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    • 1、Unit 22 Environmental Protection Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points.单句语法填空1. They found themselves_(trap) in the burning building as soon as they woke up.答案:trapped2While we are having an exam,it is not proper to refer_our notes or dictionaries.答案:to3A man,_ (sacrifice) his life for his country,is a true man.答案:sacrificing4What did the doctor say?He _(tell) Jim _(lie) in bed for two days.答案:told;to lie 5.The number of people_sixty at present,but a number of people_coming here to get tick

      2、ets for free.(be) 答案:is;are6Because they couldnt find proper wood,they used bamboo as_substitute.答案:a7Our school doesnt advocate students _(stay) in the classroom too long.We think they should have time for sports.答案:staying8They are ready to take_(act) regardless of_consequence.答案:action;the9Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year,_(reach) a record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4.答案:reaching10_(give) the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from t

      3、he operation.答案:Given11Do look _before doing whatever you want to do.答案:ahead12The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _(refer) to his notes.答案:referring13He told me how he had given me shelter and protection,without which I _(die) of hunger.答案:would have died14Im sorry that I didnt work out this problem.Its_our ability.I didnt work it out,either.答案:beyond.选词填空ahead of,sacrifice,a number of,condemn,advocate,threaten,be trapped in,given that,take action,lead to;in t

      4、ur 1A mother and his son_a big mountain.答案:were trapped in2Suddenly the mother seized a stick and stood bravely_him.答案:ahead of3A mother can_her life to protect her son.答案:sacrifice4However,_ people concentrate on money,not showing respect for their mothers,and even_them.答案:a number of;condemn5Therefore,I call on all of us to love mothers and_doing something for our mothers.答案:advocate6She_the wolf with the stick,so the wolf had to go away finally.答案:threatened7The globe is becoming warmer.We mu

      5、st_ to reduce the greenhouse effect.答案:take action8Difficulties like these can_a lifelong fear of mathematics.答案:lead to9_ordinary people are surrounded by all different kinds of ads,selecting a suitable product is not that easy.答案:Given that10The headmaster asked everyone the same question_.答案:in turn.根据汉语提示,选用练习中的句子完成语段训练从前一位母亲和她的儿子迷了路困在了大山中。更糟糕的是,这时一只狼出现在她们面前,她们一下子不知如何是好,狼离她们越来越近。突然,这位母亲抓住了一根木棍勇敢地站在儿子的前面。她用木棍威胁狼,狼只得离开。我们从这个故事可知,母亲在危险面前敢于献出生命来救她的儿子。可是现在许多人只注重金钱,不尊重他们的母亲甚至谴责他们自己的母亲。我认为政府应当采取措施提

      6、倡为我们的母亲做些事情。 参考答案Once upon a time,a mother and his son lost their way,who were trapped in a big mountain.What was worse,a wolf turned up at that time,and they didnt know what to do at a loss.The wolf came to them nearer and nearer.Suddenly the mother seized a stick and stood ahead of her son bravely.She threatened the wolf with the stick,so the wolf had to go away.From the story,we learn that a mother can sacrifice her life to save her son in face of danger.However,a number of persons concentrat

      7、e on money,not showing respect for their mothers and even condemn their own mothers.I think the government should take action and advocate doing something for our mothers.阅读理解On Mothers Day when we visited Mom in the hospital,she told us she believed that those operations had been worth it because they had bought her some time.“But now,its time to go home andtake care of business”Shortly after coming home,Mom announced that she planned to make a quilt,which she had never done before.When I asked

      8、 why,she said,“Dying is boring,and its never too late to learn something new.”Over the next few months Mom worked hard on the quilt,a simple pattern called “Grandmothers Garden”As she picked up a piece of calico (印花厚布),she would say,“This reminds me of the dress you wore on your first day of school,”or“This blue was your fathers favorite color.” Each recollection opened the door for a conversation about those things that she wanted to share.As the quilt grew,Mom weakened.It was a sad reminder that time was passing too quickly.In the end,she became too sick to work on the quilt.Mom died before the quilt was finished,but that was all right.She had creatively used it as a tool to teach me her final lesson,that the“business”of dying is something best done at home and not in the hospital.This is because the real“business”of dying is reaffirming (再次确认) relationships that have given ones life meaning.Without my knowledge,two Christmases later,my husbands


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