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  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86867337
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、单元质量评估(二)时间:100分钟分数:120分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AOver the years there have been several advancements in the Health Care manufacturing (制造) technology.With the discovery of new illness or diseases,the Pharmaceutical (药物) companies around the world are using the most modern and effective technologies for manufacturing Healthcare products.One such major invention that has gained wide popularity is the liquid filled capsules (液体填注胶囊)Just like the t

      2、raditional ones,these capsules also have two pieces and they offer several benefits over the traditional soft surface capsules.The benefits are discussed below:Production benefits.The process of manufacturing (制造) of these hard surface capsules is simple.Another significant benefit of these capsules is that they are manufactured into standard sizes which are scientifically designed and ruled.This makes the packaging process easy.Besides,the liquid filling of the capsules totally avoids the risk

      3、of dust and chemical outflow,which means capsules of this kind are easy to handle and environmentally friendly.Drug formulation (配方) benefits.The capsules that have liquid contain less number of excipients(赋形剂) as compared to other Healthcare Products.It is better for the users too as the liquid filling makes the process of absorbing easy and quick.These capsules are a kind of improvement for formulations that can hardly be mixed in the water.There are many highly powerful chemicals in the formu

      4、lation.With liquid filling the capsules could last for a long time.Additionally,there is more uniformity (均匀性)in content filling.Liquid filling is best suited for making capsules that have formulations which should be kept away from being damp.Sales and marketing benefits.These are far better than the traditional capsules from the sales and marketing view as these capsules have attractive colours on the surface.【语篇解读】本文介绍了液体填注胶囊的优点。1What do the liquid filled capsule and the traditional ones have

      5、 in common?AThey are both rather light.BThey are both in standard sizes.CThey both have two pieces.DThey are both filled with liquid.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Just like the traditional ones,these capsules also have two pieces.”可知,液体填注胶囊与传统胶囊一样,都由两部分组成。答案:C2According to the passage,_Aits easy to invent the liquid filled capsulesBits easy to package the liquid filled capsulesCits hard to handle the liquid filled capsulesDits hard to buy the liquid filled capsules解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“This makes the packaging proces

      6、s easy.”可知,液体填注胶囊便于包装。答案:B3Compared with the traditional capsules,the liquid filled capsules are _Amore effectiveBin smaller sizesCmuch cheaper Dat low cost解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“There are many highly powerful chemicals in the formulation.”可知,液体填注胶囊具有更强力的配方。由此可推知,这种胶囊比传统胶囊更有药效。答案:A4Which is probably the best title for the passage?AAdvantages of the liquid filled capsulesBThe development of pharmaceutical companiesCThe birth of the liquid filled capsulesDAdvanced & effective health care products解析:标题判断题。

      7、本文介绍了液体填注胶囊环保、高效和易吸收等传统胶囊不具备的优点,由此可知答案。答案:ABA bride caused a stir among shoppers at a supermarket in Torfaen when she went shopping in her wedding dress.Anna Savery enjoyed a meal with her husband James and guests at a Cwmbran restaurant after the ceremony but decided to carry on the celebrations at her mothers house.But first she stopped off at a nearby supermarket to pick up some essentials.She was greeted by a flood of good wishes from customers astonished to spot her in the vegetable aisle (

      8、侧廊)Mrs Savery,39,who married James Savery,26,at Pontypool Register Office on Saturday said: “It was a very impromptu (即兴的) idea.Thats when I decided to go to the supermarket,but it was shutting in 45 minutes so I didnt have time to go and change.But I have been in my pyjamas (睡衣)before,why not in my wedding dress?”Mrs Savery,who dashed around the supermarket to buy alcohol with her new motherinlaw and sisterinlaw,was overwhelmed by the reactions of staff and customers.“People were smiling and as

      9、king for photos.It was unimaginable;I just cant find exact words to describe my feelings,”she said.“I felt like a celebrity (名人)I had people saying I looked beautiful and one man said his daughter said I looked like a princess.”Among those to congratulate Mrs Savery was Cwmbran blogger Ben Black who captured her out shopping on video.Afterwards he wrote on his blog: “Im smiling and have goose bumps (鸡皮疙瘩) as I type this blog.”“To Anna and James: have a fantastic night and wonderful future together.You put a smile on a lot of peoples faces tonight,” he added.【语篇解读】一位新娘因时间仓促而身着婚纱去购物,这一举动却带来了出乎意料的反响。5How did the staff and customers feel when they saw Mrs Savery in her wedding dress?AThey felt amazed. BThey felt disappointed.CThey felt puzzled. DThey felt afraid.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“She was greeted by a flood of good wishes fr


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