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    • 1、Unit 20 New Frontiers Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.语法填空1After getting lost in a storm,a member of the navy team _(rescue) four days later.答案:was rescued2He gave_all his money to charities,which earned him a good reputation.答案:away3Did you make sense of what I said at the meeting?No.Your meaning didnt get_.Would you like to explain it a second time?答案: across4If most breadwinners _(donation) a days pay to the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.答案:donate5On a rainy day I was riding my bike to pic

      2、k up my son_ a terrible accident happened ahead.答案:when6It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner.In_meanwhile,Ill set the table.答案:the7The doctor,_ (treat) Mary for cancer,and at last Mary _(cure)答案:treated;was cured8The written record of our conversation doesnt_what was actually said.There are a lot of mistakes.答案:correspond with/to.完成句子1在政府部门当了5年职员后,他转行去开出租车了。After working as a clerk for 5 years in the government,he_a taxi.答案:turned to driving 2她做过许多不同的工作,从厨

      3、师到游泳教练。She has had a number of different jobs,_a chef_a swimming instructor.答案:ranging from;to3为了确保他能在家,我们最好提前给他打个电话。To make sure that hes in,wed better call him up_.答案:in advance4又累又饿,我只好停下来休息一下。_,I had to stop to have a rest.答案:Hungry and tired5毫无疑问他适合这项工作。_he is fit for the job.答案:There is no doubt that.完形填空Our family has had many different pets over the years.CC (my 7yearold grandchild) has always been very_1_to all of them as she loves animals very much.When we_2_there was a shelter in the

      4、area that was run_3_just volunteers,she couldnt wait to get_4_.This was an excellent opportunity for her to learn about and_5_many different animals.The animals in the shelter would live at the center until they were_6_.If it took months or a year for them to find a home,it didnt matter.CC learned that it took a lot of work and_7_to take care of the animals.It was a lot more work than she had_8_.The mop (拖把) used to clean the rooms stood 3 feet taller than her.She didnt_9_,because she learned ho

      5、w important it was to keep cages_10_for them.Her favorites were the cats.The dogs_11_her but she didnt shy away from doing what she could to help them.We were_12_to see such a caring side of her.We wanted to show CC that her volunteer work at the center was_13_nice to do.When she was too tall for her bicycle,we decided to _14_her a new one.We asked her if she wanted to get a new bike_15_we went to the shelter.The shop was on the way and we could quickly do that.But her_16_was that we could alway

      6、s get a_17_but the animals needed to be tended to_18_.At a time when many children are considered uncaring about the world they live in,this made us_19_.Children learn from what adults take the time to_20_them.In turn,they often teach us the things in life that really matter the most.语篇解读作者的小孙女对动物非常友善,经常去动物庇护所做义工。1Apolite BkindCsimilar Dstrange解析:从后面的as she loves animals very much可知CC对宠物们应该很友善。答案:B2Adecided BnoticedCconcluded Dthought解析:从后面的she couldnt wait to.可知我们一注意到有一家动物庇护所CC就迫不急待地要采取行动。答案:B3

      7、Aon Bat Cby Dlike解析:这家动物庇护所是由志愿者们经营的。答案:C4Ainvolved BpersuadedCmentioned Dawarded解析:从下面一段可知CC去庇护所帮忙了,可知此处表示她迫不急待地想参与进去。答案:C5Acomment on Bturn toCcare for Dbelieve in解析:去动物庇护所帮忙需要照顾那里的动物。答案:C6Aappreciated BcollectedClearned Dadopted解析:从后面一句If it took months or a year for them to find a home,it didnt matter.可知此处是表示在被收养前,动物们可以一直住在这里。答案:D7Adetermination BconfusionCsituation Dimpression解析:从CC learned that it took a lot of work.to take care of the animals.可知照顾动物并不容易,此处需要填写表示努力、决心等的词语。答案:A8Araised Bfou

      8、ndCshown Dexpected解析:需要付出的努力比CC预期的要多。答案:D9Aknow Buse Cmind Dunderstand解析:从后面的because she learned how important it was to.可知CC意识到了事情的重要性,因此对需要付出的努力不介意。答案:C10Awet BwarmCbig Dclean解析:使用拖把是要把笼子打扫于净。答案:D11Afrightened BfollowedCharmed Drespected解析:从后面的but she didnt shy away from doing what she could to help them可知狗应该给CC带来了一些不好的感受。答案:A12Aclever BproudCangry Dsurprised解析:看到孙女如此有爱心的一面,家人应该感到骄傲。答案:B13Afinally BreallyCfortunately Dregularly解析:作者和家人想要对CC的行动表示肯定,告诉她她所做的事情确实是好事。答案:B14Abuild BlendCbuy Dpromise解析:从后面的The shop was on the way and we could quickly do that.可知是要买一辆新自行车。答案:C15Abefore BuntilCunless Dbecause解析:从后面的The shop was on the way and we could quickly do that.可知作者是打算在去庇护所之前买自行车。答案:A16Amistake BplanCresponse Dexpression解析:前面提到We asked her if.,此处正是CC的回答。答案:C17Apet Bbike Cshop Dshelter解析:这是对买自行车一事的答复。答案:B18Arap


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