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  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86867105
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、Period Grammar & Writing.用所给词的适当形式填空1Many new houses _(build) in the past few years.2So far no letter _(receive) from my friends.3The room _ already _(clean),hasnt it?4Such a thing _ never been _(hear) of before.5By the time you get to San Francisco tomorrow,I _(leave) for Southeast Asia.6We want to sit at the table near the window.Im sorry,but it _(take) already.7_ the letter _(send) to Mr.Black?No.Its still on the desk.8How long _ you _(employ) at this job?Since 1990.9By the time they came bac

      2、k to the United States,Toms dream _(come) true.10All the work _(finish) so far.将下列句子改为被动语态1They have put the computer into a robot._2We have finished the work now._3He has given the child some interesting books._4Have they returned the book yet?_5Over time,people have changed me a lot._6A new virus has attacked my computer._7I have made him study hard._8We havent decided when and where to hold the meeting._.单项填空1More patients _ in hospital this year than last year.AtreatedBhad treatedChad been t

      3、reated Dhave been treated2The manager says the beautiful building _ by the end of 2011.Ahas been completedBhas completedCwill have been completedDwill have completed3The window is dirty.I know.It _ for weeks.Ahasnt cleanedBdidnt cleanCwasnt cleanedDhasnt been cleaned4When and where to go for the picnic _ yet.Aare not decidedBhave not been decidedCis not being decidedDhas not been decided5Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.Ais used Bare usedChas bee

      4、n used Dhave been used6Both my brothers work at the power station that _ in my hometown.Ahas set up Bhas been set upCset up Dis set up 7All the preparations for the task _ and were ready to start.AcompletedBcompleteChad been completedDhave been completed8Some new oil fields _ since 1976.Awere opened upBhas opened upChave been opened upDhad been opened up9The silence of the library _ only by the sound of pages being turned over.Ahas been broken BbreaksCbroke Dwas broken10I _ the sports meeting mi

      5、ght be put off.Yes,it all depends on the weather.Ahave been told Bhave toldCam told Dtold.阅读理解Fans of classical music and jazz are creative,pop lovers are hardworking and heavy metal listeners are gentle,creative types who are at ease with themselves.So says Professor Adrian North of Scotlands HeriotWatt University who has been studying the links between peoples personalities (性格) and their choice of music.“People often show their sense of identity through their musical taste,wearing special clo

      6、thes,and going to certain pubs.Its not surprising that personality should also be connected to musical preference,” North said.North said it was the largest study ever of peoples musical preference and character.Researchers asked 36,518 people from around the world how much they liked 104 different musical styles before taking a personality test.“Researchers have been showing for many years that fans of rock and rap are rebellious (叛逆的),” North said.“But this is the first time that research has

      7、shown how personality is connected to a liking for so many musical styles.”The study concluded that jazz and classical music fans are creative with good selfesteem (自尊),although the former are much more outgoing while the latter are shy.Country and western fans were found to be hardworking and shy; rap fans are outgoing.Those who like soul music are creative,outgoing,gentle,at ease with themselves and have a high selfesteem.And if youve ever wondered why people driving expensive sports cars often have loud music played in their cars,North could have an explanation.“Those who choose to listen to exciting,loud music are more likely to earn more money than those who go for relaxing sounds,”he says.North is still looking f


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