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    • 1、Unit 23 Conflict Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.单词拼写1He did not_(同意) to my proposal.答案:subscribe2He is a professor of _(雕塑) at the Academy.答案:sculpture3What he does _(与相矛盾) what he says,so I dont like him.答案:contradicts4. You need a_ (指南针) while you are walking in a forest.答案:compass5Johns salary includes a monthly clothing_ (津贴)答案:allowance6The player_(致敬) the fans before leaving the stage.答案:saluted7Only a_ (少数) of people attended the meeting.答案:handful8We must show our passports at the _(边境)答案:f

      2、rontier.单句语法填空1Although Jane agrees with me on most points,there was one on_she was unwilling to give_.答案:which;in2The teacher together with the students_discussing Reading Skills that_ newly published in America (be)答案:is;was3. The doctor has put_ a new idea on the treatment,which is well thought of by his companions.答案:forward4Does the young man standing there have possession_the company?No.The company is in_ possession of his father.答案:of;the5Have you heard Tom has got a promotion recently?Ye

      3、s,he_(appoint) as a manager last month.答案:was appointed6The first_I met him,he was working as a secretary in a big company.答案:time7A big square will be built in the part of the city where Christians and Muslims live together_ peace for centuries.答案:in8Excuse me,sir,where is Room 301?Just a minute.Ill have Bob_ (show) you to your room.答案:show9When you come to the fence,you can see a notice_(put) up there saying “Keep_the Grass”答案:put;off10Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how it came_that she was tw

      4、o hours late on such a short trip.答案:about.完成句子1据说那位女孩有教残疾儿童的天赋。The girl is said to_.答案:have a gift for teaching disabled children2第一次亲眼看到九寨沟,我就被它的美丽迷住了。_with my own eyes I was spellbound by its beauty.答案:The first time I saw Jiu Zhaigou 3史密斯先生外出度假时,他的房子被人破门而入。Mr Smith _while he was away on holiday.答案:had his house broken into 4你不应该看不起残疾人。You shouldnt _the disabled.答案:look down upon 5每个人都应当遵守合同,信守诺言。One must honor the contract and_.答案:keep his word.完形填空There were about fifteen of us drawing and

      5、writing with chalk (粉笔) to spread hopeful messages in front of a railway station.We _1_with only about ten adventurers but as the momentum (动力) _2_,we gained more energy,creative inspiration,and people,In the beginning,many people stopped _3_because they were curious about our actions,Later when we went on to chalk up some_4_colors and phrases on the floor,more people came over to see what we were_5_doing.I wrote on the floor,“Hope:there is nothing stopping you.”One particular man came out of th

      6、e station,_6_as if he had a tiring day.Although it was crowded,he _7_to get close to us to_8_the writing on the floor.He had a _9_on his face.He was looking carefully and nodding his head.He seemed very interested,_10_I went over to him and asked him to join us.The natural_11_of most people who_12_,including him,was,“No,I dont have _13_.I have other plans this evening.Thank you so much.” I left him with a _14_,“Well,its up to you.” Then I continued to chalk up on the floor.About fifteen minutes

      7、later,I_15_ and found he was still around,clearly _16_by us.He talked to someone on the phone,and I supposed he was _17_his plans for the evening.He then came over and said,“I think I do have a _18_to spread after all.”I gave him a piece of chalk and he _19_his own chalking spirit.Now,what is yours?Get a piece of chalk and _20_the chalking spirit from one to another today!语篇解读包括作者在内的15个人从事一项特殊的公益活动:用粉笔画画或写字,以让过路的人们传达充满希望的消息并激励他人。1A.started BstudiedCplayedDleft解析:根据前句中“about fifteen of us”和本句中“ab

      8、out ten adventurers”可知,这里是指这项活动开始时的人数。答案:A2. Adisappeared BmissedCstoppedDincreased解析:根据句中“we gained more energy,creative inspiration,and people”可知,他们的动力增加了。答案:D3A.simply BdifficultlyCsimilarlyDluckily解析:根据句中“they were curious”可知,开始时人们仅仅是因为出于好奇才停下来观看。答案:A4A.disappointing BcheerfulCeasy Dfrightening解析:根据首句中“hopeful messages”和句中“more people came over” 可知,他们画的颜色和写的字很令人振奋。答案:B5A.slowly BsecretlyCpossibly Dreally解析:看到漂亮的颜色和字,很多人走过来看看他们真正在做什么。答案:D6A.lying BappearingCsounding Dpretending解析:根据句中“as if he had a tiring day”可知,那个人看起来很疲惫。答案:B7A.refused BagreedCsupposed Dmanaged解析:根据句中“Although it was crowded”和下文内容可知,他设法靠近一些。答案:D8A.clean BreadCprotectDremember解析:根据下文“He was looking carefully”可知,他靠近一些是为了看地上的画和字。答案:B9A.smile BtearCdoubt Dworry解析:根据下文“nodding his head”可知,他很满意,脸上应该露出了微


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