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  • 文档编号:86867319
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    • 1、Unit 3ComputersPeriod Vocabulary.语境填词1Youd better c_ how much time the assignment will take.2Please help me to s_ the problem.I cant work it out.3Can you tell the differences between animals and the human r_ ?4The manager received fifteen _(申请) for the position.5His life _(目标) is to serve the people.6Science and _(技术) plays a very important role in the modern world.以义思词1_ v:to use numbers to find out a total number2_ adj.:true or right at all times and in all places3_ adj.:seeming natural,reason

      2、able or sensible4_ n:scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry5_ n:an attempt to change the government of a country by a large number of people6_ adj.:made or produced to copy sth. natural,not real7_ n:the ability to learn,understand and think in a logical way about things8_ v:to find a way of dealing with a problem9_ n:a formal request for sth.,the practical use of sth.10_ n:a movement or sound that you make to give sb. information or a warning.同义词替换1He made one big mistake and be

      3、cause_of_that he lost his job._2The programme has been organized_in_such_a_way_that none of the talks overlap._3In_some_ways it was one of our biggest mistakes._4Her_family_and_friends_helped_her_ to stopped smoking.She stopped smoking _ her family and friends.5He is good at solving problems._6You cant get in because the police are guarding the whole place._7These ideas will be carefully_examined in more detail in chapter 7._8Im afraid we cant come,but even_so,thanks for the invitation._9Money f

      4、or education comes from taxpayers._10We keep them informed of any changes as they happen._.选词填空consist of;give away;make up;watch over;after all;deal with;personal;in a way;arise;signal1The driver hurt in the accident _ in hospital all the time by the doctor yesterday.2Sue tried to smile,but her voice _ her _.3He _ the foreign company for a long time.4When he closes his book,its a _ for everyone to stand up.5The committee _ ten members.6As we sped down the highway,the lights of the city _ before

      5、 us.7. _,I dont see much difference between the two.8Your composition is well done _.9Hard work can _ for the lack of intelligence.10He should help her, _ he is her father.单项填空1I am sorry I didnt do a good job.Never mind._,you have tried your best.AIn all BAbove allCAfter all DFirst of all2There arent_many nurses to care for _ little children.Asuch;such Bso;soCso;such Dsuch;so3This is the point where the difference_.Arises BraisesCarises Dhappens4I cant tell you the exact time when I will get th

      6、ere,maybe at eight or nine or later. _,Ill be there as early as I can.AHowever BAnyhowCWherever DTherefore5Great as Newton was,many of his ideas_today and are being changed by the work of scientists of our time.Aare to challenge Bhave been challengedCmay be challenged Dare challenged6Sorry,I got a bad cold yesterday.Every time you are absent,you_an excuse.Atake up Bgive upCsend up Dmake up7I bought a new PC yesterday.Oh,_AHow do you like it?BThank you so much.CWhy do bad things happen to good pe

      7、ople?DI really have no idea.8_speaking,a person must care much about his_,because it is not only a personal thing,but also a social one.APersonal;personalityBPersonally;personalityCPersonally;personalDPersonally;personal9The windows are too small_enough light and fresh air into the room.Ato admit Bto be admittedCfor admitting Dfor being admitted10Although different in many ways,the British and the Americans_many of the same customs.Amake BtakeCshare Dgive11Do you know the girl in red?She seems t

      8、o_me at last months party.But Im not sure.Aintroduce toBbe introducing toCbe introduced toDhave been introduced to12Could you tell me the way to _ Johnsons,please?Sorry,we dont have_ Johnson here in the village.Athe;the Bthe;aC/;the Dthe;/13Do you know why they organized the club?No,_to know about it.Anor I want Bnor do I wantCI nor want DI want either14The reason _he is unhappy is _ he has failed the exam.Awhich;because Bfor that;thatCwhy;that Dfor;because15He knows very well_to deal with men but when he meets women,he doesnt know _ to do.Aw


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