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    • 1、Unit 22Environmental Protection转述结构.单句语法填空1. He said he _(not,see) his old friends for a long time.答案:hadnt seen2The teacher said that two plus two_(be) four.答案:is3“Be careful with the dog,” said he.He warned me _(be) careful with the dog.答案:to be 4.The moment I got home,my wife asked me _I had been to the hospital.答案:whether5_is reported that many people died in that car accident.答案:It6How dangerous drunkdriving is!Yes.We should try to persuade our families and friends never _(drive) after drin

      2、king.答案:to drive7Tom told his teacher that he _(be) born in 1988.答案:was8As soon as he comes back,Ill tell him when_(you,come) and see him.答案:you will come9Tiring_it might be,the military training is believed _(be) the best opportunity to make lifelong friends.答案:as;to be10We promise_attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.答案:whoever.句型转换1He said,“The story took place in the 1930s.”He said that_ _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:the story took place in the 1930s 2“My dad doesnt listen t

      3、o me when I try talking to him.” he complains.He complains_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:his dad doesnt listen to him when he tries talking to him 3“Where there is a will,there is a way.”he said.He said that_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:where there is a will there is a way4Mother asked Mary if she would stay at home and watch TV that weekend.“_ _ _ _ _ and watch TV _weekend,Mary?” Mother asked.答案:Will you stay at home;this 5. The old man asked the boy why he hadnt left with his family.“Why _ _ _with_ family?

      4、” the old man _the boy.答案: didnt you leave;your;asked6She asked me if there was a chance that I might continue with my studies.“_ _a chance that_ _continue with _studies?” she asked.答案:Is there;you may;your被动语态.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.In the last few years thousands of films_(produce) all over the world.答案:have been produced2If they win the final tonight,the team are going to tour around the city_(cheer) by their enthusiastic supporters.答案:to be cheered3This kind of wool shirt_(feel) soft and_(sell) well

      5、.答案:feels;sells4Such a terrible mistake ought not _(make) next time.答案:to be made5The library needs_(clean),but itll have to wait until Sunday.答案:cleaning/to be cleaned6Its impossible to avoid _(affect) in such stormy weather.答案:being affected 7I think it is your parents who are_(blame) for your spoiled son.答案:to blame8The discovery of new evidence led to the thief _(catch)答案:being caught9Experiments of this kind_(conduct) in both the US and Europe well before the Second World War.答案: had been c

      6、onducted 10_(tell) many times,he finally understood it.答案:Having been told.句型转换1The children will sing an English song.An English song _ _ by the children.答案: will be sung2People use metal for making machines.Metal_ _ _ making machines.答案:is used for 3They are watching the football match.The football match _ _by them.答案:is being watched 4They have sold out the light green dresses.The light green dresses_ _ _ _.答案:have been sold out 5He made me do that for him.I_ _ _ _that for him.答案:was made to

      7、do6They must do it at once.It_ _ _at once by them.答案:must be done 7He is likely to let you down.You are likely_ _ _ _.答案:to be let down 8They had built the railway by the end of last year.“The railway_ _ _ by the end of last year.”答案:had been built.任务型阅读HeadachesA headache is a pain in the head which almost everyone feels at one time or another.Almost half of all people have a headache at least once a year.Most headaches are not dangerous but they get in the way of your work and disturb your life._1_Tension (紧张) headaches usually cause a slight to strong pain in the head.Many people describe such headaches as a tightening feeling.Some headaches cause a dull pain that can last for hours.They appear anywhere from the front to the back of your head.About 20% of all headaches are migraines,which are strong headaches that can cause extreme pain._2_You will have a feeling of sickness in the stomach,and sometimes you


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