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    • 1、Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Section Grammar & Writing.完成句子1记者不断地告知我们比赛结果。The reporters _ of the games.2他们对眼前悲惨的景象感到很害怕。They _the sad sight.3上周一我们班开展了一次有组织的旅行。Our class went on _last Monday.4他举着手站了一会儿。He stood for an instant _.5我非常喜欢从网上买的那本书。I like the book _ very much.【答案】1.keep us informed of the results2.were frightened at3.an organized trip4.with his hand raised5.bought on the Internet.阅读理解A“Get your hands off me, I have been stolen,” the laptop, a portable computer, shouted.That is a new

      2、 solution to laptop computer theft: a program that lets owners give their property a voice when it has been taken.The program allows users to display alerts on the missing computers screen and even to set a spoken message.Tracking software for stolen laptops has been on the market for some time, but this is thought to be the first that allows owners to_give_the_thief_a_piece_of_their_mind.Owners must report their laptop missing by logging on to a website, which sends a message to the model: a re

      3、d and yellow “lost or stolen” banner pops up on its screen when it is started.Under the latest version of the software, users can also send a spoken message.The message can be set to reappear every 30 seconds, no matter how many times the thief closes it.“One customer sent a message saying, You are being tracked.I am right at your door,” said Carrie Hafeman, chief executive of the company which produces the program, Retriever.In the latest version, people can add a spoken message.The default (系统

      4、设定)through the computers speakers is:“Help, this laptop is reported lost or stolen.If you are not my owner, please report me now.”The Retriever software package, which costs $29.95 (21) but has a free trial period, has the functions of many security software programs.Owners can remotely switch to an alternative password immediately if they fear that the thief has also got hold of the access details.If a thief accesses the internet with the stolen laptop, Retriever will collect information on the

      5、 internet service provider in use, so that the police can be alerted to its location.Thousands of laptops are stolen every year from homes and offices, but with the use of laptops increasing, the number stolen while their owners are out and about has been rising sharply.Other security software allows users to erase data remotely or lock down the computer.【语篇解读】本文介绍了一种新型电脑防盗软件,这种软件不仅能向窃贼发送文字和语音信息,还能跟踪、远程改变密码以及收集网络信息帮助警方发现电脑位置,以减少手提电脑的失窃事件。1. The expression “to_give_the_thief_a_piece_of_their_mind

      6、” can be understood as“_”Ato give the thief an alert mindBto express the owners anger to the thiefCto remind the thief of his conscienceDto make the thief give up his mind【解析】词义猜测题。由第一二段可知,这种新型软件的新功能是可以向手提电脑偷窃者发出语音信息,如:Get your hands off me,I have been stolen.这显然是表达电脑主人对窃贼的愤怒情绪的,故正确答案为B。【答案】B2Different from other security software, Retriever can_.Arecord the stealing processBhelp recognize the lost laptopClock down the computer remotelyDsend a spoken message【解析】细节理解题。由第二段“The program allows user

      7、s to display alerts on the missing computers screen and even to set a spoken message.”以及“but this is thought to be the first that allows owners to give the thief a piece of their mind.”可知这个软件和其他软件的不同点是它能发出有声音的讯息,故选D。【答案】D3. One function of the program is that it allows the owner to _ at a distance.Achange some access details for switching on the laptopBturn on the laptop by using the original passwordCoperate the laptop by means of an alternative passwordDerase the information kept in the stolen

      8、 laptop【解析】细节理解题。由第六段“Owners can remotely switch to an alternative password if they fear that the thief has also got hold of the access details.”可知主人能够改掉一些登陆细节,A项说法正确。【答案】A4. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?AWith no Retriever, thousands of laptops are stolen every year.BA new software provides a means to reduce laptop theft.CRetriever has helped to find thieves and lost computers.DA new program offers a communication platform with the thief.【解析】主旨大意题。本文介绍了一

      9、种新型电脑防盗软件,这种软件不仅能向窃贼发送文字和语音信息,还能跟踪、远程改变密码以及收集网络信息帮助警方发现电脑位置,以减少手提电脑的失窃事件。B项较全面的概括了这一主题,为正确答案。【答案】B B(2016河北省邢台一中高二月考) If you have a bad habit of losing things, a new device that can be connected to any item that you might lose may be the way to solve your problem.The Tile, a small square linked up to your iPhone or iPad via Bluetooth, lets you see how close you are to the missing item, within a 50to 150foot range .If the item goes out of your phones 150foot range, it can still be detected on other smartphones with the same app.When you log into the app on your phone, it shows you, with green bars that increase or decrease, how far away you are from the Tile.You can also program it to make a sound when you get close to the Tile.


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