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    • 1、Unit 2 Robots Section Warming Up & Reading-Language Points.单句语法填空 【导学号:29180025】1The president appeared,_(accompany) by six strong body guards.2I am ready to help others,because it can not only do others good but also give me a sense of _(satisfy)3They said that they had been left _ for 3 days with no food in the house.4Sam rang _ the office and asked to speak to the manager.5She _ (alarm) at all that he had done.6He stood there in favour _his father.7She was declared _ (be) guilty.8When I saw t

      2、he newly designed car,I couldnt wait to test it _ in person.9Disabled people desire _ (live) a normal life.10I have no sympathy _ your silly idea.【答案】1.accompanied2.satisfaction3.alone4.up5.was alarmed6.of7.to be8.out9.to live10.with.单句改错 【导学号:29180026】1Would you do me favour to watch out for my dog while I am on business?_2I wont have you get away with cheating people like that._3That is dangerous to sleep in the woods at night._4It wont rain;you can leave your raincoat alone._5The rainforests

      3、are disappearing at an alarmed rate._【答案】1.favour前加a2.getgetting3.ThatIt4.alonebehind5.alarmedalarming.阅读理解How soon will it be before robots become so intelligent that they will be able to do things, such as teaching languages or looking after patients in hospital? Some experts believe this will happen within twenty years while others disagree.One London company, UAS (University Automated Systems) has already developed machines that can be used as “home helps” for old people unable to look after

      4、 themselves and who are living on their own or in special homes.These machines can now do such things as cooking eggs and cleaning the floor, and the company says that future models will also accept simple voice instructions and be controlled by a “brain” that is the equivalent (替代品) of the latest IBM microcomputer. The director of UAS, Mr. Henry Jeffries,believes that in the next five to ten years companies will have developed even more sophisticated(复杂的) robots for use in industry.By that time

      5、, it is likely that they will also have begun to sell new forms of these machines into ordinary homes.Robots could do a wide range of household tasks,such as preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning houses and so on.By then, the price of such machines may have come down to as little as $1,000.But Dr. Sandra Lomax, who has done research into artificial intelligence at Sussex University and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), believes we have a long way to go before we can develop truly

      6、intelligent machines.Preparing an omelet(煎蛋) may seem easy enough.But suppose one of the eggs has gone bad even the most “intelligent” robot would probably still use it.If something slightly unusual needs doingsomething that requires a little of ordinary human imagination, a robot is useless.They need programming for even the simplest tasks and are not able to learn from experience.“Teaching a robot how to recognize a bad egg is far more difficult than teaching it to prepare the omelet.” she say

      7、s.【语篇解读】本文属于科普说明文。通过实验和实例得出结论开发出真正的智能机器人是很难的。1A London company called UAS has already developed a machine which _.Acan teach languages and care for patients in hospitalBcan help old people do certain jobs in the houseCis controlled by microcomputer “brain”Dcan accept simple voice instructions【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段前两句可知,UAS公司开发的这种机器人能够帮助老人们做一些家务活。【答案】B2The director of UAS believes that in the next five to ten years new forms of machines will _.Ado anything with imaginationBcost less than $1,000Cbe used

      8、in every homeDbe used in industry【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第四句可知,在未来510年内会开发出应用于工业的更复杂的机器人,故选D。【答案】D3Dr. Sandra Lomax thinks that _.A. no robot will ever be able to prepare an omeletBa robot will soon be able to do all the unusual housework people cant doCwe can program a robot to learn from experienceDmaking an omelet is easier for a robot than recognizing a bad egg【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段桑德拉洛马克斯博士的观点和第四段的举例可知,对于机器人来说煎鸡蛋要比识别坏的鸡蛋更容易一些,故选D。【答案】D4Which of the following is the best title for this passage?AServants of the FutureBHow to Make RobotsCDifficult to Develop Intelligent RobotsDThe Household Tasks in Future【解析】主旨大意题。本文通过分别描述UAS公司总裁和桑德拉洛马克斯博士的观点,得出结论开发出真正智能的机器人很难。【答案】C.完形填空Don and his 11yearold son, Allen, love basketball very much.On Allens birthday, Don _1_ to drive him to Chicago, more than two hours distance, for the first game of the World Championships.


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