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    • 1、Unit 2 Heroes Section Lesson 4.单句语法填空1Father wont agree to fly to Paris for the holidayit is far_expensive.答案:too2The car went slowly and slowly until it came_a stop.答案:to3She is very confident _the recovery,and has confidence _the doctor.答案:of;in4The boy was very sick,but he managed to pull_.答案:through5His parents told him that smoking did a lot of harm to his health,so he decided to give it_.答案:up6Its no use_(complain) without taking action.答案:complaining7Mr Frank managed to sail across the At

      2、lantic_his own last year.答案:on8Not only his parents but also his brother_(go) to the Summer Palace.They havent been back yet.答案:has gone9He suffered serious_(injure) in the car crash,and died on the way to hospital.答案:injuries10Tom was given a(n)_(promote) and an increase in salary.答案:promotion11Can you tell us about your first_(react) to this news?答案:reaction12We get_very well because we have so many common interests.答案:on .翻译句子1毕业后他就独立生活了。(on ones own)_答案:After graduation,he lives on his own.2

      3、儿童需要有自己的玩具。(of ones own)_答案:Children need toys of their own.3他不但会说英语,而且还会说法语。(not only.but also.)_答案:He speaks not only English but also French.4你必须专心学习。(pay attention to)_答案:You must pay attention to your study.5试了几次后,他们决定放弃。(give up)_答案:After a few tries they decided to give up.6我和同学们相处得很好。(get on/along well with)_答案:I get on/along well with my classmates.730多家软件公司参与了这个项目。(be involved in)_答案:More than 30 software firms were involved in the project.8会议的目的是增进国际间的友谊。(promote)_答案:The aim of the co

      4、nference is to promote international friendship.9他在这次火车事故中没有受伤。(injury)_答案:He escaped from the train accident without injury.10这个问题回答起来并不难。(too.to)_答案:The question is not too difficult to answer.完形填空Once a boy really had everything he wanted,so he was_1_interested in the rarest (最稀有的) objects.One day he_2_a mysterious mirror and took it home.When he looked into the mirror,he found that his_3_looked very sad.He tried_4_,but it remained the same.Surprised,the boy went off to buy some sweets.He wen

      5、t home and looked into the mirror as happily as possible,_5_he still looked sad.He bought all kinds of toys,but he looked forever_6_in that mirror.So the boy put the mirror away in a_7_.“What a(n)_8_mirror!Ive never seen a mirror that didnt _9_properly!”That same afternoon he went out to play,but on his_10_to the park he saw a little girl crying loudly.So he went over to see what was happening.The little girl told him that she had _11_her parents.Together,they_12_in search of them.As the little

      6、girl continued crying,the boy_13_his money in buying sweets to cheer her up._14_,after walking for a long time,they found her parents,who looked very worried.The boy said goodbye,and walked off towards the park.However,_15_the time,he decided to turn around and head_16_ home,as he had no time to_17_.At home,he went to his room and noticed a shining_18_in the corner where he had left the mirror.Seeing this,he went over to the mirror and_19_that the light was coming from his own body,because he wa

      7、s so happy about having helped that little girl.So he understood the mystery of that mirror,the only mirror reflecting faithfully the_20_joy of its owner.语篇解读什么才是幸福?是拥有糖果,玩具还是零花钱?本文讲述了一个出生富有、聪明可爱的小男孩通过一个神奇的镜子,最终明白了幸福的含义。 1A.neverBsometimes Conly Dseldom解析:根据上文,这个男孩拥有所有想要的东西,因此他“只”对稀有之物感兴趣。答案:C2A.found BwantedCguessed Dexpected解析:男孩有一天“发现”一面神奇的镜子,四个选项中,只有found合适。答案:A3A.head BnoseCface Dmouth解析:根据语境可知,他的“脸”看起来很悲伤。答案:C4A.smiling Bshouting Ccrying Dsmelling解析:他尝试着“笑”,但还是没有奏效。根据上文可知,他的脸看起来很悲伤,故此处表示“试着微笑”。答案:A5A.and BsoCwhen Dbut解析:此处表转折。他买了糖,尽力表现出开心的样子,“但”镜子中的自己看起来还是很悲伤。 答案:D6A.sad BangryChappy Dworried解析:他买了各种各样的玩具,但从那面镜子看来,仍然很“悲伤”,也可从上文“he still looked sad”得知。答案:A7A.corner Bbox Croom Dbag解析:由下文“noticed a shining_ in the corner where he had left the mirror”可知由于他非常生气,于是把镜子放到了“角落”。答案:A8A.interes


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