ vi.:to try to be more successful or better than sb. else who is trying to do the same as you2_ n:a person who does a job without being

      2、 paid for it3_ adj.:done or happening often,usual4_ v:to say that you have done sth. wrong5_ adv.:at the present time6_ n:a duty to deal with or take care of sb./sth.7_ n:a large sports ground surrounded by rows of seats and usually other buildings8_ vt.:to be used instead of sth./sb.else;to do sth. instead of sb./sth. else9_ v:to ask an amount of money for goods10_ v:to tell the public about a product in order to encourage people to buy or to use it11_ vi.:to discuss prices with sb. in order to

      3、 reach an agreement that is satisfactory12_ vt.:to make sb. pay money as an official punishment .同义词替换1How many countries joined_in the last Olympic Games? _2Each colour on the flag is_a_symbol_of a different state. _3Are they also coming,do you know?_4She has_the_duty_to_control_over the daytoday running of the business._5The bills kept coming in,one_and_then_another,and_then_another._6Germany is bidding to organize the World Cup finals._7You should_have a rest after all that hard work._8She wa

      4、nted to enjoy her moment of honour_given_to_her._.选词填空1This jacket is a real _ at such a low price.2We achieved victories _.3One player in particular _ a mention.4An experienced mechanic is _ the job.5The company is _ for typists in the newspapers.完成句子1大家都积极参与讨论。Everyone _ the discussion.2你知道古代奥林匹克运动会和现代奥林匹克运动会的差异吗?Do you know the _ the ancient _ modern Olympic Games?3学生们互相竞答老师的问题。The students _ each other to answer the teachers questions.4“WTO”代表什么?What does the “WTO” _?5史密斯教授和许多学生都出席了会议。Profes

      5、sor Smith _ many students was present at the meeting.词义辨析1用as well,too,also和either填空(1)Wang Hai is a worker and a militiaman _.(2)She plays the piano,and sings,_.(3)His sister has _ gone to town.(4)If you dont go there,I wont _.2用take part in,attend,join in和join sb.in sth.的适当形式填空(1)He decided to _ the meeting himself.(2)They danced and danced until a great many people _.(3)We all _ extracurricular activities.(4)All the family _ me _ wishing you a happy future.单项填空1We dont have physics on Monday,

      6、Wednesday and Friday.We have it _.Aevery other days Bevery three daysCevery other day Devery day2John is not here today. Who can _ him in the game?Areplace Btake the placeCinstead of Din place of3At the school sports meeting the students competed _ the honour of winning.Afor BinCagainst Dabout4It was not until midnight _ they reached the campsite.Athat BwhenCwhile Das5We finished the run in less than half the time_.Aallowing Bto allowCallowed Dallows6Email,as well as the telephone,_ an important

      7、 part in daily communication.Ais playing Bhave playedCare playing Dplay7London has got the chance to _ the 2012 Olympic Games.Astand for Bjoin inCintroduce Dhost8We want to rent a bus which can _ 40 people for our trip to Beijing.Aload BholdCfill Dsupport9Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks, but it cost _ his.Aas much twice as Btwice as much asCmuch as twice as Das twice much as10Tom admitted to _ in the examination,so he was not admitted _ college in the end.Ahave cheated;to Bhaving cheated;forChave cheated;for Dhaving cheated;intoUnit 2The Olympic GamesPeriod Vpete2.volunteer3.regular4.admit5nowadays6.responsibility7.stadium8.replace9.charge10.advertise11.bargain12.fine .1.took part in2.stands for3as well4.is in charge of5.one after another6host7.deserve8.glory.1.bargain2.one after another3.deserves4in charge of5.advertising.1.took an active part in2.differences between;and3competed with/ag


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