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    • 1、单元综合测评(三).阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AFor about three years now,I have been writing poetry.It was not until my junior year in high school that I developed an interest,love,and skill for writing poetry.Back in elementary school,I loved to write stories.I would write stories on postit notes and anywhere I could.Yet when I had to write a limerick (五行打油诗) for an assignment,I could not wrap my head around poetry.I had a very hard time figuring out how to rhyme words and have the words make sense.I eventu

      2、ally tossed(扔) the paper with the attempted limerick in the trash.I did not try my hand at poetry again until several years later.Many years later in my freshman year of high school,my English teacher gave my class a poetry project as an assignment.I still remembered my limerick assignment and was afraid of doing the poetry project.For the project,we had to analyze a poem and write a response to it.I chose to respond to Robert Frosts poem Fire and Ice.I also wrote my own poem first.I became real

      3、ly excited when writing the poem.Two years later,I started writing poetry,as a hobby and for fun.To learn how good or bad my poems were,I handed them in to some magazines and contests.I won second place in the North Carolina Poetry Societys Sherry Pruitt Award Contest with a poem called The Ocean,and had my two poems published as high merit (优等) poems.I have continued to write poetry,and have even selfpublished three collections of poetry in both print and ebook formats,which can be found at my

      4、store on Lulu.Now,I love writing poetry,but I dont hate writing short stories.I just find it more difficult and not my style of writing,even though I still write short stories occasionally.【语篇解读】本文作者叙述了自己的写诗经历。1When the author was a pupil,he _.Aliked writing storiesBwas good at writing poetryCcould understand poetry wellDwas often praised by his teacher【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“Back in elementary school,I loved to write stories.”可知,答案为A。【答案】A2When given the poetry project in high school,the author was _.A

      5、excitedBannoyedCconfident Dworried【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段“I still remembered my limerick assignment and was afraid of doing the poetry project.”可推断,答案为D。【答案】D3The author took up writing poetry as a hobby when he _.Awas in Grade Three in high schoolBworked as a storekeeperCwas in Grade One in high schoolDwas at college【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段“Many years later in my freshman year of high school”及第四段第一句“Two years later,I started writing poetry,as a hobby and for fun.”可推断,答案为A。【答案】ABAlan worked in an office in the c

      6、ity.He worked very hard and really wanted to take a holiday.He usually went to the seaside,but one day he saw an ad in a newspaper.“Enjoy country life.Spend a few weeks at Willow Farm.Good food,fresh air,horse riding,walking,fishing.Good prices.”“This sounds like a good idea,”he thought.“Ill spend a month at Willow Farm.Ill enjoy horse riding,walking and fishing.Theyll make a change from sitting by the seaside.”Four days later he returned home.“Whats wrong with Willow Farm?”His friend Jack asked

      7、 him.“Didnt you enjoy country life?”“Country life was fine,” Alan said,“but there was another problem.”“Oh,what?”“Well, the first day I was there a sheep died,and we had roast mutton for dinner.”“Fresh meat is the best.”“I know,but on the second day a cow died,and we had roast beef for dinner.”“Lucky you!”“You dont understand,”Alan said.“On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.”“A different roast every day,”Jack said.“Let me finish,”Alan said,“on the fourth day the farmer di

      8、ed and I didnt dare to stay for dinner!”【语篇解读】本文主要讲了Alan在乡村度假的经历,第一天一只羊死了,他与村民们吃了烤羊肉,第二天一只牛死了,他与村民们吃了烤牛肉,第三天一头猪死了,他与村民们吃了烤猪肉,第四天农场主死了,Alan吓得回来了。4Alan usually spent his holiday _.Aby the seaside Bin the countryCin the mountains Don an island【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“He usually went to the seaside”可知。【答案】A5Alan decided to spend his holiday at Willow Farm because _.A. he lived near thereBhe had a good friend thereChe thought it would make a change from sitting by the seasideDhe wanted to enjoy the fresh

      9、air in the country【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的“Theyll make a change from sitting by the seaside.”可知,因为他以前总是去海边度假,这次想改变度假的地方。【答案】C6How many days did he stay on the farm?AA few days. BA week.CThree days. DFour days.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段“Four days later he returned home.”可知。【答案】D7What made Alan return so soon?A. He fell ill.BThe air there was not fresh.CThe prices were too high.DHe was afraid that they would have the dead man for dinner.【解析】推理判断题。根据他的描述可知在他度假的地方什么东西死了就吃什么,而第四天那个农场主死了,他很害怕吃那个农场主,所以就回来了。由此可知选D。【答案】DCMr.Bean is an internationally recognized comedy character on TV and in films.He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations,which greatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationalities or culture.The humour is always made


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