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    • 1、Unit 21 Human Biology Section Grammar情态动词和表达法.单词拼写1Most of people think the new law_ (有效的)答案:effective2He was taken off the team because of his_(无知) of the subject.答案:ignorance3This is the superstar_(排名) first in the world.答案:ranking4The patient_(经历) several operations before he returned to normal.答案:underwent5I think his suggestion _(值得) considering.答案:deserves.用下面词或短语的正确形式填空whereas,for good,focus on,benefit from,complement,ignoranc 1.He _the speed limit and drove very fast.答案:ignored2Yellow an

      2、d blue are_colors.答案:complementary3His children are wellbehaved,_ those of his sisters are naughty.答案:whereas4The economy now would_ some real engineering.答案:benefit from5. The discussion_three main problems which Tom came up with.答案:focused on6We moved out of the city_in 1989.答案:for good.完成句子1有些人喜欢肥肉,而有些人却不喜欢。Some people like fatty meat,_.答案:whereas others hate it2小孩子应该学会有效地交流。Children have to learn_.答案:to communicate effectively 3_(消失了) as time went on that he was afraid of climbing high mount

      3、ains.答案:It disappeared4I told your friend how to get to the hotel,but perhaps I_(本该开车送她到那儿)答案:should have driven her there 5In “What do you think made us do it well?”,“do it well” is_ (句子的补语)答案:the complement of the sentence6John shut everybody out of the kitchen_(以便) he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.答案: so that.完形填空In the mountains of Kenya,an old man stands at a gate.His skin is aged and his hair is white.He is wearing_1_school uniform.This man_2_outside the Kapkenduiywa Prima

      4、ry School near Eldoret,Kenya.He has come many times over the last few months.Today,he watches the children sing in the school yard.He waits at the_3_for the head teacher.He asks her the_4_question as he always does.He asks if he can_5_the school.In the past,the head teacher told him no.She told him that this school is for children._6_,this time she says yes.Today,84yearold Kimani Maruge will _7_his first day of school.When Maruge decided he wanted to go to school,nothing could_8_him.He said:“At

      5、first,the head teacher said no.I_9_it must be because I did not have the blue school uniform.So,I saved my money and bought clothes.”Many people_10_why Maruge wanted to start school at such an old age.The reason is_11_he was not able to attend school when he was younger.Maruge wanted to learn to read and write for many_12_.He wanted to be able to read_13_from friends,family and the government.He also wanted to be able to_14_official business papers.He wanted to be able to make more educated _15_

      6、.When Maruge started school,he attended with three of his childrens children.They were all in higher_16_than Maruge.However,with much hard work,Maruge learned quickly.“I want all children in the world to be educated.That is what I_17_hope to see._18_its hard for me to go to the school alone,the urge (强烈的愿望) to learn keeps me _19_,” Maruge said.Although Maruge died in 2009 at 90,his story_20_.And his message is simple.As Maruge once said,“A person is never too old to learn.”语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了世界上

      7、年龄最大的小学生Maruge在84岁才开始上学识字的故事。1Awhite ByellowCred Dblue解析:由下文的I did not have the blue school uniform可知,肯尼亚的Kapkenduiywa小学的校服是蓝色的。 答案:D2Aplays BwaitsCshouts Dsings解析:由下文的he watches the children sing in the school yard和He waits.for the head teacher可知,Maruge在校门口等着。答案:B3Ashop BgateCoffice Drestaurant解析:由上文的outside the Kapkenduiywa Primary School可知,Maruge在校门口等校长。 答案:B4Adirect Bstupid Csame Ddifficult解析:Maruge像往常一样问校长同一个问题。答案:C5Aclean Btour Cattend Dserve解析:由下文的wanted to go to school,attend school,When

      8、 Maruge started school,he attended with.可知,Maruge反复问校长同样一个问题:他是否能上学。答案:C6AHowever BThereforeCBesides DMoreover解析:上文的In the past,the head teacher told him no和下文的this time she says yes之间为转折关系。答案:A7Amiss BstartCdescribe Dremember解析:校长同意让Maruge上学,84岁高龄的他开始了第一天的学校生活。 答案:B8Astop Bbeat Ccomfort Dsatisfy解析:由上文的He has come many times over the last few months和下文Maruge以为学校不让他上学是因为他没有校服,然后专门买了蓝色的校服可知,Maruge一旦决定了要上学,就没有任何事情能阻止他。 答案:A9Arealized Bthought Cagreed Dadmitted解析:由上文的In the past,the head teacher told him no.She told him that this school is for children可知,校长不让Maruge上学是因为学校是教小学生的,而不是因为Maruge自己所认为的没有校服那样的原因。答案:B10Awonder BguessChear Dunderstand解析:由下文的The reason.可知,很多人对84岁的Maruge为什么要上学感到好奇。答案:A11Astrange BsimpleCspecial Dclear解析:由下文的he was not able to attend school when he was younger可知,原因其实再简单不过,仅仅因为Maruge在年轻时不能上学。答案:B12Apoints BadvantagesCchallenges Dreasons解析


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