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    • 1、Unit 2 Heroes Section Grammar.用所给动词的适当形式填空1They_(live) here since they graduated and got married.答案:have lived2Do you know our town?No,this is the first time I_(come) here.答案:have come3I dont believe youve already finished reading the bookI_(lend) it to you this morning!答案:lent4Up to now,the program _(save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.答案:has saved5Thank God!Its a fine day.The rain_(stop)!But I dont know how long it will stay fine.答案:has stopped6When I was at college,I_(sp

      2、eak) three foreign languages,but I_(forget) all except a few words of each.答案:spoke;have forgotten7How long have you known Christopher?Since he_(come) to our company.答案:came8According to the report,the number of people out of work_(increase) by 10% in the past two years.答案:has increased9We_(not see) each other ever since we graduated from high school in the 1990s.答案:havent seen10Unfortunately,when I went to the office,the manager_(leave),so we had only time for few words.答案:was leaving11Where di

      3、d you put the car keys?Oh,I_(remember) I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I_(come) in.答案:remember;came12How long have you known Christopher?Since he_(come) to our company.答案:came.完成句子1What_(发生) to the airline last month?答案:happened2_(你挤牛奶了吗)?Yes.I have done that already.答案:Have you milked the cow3Oh dear!I_(没见到你) for several years,答案:havent seen you4I_(听说过) it before.答案:have heard of5Ill go to your home when I _(完成) my paper.答案:have finished6If it_(停止下雪了),Ill go to the park.答案:has

      4、 stopped snowing7He _(买这本书) for a week.答案:has had the book8It is the second time that I_(犯这种错误)答案:have made the mistake9Its a week since he_(生病)答案:fell ill10John _(工作) for 10 years.答案:has worked/has been working11Im going to the United States.How long_(你将在那里停留)?答案:are you staying there12Ill call on some of my old friends while I_(待在上海)答案:am staying in Shanghai13Whats that terrible noise?They_(正在修) the roof of the house.答案:are mending14Catherine_(正在等你) downstairs at the moment.答案:is waiting for y

      5、ou15She_(在学习日语) so as to be able to do business in Tokyo in the future.答案:is learning Japanese.阅读理解I am afraid of heights but two summers ago I climbed to a high place.Most of our high school had come along on a day trip to a beautiful beach village in Peru.After eating our lunches,many of us wanted to make the climb to an area around the village.Do I turn back?“Yes!” Will I regret (后悔) it later?I really want to get to the top,but.At last,I decided at least to have a try.My friend Tom was in fro

      6、nt of me.Then,suddenly,he slipped (滑倒) and was about 10 feet back!My heart was beating faster until he stopped himself.Knowing that my friend Seth would be right behind me,I began the climb.I was soon past the first challenge safely,but not feeling much better about the rest of the climb.Looking down,I saw rocks everywhere.My breathing sped up,and my heart beat even faster,growing loud in my ears.My friends kept climbing.But they did not forget me.Someone was always behind me to help hold my fee

      7、t when necessary,and someone else was always in front to offer a hand up.With friends helping me by words and actions,I slowly gained_ground.Then we came to the worst part.The climb looked very close to vertical (垂直的)To me,the wise choice was to go back down.Melody encouraged me to go on and she made it safely first.I stopped,unsure of my footing.“You can do it,Jean!Im right here,” Melody called.She waited patiently,not asking me to hurry.I took a few deep breaths and kept climbing.With no more

      8、mistakes,we came to the top finally.I was dirty and tired.But it didnt matter.I was at the top!I had never felt so alive. 语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者的一次爬山经历。1When her friends decided to go climbing,Jean_.Afelt excited about itBturned back to the villageCregretted going out with themDwasnt sure whether to join them解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的Do I turn back?“Yes!” Will I regret it later?I really want to get to the top,but.At last,I decided at least to have a try可知,Jean一开始对于是否爬山很犹豫。答案:D2After passing the first challenge,Jean _.Afelt more confident about the climbBdidnt feel any better about the climbCchose to go back downDcouldnt breathe easily解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的I was soon past the first challenge safely,but not feeling much better about t


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