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    • 1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Section Learning about Language &Using Language.单句语法填空1Its (believe) that the event repeated itself years later in the same place.2He walked so slowly that his brother lost (patient) with him.3We work hard to persuade them that we are (genuine) interested in the project.4Their teacher punished them for their (rude) in class.5Its bad (manner) to talk with others with a full mouth.6As a child,I used to wake up (scream) with terror in the middle of the night.7At f

      2、irst we thought he was poor because he was in (rag)8His failure to reply amounts a refusal.9He is so (rudeness) that nobody wants to play with him.10When Henry left the restaurant,the owner,hostess and waiter all (bow) together.【答案】1.unbelievable2.patience3.genuinely 4.rudeness5.manners6.screaming7.rags 8to9.rude10.bowed.完成句子1Even in New York you still see many people (穿的破烂)2He studies hard,which (导致) his rapid progress.3 (至于)the cause of the fire,I dont know anything.4It is (不礼貌的)to talk with y

      3、our mouth full.5I warn you,Im beginning to (失去耐心)with you.【答案】1.in rags2.accounts for3.As for/to4.bad manners5.lose my patience.阅读理解AScientists have identified thebody language that ensures bartenders (酒吧侍者) will serve you first in a busy bar.In a busy bar it can often be a struggle to get served a drink as customers compete for the attention of the bartender.Now scientists have identified the key elements of body language that can increase your chances of being served before everyone else.The t

      4、actic with the greatest success was standing squarely to the bar and looking directly at the barman as they moved around.For those that prefer to sidle up (侧走) to the counter in an attempt to squeeze (挤过) between other customers,then their approach may actually leave them waiting for longer.The scientists also found that talking to friends and looking at a menu meant customers were less successful at getting served.Gesturing with a hand or head to the barman was also not as successful as might h

      5、ave been expected,while holding a wallet or money in a hand did have some success.Dr.Sebastian Loth,lead author of the study and a psychologist at Bielefeld University,said:“Effectively, the customers identify themselves as ordering and nonordering people through their behaviour.”“Two signals are necessary,and together they form the sufficient set of signals for identifying the intention to place an order.”“First,the customers position themselves directly at the bar,and,secondly,look at the bar

      6、/ bartender.”“If one of these signals was absent,the participants judged the customers as not bidding for attention.This provided a clear indication that both signals are necessary for bidding for attention.”The researchers analysed 105 attempts to order drinks at nightclubs.They assessed the behaviour of customers 35 seconds before they were served.They found the most successful tactic,which occurred in 95% of orders,was standing squarely towards the bar with head facing forward.Looking at the

      7、bartender was successful in 86% of the orders.Leaning on the bar happened infrequently but also seemed to increase the strike rate when it did happen.Just one percent of customers who were served had been looking at a menu,while three percent were looking at the assortment of drinks on offer.Looking at money saw just seven percent of customers being served within the 35 seconds time frame.1What does the underlined word “tactic” in the third paragraph mean?APlan.BSight.CMethod.DOutcome.【解析】词义猜测题。

      8、第三段内容解释的是能得到最先服务的“方法”是什么样的。【答案】C2Which form of behavior will increase the chance of being served?AChatting with the barman.BChecking the menu.CPointing at the drink.DHolding cash in the hand.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“.while holding a wallet or money in a hand did have some success.”可知手里攥着钱包或钱确实可以增大成功的机会。根据第四段中的第一句话可知B项错误,A、C项文中未提及。【答案】D3. If you want to get served first,youd better Alook at the drinks on offerBcount your moneyCstand directly with head leading forwardDlook at the barman【解析】推理判断题。根据第七段的内容

      9、“First,the customers position themselves directly at the bar,and,secondly,look at the bar/bartender.”可知两件事可以确保成功,一个是站在吧台的正前方,另一个是直视酒保。【答案】C BThe website “FarmersO”calls itself an online dating and friendship finder. The idea started in the mind of a man,Jerry Miller in Ohio. He wondered how farmers could meet new people who understand the life of a farmer.Jerry Miller is not a farmer but he represents a lot of farmers.As he tells it,the idea for the site was planted when a farmer told him one day that she was recently divorced and would like to date.But someone would invite her to meet for coffee at nine oclock


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