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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Period Reading Comprehension.单词巩固1n._总数;_操作员;_科技;_革命;_智力;_真实;_管子;_网络;_网;_应用,用途;_金融,财经;_火箭;_目标;_幸福2v._计算;_简化;_解决;_探索3adj. _ 普遍的;_ 合逻辑的;_ 科技的;_ 人造的;_智能的;_私人的;_总的;_可移动的4adv._无论如何;_ 就个人而言.将单词或短语与相对应的释义搭配起来AB1solveaaim;score2as a result bman3explore cin consequence4goal dto settle5anyhow eto examine sth. completely or carefully in order to find out more about it6human race fanyway.短语回顾1_ 从时起2_ 结果3_ 如此以致于4_ 人类.看下面的图片,完成下列对话1Whats this? Its an _.It is an old calculating machine used in China until now.

      2、2Whats this?Its a _.It is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number of mathematical problems.3Whats this?Its a _.It is a personal computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is widely used now. 4Whats this?Its a _.It is a kind of useful computer which can be taken conveniently like a notebook. .根据课文内容,完成下列各题()Some items about the computer1_ is used to see your data on a computer.2_ is the main device that a computer uses to store information. 3_ is a machine for printing te

      3、xt or pictures onto papers, especially one connected to the computer. 4_ is used to put data into a computer.5_ is often used to connect computers to each other through phone lines.6Data can also be stored in a _, which is small and can be carried easily.7A _ is a disc that contains computer data. It can store a large amount of data. ()What can you do on a computer and through the Internet?_ .根据课文内容,判断正(T)、误(F)1Alan Turing built an analytical machine to solve any mathematical problems.()2People

      4、began to realize that the computer got cleverer and quicker with time passing.()3The computer was able to share knowledge with others through the World Wide Web until in the 1970s.()4Since the 1970s,the computer was used by people around the world through the Internet.()5The larger the computer is,the more memory it has.().根据课文内容,选择正确的答案1“I” in the passage refers to _.Aa TV set Ba computerCa radio Dthe Internet2How old is the computer?AOver 370 years old.BAbout 270 years old.CAbout 170 years old

      5、.DAbout 470 years old.3When was the computer the biggest?AIn 1642. BIn 1936.CIn the 1940s. DIn the 1970s.4What happened to the computer in the 1960s?AIt was put into robots and used to make mobile phones.BIt was given a family connected by a network.CIt began to be used in the offices.DIt began to be put into space rockets.5Which is the right order according to time?aThe computer was connected with other computers.bAlan Turing wrote a book about the computer.cThe computer has been sent to explor

      6、e the Moon and Mars.dThe computer began to simplify difficult sums.Aa,b,c,d Bb,c,a,dCd,a,c,b Dd,b,a,c.根据课文内容,完成下面短文I was born in 1._ in France.After I was programmed by an 2._ who used cards with holes,I could “think” 3._.In 4._ my real father,Alan Turing,described how computers could be made to work in a book and solved any mathematical problem by 5._ a 6._ machine.People were surprised at my artificial 7._.At first,I was as large as a room.As time went by,I was made smaller and smaller.In the

      7、early 8._,I got a family connected by a network.My memory became so 9._ that even I couldt 10._ it!And my memory has developed so 11._ that I never forget 12._.I could share information with others and talk to each other by a net.It was in the 13. _ that my family and I have been used by billions of people.I am happy that I have truly been built to serve 14._ 15._ since my birth. Period Reading Comprehension课前准备区.1.sum;operator;technology;revolution;intelligence;reality;tube;network;web;application;finance;rocket;goal;happiness2calculate;simplify;solve;explore3universal;logical;technological;artificial;intelligent;personal;total;mobile4anyhow;personally.1.d2.c3.e4.a5.f6.b.1.from.on2.as a result3.so.that.4human race课堂活动区.1.abacus2.calculator3.PC4.laptop.()1.A monitor2.A hard disk or disk 3A printer4.A keyboard5.A modem6floppy disc7.CDROM()Type my homework,draw pictures,play games,communicat


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