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    • 1、Unit 24 Society Section Grammar.用所给动词的适当形式填空1Teachers recommend parents _(allow) their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.答案:(should) not allow2He insisted that he _(be) right,and he insisted that his plan _(carry) out at once.答案:was;(should) be carried3Mum,Ive got a bad cold.Oh.Tom,youd better _(go) to see the doctor.答案:go4. Recently quite a lot of experts have suggested that another law on wildlife protection _(pass) as soon as possible.答案:(should) be passed 5Its high time

      2、 that you _(go) home and Id rather you _(come) again sometimes in the future.答案:should go/went;came6The doctors suggestion is that the girl _(not,eat) fruit that isnt ripe.答案:should not eat 7I think we ought _(discuss) the project in detail.答案:to discuss8It is high time we _(stop) talking about this silly question.答案:stopped/should stop9Id rather you _(paint) the wall green next time.答案:painted 10Next time youd better _(listen) to the weather report.答案:listen11Her family insisted that she _(rece

      3、ive) a good education.答案:(should) receive 12I suggest we _(visit) the Metropolitan Museum of Art first.答案:(should) visit13If I were you,I _(ask) him if he himself was a successful man.答案: would ask 14She demanded that he _(finish) the work within an hour.答案:(should) finish.完成句子1Id rather that you_(别抽烟) in our home.I wont.答案:didnt smoke2. You _(你应该感到羞愧)Youve created this problem.答案: ought to/should be ashamed of yourself3My teacher demanded that all of us_(应练习讲) English every day.答案:(should) prac

      4、tise speaking 4_(如果我是你),I would pay more attention to English idioms and phrases.答案:If I were you.阅读理解Famous as“the king of chefs and the chef of kings”,Auguste Escoffier helped raise the position of cooking from a laborers task to an artists job.Escoffier was born on October 28,1846,in the small village of VilleneuveLoubet,near Nice,France.Among the key figures in the boys life was his father,who worked primarily as a blacksmith (铁匠)His grandmother,an enthusiastic cook,was perhaps more responsi

      5、ble than anyone for introducing the boy to an appreciation of the delights of cooking.Young Escoffier attended the local school until age 12,upon which time his father thought it necessary that the boy learn a trade.In school he had shown a talent for drawing,yet he was told to regard this art only as a hobby,and to find his career in a more practical profession.Thus his father took him to Nice in 1859,where he would work as an apprentice (学徒) in his uncles restaurant,the respectable Le Restaura

      6、nt Francais.At Le Restaurant Francais,Escoffier was not treated as the close relative of the boss.Rather,he experienced a classically demanding apprenticeship.For this strictness of training he would later,in his memoirs (回忆录),express gratefulness.During this time Escoffier also attended night school,and had to deal with his studies as well as the demands of a promising career.When Escoffier was 19 and had taken on yet more responsibilities in his uncles restaurant,a customer recognized his skil

      7、ls and offered him work in Paris.This was the owner of Le Petit Monlin Rouge,one of the finest restaurants in Paris,where Escoffier was to become a souschef,ranking below the head chef.After three years in this position,he rose to the level of head chef,wearing the respected chefs hat.语篇解读法国烹饪大师Auguste Escoffier十几岁开始当学徒,22岁时当上了厨师长。1It was his_who first influenced Escoffier to be interested in cooking.AfatherBmotherCuncleDgrandmother解析:推理判断题。从文章第一段最后一句可以看出D项正确。答案:D2We can infer that as a schoolbo

      8、y,Escoffier might hope to be_.Aa chef Ba businessmanCan artistDa blacksmith解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的In school he had shown a talent for drawing.more practical profession可知,在学校里Escoffier显示出了绘画才华,但是他的家人让他把绘画只当作业余爱好,去从事更实际的职业。由此可推判Escoffier在学生时代可能希望成为一名画家。答案:C3Which of the following can best describe Escoffier?AHardworking. BHonest.CWarmhearted.DModest.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的During this time Escoffier also attended night school,and had to deal with his studies as well as the demands of a promising career.可知,Escoffier勤奋好学,白天饭店里的工作已经很繁重了,他晚上还要去参加夜校的学习。答案:A4What is the text mainly about?AHow to become a chef in France.BThe influence of Auguste Escoffier.CWhat an apprentice is required to do.DThe early life of a famous French chef.解析:主旨大意题。本文描写了饮誉世界的法国烹饪大师Auguste Escoffier青年时期的生活,介绍了其学生时代、学徒时期及最后在22岁时当上了厨师长的早年经历。答案:D.任务型阅读Are you feeling anxious about your test next week?Here are some tips that will help you in dealing with stress and anxiety.Study regularlyOne of the most important ways of


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