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    • 1、Unit 1Cultural relics【导语】被称为“世界第八大奇迹”的俄罗斯国宝琥珀屋,二战中被德国人占为己有,后来便下落不明。多少觅宝者踏破铁鞋却一无所获。如今,琥珀屋终于完全逼真地重新建成了,而且比原来的更美。A brief history of the Amber RoomConstruction(建筑)of the Amber Room began in 1701.It was originally put at Charlottenburg Palace,home of Frederick ,the first King of Prussia.The room was designed by German sculptor(雕刻家)Andreas Schlter.Peter the Great loved the room on a visit,and in 1716 the King of Prussiathen Frederick William sent it to Peter the Great as a gift.The Amber Room was ship

      2、ped to Russia in 18 large boxes and put in the winter palace in St Petersburg as a part of a European art collection.It was first open in 1746 in the winter palace, where it was housed till 1755.In 1755,Czarina Elizabeth ordered the room be moved to the Catherine Palace in Pushkin.Italian designer Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli redesigned the room to fit into its new,larger space using extra amber shipped from Berlin.It seems hard to believe that boxes of several tons of amber could go missing,a

      3、nd many historians have tried to solve the mystery.The most basic theory is that the boxes were destroyed by the bombings(轰炸)of 1944.Others believe the amber is still in Kaliningrad,while some say it was put onto a ship and can be found somewhere at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.One of the more extreme theories is that Stalin actually had a second Amber Room and the Germans stole a fake(赝品)The history of the new Amber Room,at least,is known for sure.The reconstruction began in 1979 at Tsarskoye S

      4、elo and was completed 25 yearsand $11 millionlater.It is based largely on black and white photographs of the original Amber Room.By 2003 the great work of the Russian craftsmen had been mostly completed.Artists used close to ten tons of amber of different colours and types to recreate the Amber Room.The new room was dedicated(把献给)by Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder on the 300th birthday of the city of St Petersburg.【词海拾贝】1originally adv.起初;原来2redesign v重新设计

      5、;再设计3historian n历史学家4reconstruction n重建;再现5craftsman n工匠;技工【问题思考】阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。1In 1716 Frederick William sent the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift.()2Historians believe the Amber Room was destroyed by the bombings of 1944.()3As a matter of fact,there were two Amber Rooms.One was at the bottom of the Baltic Sea;the other was stolen by the Germans.()答案:1.T2.F3.F.将单词与其正确释义配对1rareA使吃惊;惊讶2valuable B设计;构思;图案3survive C移动;搬开4amaze D稀罕的;罕见的;珍贵的5select E装饰;装修6design F贵重的;有价值的7fancy G接待;招待会8decor

      6、ate H幸免;幸存;生还9reception I挑选;选择10remove J奇特的;想象;设想答案:1.D2.F3.H4.A5.I6.B7.J8.E9.G10.C.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_n风格;风度;类型2_prep.值得的;相当于的价值n价值;作用adj.值钱的3_n根据;证据4_adj.非正式的5_n争论;辩论vi.争论,辩论答案:1.style2.worth3.evidence4.informal5.debate.根据英语释义写出单词1_: to go down below the surface of water2_: to think that something may not be true3_: happening or existing before4_: to burst5_: a door,gate etc that you go through to enter a place答案:1.sink2.doubt3.former4.explode5.entrance.选用短语的适当形式完成句子in search of;in return;belong to

      7、;at war;less than;be designed for;serve as;agree with;take apart;think highly of1Smile at others,and youre sure to get a smile _2The house _ my aunt,but she doesnt live here any more.3These classes _ both new and experienced music lovers.4During the Second World War Germany was _ with almost all the other countries in Europe.5After I graduate,I will return to my hometown and _ a good teacher.6Today more and more young men leave their homes for the cities _ jobs with higher pay.7We all _ him,beca

      8、use he helped us many times when we were in trouble.8We shall not sell our house if the price is _ 50 million.9The boy _ the toy car,but couldnt put it together again.10She was angry because most of us didnt _ her.答案:1.in return2.belongs to3.are designed for4.at war5.serve as6.in search of7.think highly of8less than9.took apart10.agree with课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1The first owner of the Amber Room was Frederick William .()2It took the countrys best artists about twenty years to make the Amber Room.()3Peter the Great sent Frederick William a troop of his best soldiers in return for the gift of the Amber Room.()4Catherine made people move the Amber Room to a palace outside St Petersburg.()5Some of the Nazis secretly stole the Amber Room.()6The Amber Room was finally found.()答案:1.F2.F3.T4.T5.T6.F.读课文,回答问题1Which king was the Amber Room first made for?_答案:The Amber Room was made for the palace of Frederick of Prussia.2How did the Naz


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