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    • 1、Unit 2 Healthy eating Section Grammar & Writing.完成句子1你不该责备他。You him.2昨天我不得不离开。I yesterday.3晚上你一定不能独自出去。You go out alone at night.4你现在不必去那儿。You go there now.5他有必要留在这儿吗? he stay here?是的,他必须。/不,他不必要。Yes,he ./No,he .【答案】1.oughtnt/ought not to scold2.have to leave3.mustnt4.neednt5.Must;must;neednt.阅读理解AScientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need.They say that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day.They are:(1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds; (

      2、2) citrus (柑橘) fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and food made from milk; (6) bread or cereal (谷类), rice is also in this kind of food; (7) butter, or something like butter.People in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways.People in different countries eat at different times of the day.In some places people eat once

      3、 or twice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times a day.Scientists say that none of the differences is really important.It doesnt matter whether foods are eaten raw (生的) or cooked, canned or frozen.It doesnt matter if a person eats dinner at 4 oclock in the afternoon or at eleven oclock at night.The important thing is what you eat every day.There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on the earth.The first is to find some ways to feed the worlds populatio

      4、n so that no one is hungry.The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.1. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is the healthiest?AMeat, milk and butter.BFruits, bread and butter.CVegetables, bread and milk.DEggs, meat and rice.【解析】文章第一段给出了一系列专家认为我们每天都应该吃的食物。比较分析各选顶,C项食物搭配最为健康。【答案】C2. Which of the following is NOT the difference of peoples eating in different places according to the passage?ADifferen

      5、t kinds of things.BDifferent eating habits.CDifferent cooking and eating ways.DDifferent times and numbers of eating.【解析】第二段前几句讨论了不同地区人们在饮食方面的几点不同,B选项不符合原文。【答案】B3. In scientists eyes, what is the really important thing?AThe things you eat every day.BThe time of eating.CTo eat cooked food instead of the raw one.DWhether it is canned or frozen food.【解析】第二段讨论了几点不同,但这并不是重要的,最后一句点明最重要的是每天吃了什么。【答案】A4. What are the two difficulties in feeding the large number of people on the earth?A. To find out what

      6、people need to eat and how to eat.BTo figure out the kinds of food and their proportion in diet.CTo find an agreeable time and ways of eating.DTo make sure no one is hungry and have the right kinds of food.【解析】文章最后一段提出养育地球庞大人口的两大难题:一是找到一种方法保证没有人挨饿,二是确保世界各地的人们都吃到能够让他们健康强壮的食物。【答案】DBThe young man arrived on the Massachusetts beach early carrying a radio, a shovel, and a strange set of tools: a brick layers trowel, a palette knife, spatulas, spoons, and a spray bottle.He walked down near the waterth

      7、e tide was output down the radio and tuned it to soft rock.Then he shoveled wet sand into a pile nearly four feet high and as many feet across.Then he created a rectangular(长方形的) shape.After that, he set to work with palette knife, spatulas, and spoons. He shaped a graceful tower, topped walls, fashioned beautiful bay windows, and carved out big front gate.The man knew his sand.He smoothly finished some surfaces and embroidered (雕刻)artistic designs on others.As the shapes began to dry, he gently

      8、 kept them slightly wet with water from the spray bottle, in case they might break in the wind.All this took hours. People gathered.At last he stood back, obviously satisfied with a castle worthy of the Austrian countryside or Disneyland.Then he gathered his tools and radio and moved them up to drier sand.He had known for a while what many in the rapt (全神贯注的) crowd still overlooked: the tide was coming in.Not only had he practiced his art with confidence and style, he had done so against a power

      9、ful, immutable(不可抗拒的) deadline.As the crowd looked on, water began to lap at the base of the castle.In minutes it was surrounded.Then the rising flood began to eat into the base, walls fell, the tower fell, and finally the gates arch fell. More minutes passed, and small waves erased bay windows and battlementssoon no more than a small part was left.Many in the crowd looked terribly sad; some voiced fears and discouragement.But the sculptor(雕塑家) remained calm.He had, after all, had a wonderful day, making beauty out of nothing, and watching it return to nothing as time and tide moved on.5In this section, why did the sculptor start early in the day?A. He knew the tide was out on this particular morning.BIt gave time for the crowd t


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