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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Period Using Language.语境填词1Carry on even if something difficult _(出现)2Mary was _(打信号) wildly to us, but we didnt even notice.3My car is equipped with “smart” _(电子的) car alarm.4The shouting suddenly stopped with the _(出现) of the manager.5In only 10 years the whole _(特征) of the school has changed.6I want to have my paper _(打印) immediately because I must hand it in tomorrow.完成句子1He speaks _(似乎) he were an American.2There is going to be a report. _ you _(愿意) go with us?3Remember not to mention it _(

      2、跟他讲话时) to him.4His teacher considers him clever and _(从某种程度上讲) he is right.5You must obey the rules. _(毕竟) you are all students.6. _(多惬意) to have a swim in a river in hot weather !.单项填空1The chair is _;move it,please.Ain a way Bin the wayCon a way Don the way2Shall we go to her party at 700? _,its not a convenient time.ABy my opinion BFor my opinionCPersonally DIn person3There is so much land that the government of Australia even doesnt know _ it.Awhat to deal withBhow to deal withChow to do with

      3、Dwhat to do away with4I will be on business for a week.Will you _ my dog for me while I am away?With pleasure.Alook at Bwatch forCwatch over Dlook for5The soldiers were lying on the stomachs in the trees,waiting for the _ to start firing.Asymbol BsignCsignal Dmark6A new situation is likely to _ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.Aarose BriseCarise Dlift7Zhang Hua is _ the way to _ an engineer.Aon;become Bis;becomingCon;becoming Din;become8Happiness consists _ health.Aof BinCwith Dat9He

      4、gave _ most of his money to the poor.Aaway BinCout Dup10You are crazy _ him all your money.Aat lending Bin lendingCto leading Dto lend.阅读理解Computers have many users today.Computers can solve difficult problems and control complex machines.Many people use small computers called calculators to add, subtract,multiply and divide numbers quickly.Scientists use large computers to solve many problems at the same time.You can play games with computers,and some computers can help you learn languages.The

      5、Kurzweil Reading Machine is a special kind of computer.It can read books for blind people.The Kurzweil Reading Machine consists of three components:a scanner (扫描仪),a computer and a voice synthesizer(语音合成仪)These three parts are like your eyes,your brain,and your voice.The scanner is the“eye” of the machine.It scans,or looks at the words on the page of a book and changes them into digital signals.These digital signals then go to the computer,the “brain ”of the machine.The computer analyzes the sig

      6、nals and recognizes the words.The computer sends information about the words to the voice synthesizer.The voice synthesizer makes the sounds of the words.To use the machine,a blind person simply opens the book and puts it face down on the scanner (like a photocopy machine)The machine“read” the words on the page. When one page is finished,the blind person turns the page and puts the book on the scanner again.The Kurzweil Reading Machine can read in a normal voice or in a special fast voice.It can

      7、 read words with small letters,large letters,or italics.Blind people like the Kurzweil Reading Machine because they can read anything with it:newspapers,magazines,books,even typed letters.Many libraries now have Kurzweil Reading Machines for blind people to use.The Kurzweil Reading Machine can also help bad sighted children learn to read.Can the Kurzweil Reading Machine help you to read in English? The computer can analyze the grammar of sentences and the voice synthesizer can make the sounds of

      8、 the words. However, the machine cannot explain the meanings of the words. To use the machine, you must know the meanings of them because the machine cannot explain the meanings of the words. To use the machine, you must know the meanings of the words and sentences first.1Which part of the machine is like your eyes?AThe computer.BThe scanner.CThe voice synthesizer.DThe photocopy machine.2How does the Kurzweil Reading Machine read?AIn a normal voice.BIn a low voice.CIn a fast voice.DIn a normal voice or a fast voice.3Why do blind people like the Kurzweil Reading Machine?AThey can “read” anything with it.BIt is a computer.CIt helps children learn to read.DIt can explain how to read .4“These three parts are like your eyes,your brain, and your voice.” With your voice you can _.Aanalyze sentencesBmake digital signalsCrecognize wordsDmake the sounds of the wordsPeriod Using Language.1.arises2.signalling3.electr


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