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    • 1、Unit 2Healthy eatingSection Grammar & Writing.语法与写作1We_.There was a lot of time.我们本不必那么匆忙。还有很多时间。答案:neednt have hurried2He said that you_about it in the papers.他说你可能在报上看过这个消息了。答案:might have read3I _before I came to the new school,for my classmates here are very friendly to me.来新学校之前我本没有必要担心,我这里的同班同学对我很友好。答案:neednt have worried4Where is Jack?Where_?杰克在哪里?他可能去哪儿了?答案:can he have gone5You_private phone calls in work time.在工作时间你不应该打私人电话。答案:oughtnt to make6You_the paper yesterday as it was the deadlin

      2、e.你本该昨天完成论文,因为昨天就是最后期限。答案:ought to/should have finished7Sometimes his job can be boring,and he_for long hours a day.有时他的工作有可能很没趣,并且他一天不得不工作很长时间。答案:has to work8Emma_very young when she got married.埃玛结婚时一定很年轻。答案:must have been.阅读理解Some unwelcome visitors from North America have been turning up in the waters off the coast of Great Britain.North American lobsters (龙虾) have been found in the North Sea (between Great Britain and Northwest Europe),far from their own habitat.The lobsters usually live al

      3、ong the eastern coast of Canada and the United States.It is impossible that the lobsters could have made the 5,600kilometre journey on their own.They were probably brought to Britain and then got away from containers.Some of the lobsters that were caught had elastic bands (松紧带) holding their legs shut,like lobsters that are kept in containers in stores or restaurants.Many may have been “set free” from some ships passing through the area.Sometimes passengers order a live lobster from a tank in th

      4、e dining room and then ask the waiter to throw it overboard instead of cooking it.According to official records,26 North American lobsters have been caught in waters off Great Britain since 1988.However,it is believed many more have been found but not reported.It is against the law to let North American lobsters come into British waters.If they settle down in European waters,it would be bad for the local lobsters.The two live in the same place and eat the same food.But North American lobsters ar

      5、e larger,stronger and more aggressive (好斗的) than European lobsters,and they produce young more quickly.As a result they could take food and space away from the local lobsters,and from other types of shellfish that live in the same area.These lobsters may also carry diseases that could harm the local lobsters.语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要对北美龙虾入侵英国水域这一事件进行了报道。1Those unwelcome lobsters_.Acould travel 5,600 km a day on their ownBused to live in waters off Great BritainCwould soon disappear in British watersDmight

      6、 have escaped on the way to Britain解析:细节理解题。由文章首段和第三段中的They were probably brought to Britain and then got away from containers可知,这些北美龙虾可能是在被运往英国的途中逃脱,然后进入了英国沿海水域,故选D项。答案:D2What can we learn about European lobsters?AThey are growing too fast to be kept under control.BShellfish often take away their food and space.CThey are easily harmed by North American lobsters.DPeople become ill easily if they eat these lobsters.解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的North American lobsters are larger,stronger and more aggressive t

      7、han European lobsters可知,欧洲龙虾很容易受到北美龙虾的伤害,故选C项。答案:C3The authors purpose of writing the text is most likely to_.AdiscussBreportCadvertise Dintroduce解析:写作目的题。作者通过本文主要是对北美龙虾入侵英国水域这一事件进行了报道,故选B项。答案:B.完形填空Recently,my family and I visited Kaikoura,a coastal town in New Zealand.The first evening it seemed a _1_place,but the next day I remembered what Id_2_about it in a magazinethat it was often _3_to see dolphins (海豚) and whales there!My family and I_4_on a gray,windy morning on a small boat._5_,the sky

      8、 turned blue ten minutes later.Soon we_6_the place where we were supposed to go swimming.To my_7_,this was more than 40 km from land.I was quite_8_by this time,and wondered why we came all the way out there,when _9_someone shouted “Dolphins!”All I could_10_were fins (鱼鳍) everywherethere were about one hundred dolphins,all_11_ towards our boat!Many of them were jumping around in the water_12_they were asking us to come and play.I_13_my snorkel (潜水通气管) and jumped into the sea.Then I tried to make

      9、_14_in the water to attract them.What made me_15_was that they heard me and came to swim around me.Amazingly,a dolphin kept following me,but then changed his _16_and swam in another direction.It really made me realize how _17_these animals are.About an hour later,it was time for us to get back onto the_18_.I really enjoyed myself,but I was a little cold and _19_to leave the water.I noticed that everyone on board was smiling and I realized What a very_20_moment wed had.语篇解读本文是记叙文。作者主要讲述了自己和海豚一起游泳的经历。1A.busy Bboring Csafe Dgreat解析:由下文的see dolphins and whales there可知,这里是说:头天晚上看起来这里是一个“无聊的(boring)”地方。答案:B2A.read Bsu


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